�� /��
<br /> D��r� R�coRD No.�
<br /> ss. On tnis lOth da;� of October, A. D. 1947 before me, HAZEL
<br /> City and County of San Francis co) E. THOrSPSON, a notar�r �ubli c in ancl for the City an�.
<br /> County of San Francisco, State of Californi�,, residing
<br /> therein duly commissioned and s�Torn, Personally ap�e:�red Rc�bert Louis Harders and Dawn Harders, his
<br /> wife known to me to be tne nersons whose names are subscribed to the withi:n Instrument, and
<br /> acknowledged to me tha_t they execuUed the same.
<br /> Il�? '^TITNESS ?n�;EFEOF, I ra,ve hereunto set my hand ane� affixed my official seal the d�y and ye�r
<br /> in thi� Certifica.te first a_bone t�rritters.
<br /> (SEAL) HaZel E. Thom?�son
<br /> Nota..,ry Public In and for the City and County
<br /> P��y Commission Ex?�ires Octo'oer 14, 195G. of San Francisco, St�te of C�,lifornia -
<br /> Lobby-Financial Center Building
<br /> �05 Montgomery Street-S�,n Franciseo, �
<br /> �TATE OF z�?EBRASKA) On this 2nd d�y of Octaber, 1Q47, befare me, a Not�r�r Public within,
<br /> S5 and for said County, nersorlally ca,rle I�innie Kro�er and A. T. Kroger,
<br /> HALL COTJI�TY ) her husband, Anna Fairbanks and C. A. Fairbanks, her husband,
<br /> Lou3.se P�IePZullen and H. R. t�cl�Sullen, her husbanc3, Luella. 1��cYinney and
<br />' ���tal t er �I K n h = � . *
<br /> c in ey, er husband, Harr� Klopnenburg an� P�ildred. Klo�nenburg, his �rife, Leona ��iese and
<br /> Rudie ?�iese, her husband, �'velyn To?�anaend a.nd Frank Tor,�nsend, her husband, to me kno�an to be the
<br /> identical �ersans whose n�mes are affixed to the instrument on the reverse side hereof a.s �ra.ntors,
<br /> and severally ackno�aleaged the execution of the sane to be their voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> j r�ur�oses therein expressed.
<br /> In witness T�Y�ereof, I riave hereunto subscribed my name ar.d affixed my official se�l at
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> I4 Herbert F. Mayer,
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Publie.
<br /> I� M commis�ion ex ires Ma 1 19 0.
<br /> Y p Y T, .5
<br />� STATE OF C�REGON ) � �� �
<br /> SS On this 4 clay of October, 1�47, before me, a Notary Public witc��in
<br /> Columbia COUP3TY ) and Por said County, nersonall.y cam� 4�1111 Harders and Christina
<br /> Harders, his T-,�if e, �tiTho are personally kno�:�m to me to be th.e
<br />� identical persons whose names ase affixed to the instrument on tr�e reverse side hereof as grantors -
<br />'�I ana� they sever�.11y acknozti=lec�ged said instrument to be their volunt�,ry a.ct ancl deed.
<br /> I '�Titness my ha.nd and notaria.l se�.l the da.te last aforesaid.
<br /> Gordc�n G. Larson
<br />,� (SEAL) Notary Public for Oregon
<br /> My commission Exnires June �, 1q51.
<br /> ss. On this oth c�ay of �ct A. D. 1�47, before me Joseph I.
<br /> County of San Francisco) Cilmore a No'tary Public in and for s�id County and State
<br /> residing therein, duly commissionea and �worn, person�lly
<br /> a.p�eared Inez May H�rders, a ?�tidow, Elliott Harders & '�lil7_i�m RobertHarders, both unmarried
<br /> known to me to be the nersons TfTno se na.mes a.re subscribec� to the T�rithin finstrument, and aek-
<br /> I nowledGed to me tha,.t they executec� t�le same.
<br /> lii I�� trtIT�1E5S '�.,�-'_E:�EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official �e�.,1 �he day a.nd
<br />;
<br /> year in this certificate first above ?�rritten.
<br />� ( SEAL) Joseph I. G1lmore
<br /> i� Not�ry Public in �nd for said
<br />� County and State.
<br /> My Commission Ex�irea Jan. �, . i951.
<br /> i Farm 103 - R. C. Fox, �
<br />' 1707 Parl�er Street,
<br />�� Berkeley, Calif.
<br /> I� Filed far record the 3 da;� of hlarch, 19�� a.t 1:30 o ' clock P.M. ;�,_�� �
<br /> Register of eeds.
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