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����.� <br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> R6080—The Augustine Co., Grand Isla.nd, Nebr. <br /> vaca.tin� �.l.l of that uart of the s�i� A. B. Perkins Su'udivision of tile Soutneast �u�rter (SE�) �f <br /> Section i'�elve (12) ToTanship Eleven (11) R��nve Ten (14) , �.r�d tr��.t �art of the aforementioned <br /> Valentine Par;�, bein�� a. Subdivision oi 31oc'� T��relve (12} embr�.ced in �.nd connecte� =-�ith Blocks <br /> 6, 7, �, 9, 10, 15, �nd l� �.nd Blocks 11, 13 �n� 14 of �1ie s�id A. B. Pe?^kins Subdivision f�.nc� Lots l, 2, <br /> 3, �, 5, 6 ; 7, � and 9 of s�,id Valentine P�ax'�, beiti�, a aubaivision of Block T�•relve (12) of the s�id <br /> A. B. Perkins Su'pdivision, to�;ether �,�itn �,11 str�ets, ��11e�I'R��Js �nc? E�ublic �;rounds connected -1Ti�h, <br /> �.�?��urtenant to ancl T�*.�ich TM1,r�re dedicatea, laid o��t or ;ra.ntea to the ��ublic as hereinbef'ore <br /> describe�. <br /> AivD ?�1H�^R�AS, Luther Pope is noT�r tl�e owner, in fee, of a.11 said ��roperty embraced in the <br /> afore�entioned Valentine Parl� Subdivision as <�bove described, includin�; Lot Number Ten (10) oP the <br /> said Valentine Park Su'bc�ivision; <br /> A:1D �•rHFREAS, since the pl�.ttin� arlc? c?�edic2.tin�, of the said A. �. Perkins Subdivision �nd <br /> Valentine Park Subdivision af ores�id, none of said l��nd dedica.ted to the ��ui�1i� in the �l�tting <br /> and dedicating of Valentine Park Su'odivisioi� ha.s in �,ny T�,r�y l�een used btr the ;,ublic, none of saic� <br /> streets ^nd other pu�lic laiid h�ve been irn��roved, �nc� ��.ic� entire �laler.tine Park SuUdivision h�s <br /> a.t all times since said deaication been u�e�l �,nd occupied f�r farminvT ��ur��oses exclusively �i�c?_ <br /> has been conveyec� <�.na rnort�<�.�ed �as sucn an� neither the County of Nall r7or the ��ublic h;�ve m�de any <br /> claim T�ah�,tsoever to tlze stre�ts a.nd other ��ublie l�n�� so �edicated, but on the contrary said l�r�as ' ; <br /> h�ve been use� only for th? ?�ur7�ose of f�rmin� anc? h��ve bee.� held �s such from sai� d�tes of <br /> ded.ic�tion u� to �he Y�r�sent ti�ie; <br /> �T��pl `PH.'�='EFQRE, the said Lutlier Po�e, �. sial�le ,�erson, beinE�� the fee o��rner of �11 of Valentine <br /> Park Subdivision includin� Lot Ten (10 tliereof, does b�r t�ese -�resent� v�.cate all streets, alley's <br /> �.nc� otner l:�nr�. dec�ie�tec� to �he r�ub�ie in V�.lenti�le Park, a Su'bc?ivision of }31oe:� m?��elve (12) of <br /> A. B. Per�in� 5u'�division ^f the �o�athe�st �,taartPr ( SE4) of Seetion Twelve (1�) Township Eleven (11) <br /> Range 1en (10) , '��Te�t �f thP 6th P. ��2, in Hall Cr�unty, r�ebras'_,a. <br /> ��ti�nes5 the h�.nd of t'r1P_, s�id Lutner Pone �t Gr�nc1 Isl�-,�c?,, Hall �ounty, r•Te1�r��s'_�a, this 2�-th day <br /> of October, 19�+7. <br /> Car�. F. `A�illard Luther Po�e , <br /> 7^Ii�tness - � <br /> STAi E OF :�'EBRASKA) <br /> SS: On ttlis 2?� d��y of October, 19�7, before me, a. Notary Pablic in �n�. for <br /> COr?NiY OF HALL ) s�,id County, t�ersona.11y ;�T�peared Luth�r �'ope T�Tho is to rne �nosan to be <br /> a �in,�le person anc ���e r�ers�n -�T��o h�.s affixed llis si�n�ture �o the <br /> fore;oin� instrutnent, and he �c'�no?ATledged t'r�e executiori t'�:ereof t� be hi� voluntary �et �n� deed <br /> for t'r1e pur?�oses tnerein innic�ted. <br /> Carl E. �lillard <br /> � ( SEAL) Not�.r; Public. <br /> My commission ext�;yres on t;ie 5th d�y c�f Sei�te:��aer, 1953. <br /> Filed for recorc? ti�e 25 c_�.y of October, �947 at 11: 55 0 � clocj A.M. <br /> Re�;ister of Deeds.�- <br /> p-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�J-�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-^-O-�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-�-O-C�-O-O-O <br /> QUI T CLAIT: DEED <br /> i <br /> THIS INDE�?TURE made tnis 15th c���r of Au��st, 1947, bPt���ePn Anna F�.irbanks a.nd C. A. Fr�irb.�.nks, <br /> her husb�nd, Rlinnie Kro�er �nd A. T. Kroger, her h��sb�n�i., '+Till Harders �.nc� Christine Harders, his <br /> ?,�ife, Luella I�•2cKinney' ?`:'�.lt r ��2cKinney, her husb�nd, Louise �-icMullen �.nd H. R. P-�c��ullen, her <br /> husband, �:�rry Klo��r�Pnbur; �..n -41.ldred Kloppenbur�, his t��rife, Leona T�iese �,nd Rudy `-�Tiese, her <br /> husband, Elliott �:�:.,rders unm� ried, s�illiam Robert H�r��ers unmarried, ��.nd Robert Louis Harders and <br /> Dawn Harders, his zaife, being �n,ith the �°ra,ntee herein�ftPr named, �11 of tihe heirs-�,t-l�tti* �.na <br /> i�� ' r ' tne first n rt anc3 Ev 1 n <br /> s � r tn H ra rs dec secl na tles of a, e <br /> their res�ective spou e�, of ar�a e a, a e , ea , ; _ , Y <br /> Totanser�d, t�art�,r of the secor.d p��rt. <br /> Y�TIT�JESSETH: That t�_e saic? ����rties of tne first T��_rt, in con�ider�tio;i �f tt�le sum �f T�ry;er.ty- <br /> five Hunc�red Doll�rs (�'2500.00� to Lts cZuly v�.ici, the receipt t�rhAreof is hereby ac��noj�Tled�ed, have <br /> remised, rele��ec� �n� nuit cla.i�ned, anc� 1�y �he5e ,�resents c�o for ourselves, Qur heirs, exectztors <br /> �nc1 administr�tors, rer^ise, rel?�se �nel forever c�uit cla.irn a,rid convey urito the said ��arty of the <br />� secnnd nart, �n� to her heirs and �ssi�;ns forever, a�l of our ri�ht, titie, interest, e�tate, cla.irr. <br /> �nd de?��nd, bc�th at .laT�r ?.nc? in e�uit,y, �f in �nd to �11 of <br /> Lot Ei�ht (�) in '�lock Four (�-) of South Gr?nd I�lan�, bein�; z ?���rt of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) <br /> of Seetion Twenty-t?�ro (22) in To=�nshi?� Eleven (11) North, R�n�e ��ir.e � 9) , in H,�;.11 Co'unt�T, Nebra.���a <br /> To�ether �arith �11 a.nd sin�ular tne hereditaments thereL�nto belon�;in�. <br /> TO H�VE A"?D �'0 HOL� tre a.bove descri�ed ��remises unto the s�.id Evel;Tn ToT�:�nsFnc�, h�r heirs <br /> a.nd assi;ns; so t'r_�t nei��"�er T:Ye trie �rantors, or a.ny ��erson in our n�t:�e ��nd beha.lf, sh�ll or <br /> �Pr�.11 h�re�fter clai^� or cteMa_�� �ny r. i�ht or title to t'ne s�ia �remises or anv ���.rt thereof, bu� <br /> they �nd evPr�; rne of them ,h�11 by these ;;�resAnts be excluded �n� farever ?��rred. <br /> In �:��itness ?�T��Areof`, the sa.ic� narties of trle f'irst nart h��ve nereunt� set our hanc�s � se�1s <br /> t��e d�y anct year �b�ve ��Tritten. <br /> S^�ill Harders Anna Fairbanks <br /> riristine .�.r ers . A. Fairbanks <br /> ( � . .R. S a,mps ) P�innie ro�er eona `��iese <br /> ( Cancelled ) A. ro�er Rudy "+Ii?se <br /> Harr• K�O?:?JeT1�UT'r?' Flliott H�rders <br /> F�ilc re _ o�x�en u'6 r�� li�:� o ert ar ers <br /> Luella. .�c nney Robert Louis a,rders � <br /> ���a ter �?c inney awr. �r ers <br /> ouise "��c �.ullen <br />�� H. . r�cp�ullen � <br /> . <br />�, <br />