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<br /> . 1 Q9 nnd Is
<br /> TH18 ASSIaNMENT UF RENTB RIOER Is mtd�1nd �xsCUlld this 28t11 day o4 Februarv �--�
<br /> hcorpont�d Into and ehaN h� dNn'Nd to em�nd tnd �uppkmsnt lhe Mortpape or Deed of Tmat, her¢Inafter roterrad to se tho "Security
<br /> In�Wmw�t", of th� �amo dtt� ylvai by th� und�rdpud, hw�in�tla ntand ta u Qh� "Bortowo►'� to aeoure BoROww's Ind�btodn�ss,
<br /> hsnhaft�r rolomd to as th�"Note",to ""'TED NEBRASKA BANK �
<br /> , heninafter rolerred to aa ths 'lsndu, ot th� stme date and covsrhp th�
<br /> prop�rty d��cribcd !n the Sscurky Insitimeet and bcttad nt:
<br /> •=- �"�� 107 E 2Q� H . Q A D �L.A►ND E 88801
<br />• � � •:,:�w% (Proptny Addntp
<br /> . �.r,�
<br /> �,�,....�..•r1�.
<br /> _ WI'fNESSETH: :.
<br /> WHEREAS, Borrowor and Lender have apteed thnt �ny raits end profka attrbutable to the property should constkute addftbnal aecurity
<br /> to the Lender for the payment of the Note; -°"�:='
<br /> ..�s,�:=�-
<br /> N01N,THEREFO�E,It 13 apr.ed that tho 39CUrky Inewment ehaq be emandad heroby and eleemed to hotude the foibwk►p provisbne: ::.,_
<br /> �'�.ry:__.
<br /> 1, o-`-nrr�t of Fio,�ts nnd L�dar Rentel Gol►BCtk�n_RWhts. Bortower hereby absolutey and uncondkbnaiy assfpns 4N rAnts, tseuea � �.__
<br /> ^ `� and profks of tha prope�ty to BenefiaNry. Le�tle►ehall have the rlpht, power snd Aulhorky durhp the oonthuanca of the Sscu�ily Instrument _--
<br /> � t� to aolMct the rontt, beuea and profka of the propertY and ot my personal property bceted theroan wkh or wRhout t�ichp poas�asbn ot ths , _
<br /> �., ---
<br /> !�. propeRy Yffuotsd heroby. Lender.hawever�herobY Canser►ts to Borto�:ere ool49otton and retentbn of suoh rents, Issues�nd protkt aa th�y �
<br /> . � accraie end b�aoms payabk, so bnp pe Bonower b not, at such time� h defauR wNh respect to paymont of any Ind�btodness seourod ,�Yr
<br /> .`� hereby,or h the peAormance of any epree�nent hereunder. _
<br /> �;;�,:t..� _�.;
<br /> 2. epoolntm4nt of Rscslver. I(eny event af doftuk In rosp�ot to the Socurky Instrumer►t shall have occurted and be conthuhp,Lender, �-'-"
<br /> ' ae 4 rt►etter of ripht and wNhout notice to Bor►awer or anyons olaimhp undar Borrower.and wNhout repard to th�valus of the Wst est�te or �_
<br /> th�ht�t of th�Borrow�►thon�, shaN haw the rqht to�ppN to�ny court havhp Ju�isdbtbn to appoht a rsc�l+rsr of the propYrty. ��_°��
<br /> 3. �ht to Poseessbn. In case ot dWauk h th� payment ot the said Grhoipel Note or Interest,or any part thoreof,as R shaY mature, E:=:_
<br /> �'�"'I or b th� cais of hilun to kwp or parfortn any of tho oonwnante or ayreaments contahed In th�Securicy Instrumeet, then th� Und�r, ks —
<br /> auccators or assipns, shaN bs and bs hxeby �ulhorined tnd wnpowered to teks h�m�dkte poasessbn ot th� sald pr«niaa thsrsh
<br /> „ , � d�tcrbed and to ooNeat tha nnts theratrom,end to oppy the proceeds thoreot to the payment ot tha Note.
<br /> .----�:���FF�� lwct tn nayment of the aosta
<br /> ' 4. BpoYc�tbn of Heote Isn��s end ProfRn. AN rente coMected by i.ender or ins �o�o� o
<br /> He
<br /> o} m�nap�nmt o! th� proparty md coWctbn of rente, inaludinp, but not IlmNed to, recehrers taes� PremWma on recsiver's bonds end
<br /> .�.� , trtswwbb attom�y's i�s,and thon to the aums sacurod by the Securky Instrument. Lend�and the recelver shall be Ikble to acaount ony
<br /> _. tor thos�rsnte actuaky r�cehrad.
<br />- Y�;:��,j.. 6. �onslr��t{on ot Provislons. Each oi the provlsbns conulned In thfa Asaqnrnont of Fients Rider and the Seaurty IntWmmt shaN,
<br />-?•,;�,#:, unf�s� oth�rwka sp�clficaly rsqulrod, ba aonstru�d in acaordanca wkh NebnsW law, and in th� wrent eny provisbn heroh o1 th�nk�
<br />-�,r�:;} �onqln�d shc1 be dKarmh�d by a eourt of competent Jurisdiotbn ro be unenkrceable. lhe eartw shaN be aonauu�d ae thouph suoh
<br /> �;r;;:�:. unmfonCMblr proviabn wKS not part hereot or theroof.
<br />-_.�;-�-� ••� � y me�►t of Rant4 Ridw or by my oth��ppNcsbM
<br /> '- '•'�� 6. fhot o} Ridx. Exc�pt as s IRctly modNled b or tnconsistent wkh thk Asalpn
<br />--=��:,�,,,::_�� �.
<br /> -:�::�-.•s� rW�r,aN ot th�t�rms md provbbns aonuliod h tho Sacurfry InsUumsnt ehaN oonthue h tuN lorca uid aff�at.
<br /> — ` �q'"� IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,BortowK 1us oxacutod thb Assqnment of Renta on the date tiret notsd ab
<br />-?��� i _.
<br />—"' AH4E D R THER
<br /> _;•,'_"!�^�'� 8orrow�r � -�._._
<br />— Y-'�� h �� �f F�—_=
<br /> •=��,s� O/-�`�
<br /> ��� � tt
<br /> -- eorrow�r
<br /> .�� —
<br /> �"���
<br /> -� -'= '`� S7'ATE OF NEBEiASKA
<br /> _�.-�:T;':''�_°_w-- � sa:
<br />��..: �,,.-�'�.;. � COUNTY OF HALL -
<br /> v,_r -
<br /> .,� On thl� Z$th d�y ot Februarv . 1997 • betora me,the undernqned,a Notery Pubib duy uommisebnsd and =,
<br /> � ' � quautwd(or sab coun ry,personaey carrw CHARLES b i�OTHER AND KATRINA M qOTHER HUSBAND ANO W�F�• t o �r --
<br /> � b0 tha Idonttcal person(e)whoae neme(e)IsJ aubscrbed to the torogoln0 naWment,and he/sheJthoy acknowled9e the executbn thereaf ��::
<br />