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<br /> �£f �.P
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr. h
<br /> V 1•
<br /> All good,�, wares, merchandise, inventories and. supplies owned by the Grantor, including, but
<br /> not limited to, the following: Al1 elevators, sprinkler systems, scales and weighers, bag se�ing
<br /> machines, filling Maehines, stripnin� machines, shovels, seoops, rnotors, starting switches,
<br /> hoists, eleaners, haulers, rnixers, reels, separators, milla, lo�.ders, sackers, sizing machines,
<br /> seed x�olishers, hovners, conveyors, pulleys, beltin�, shaYting, air comx�ressors, spreaders,
<br /> threshers, dust coll,ector�, electric wiring, p�nel boards, switches, ata,rters, conduit�, cables, '
<br /> taols and supplies, also all office furniture, fixtures, su?�t�Iies and plant furniture, fixtures and
<br /> supplies, �.11 automobiles �nd motor trucks and all fixtures and meehanieal equipment �f every kind
<br /> or nature and �ahPresoever located.
<br /> VII.
<br /> � All contracts, leases, dem�nds and contr�,et rights of aI1 kind belonging to the Gr�antor, and
<br /> all other property, rights, �rivileges, franchises, Iicenses, easements and permits of any and
<br /> every kind �nd description, real, person�.1 and mixed, of the Gr�,ntor, wheresoever the same may be 6.
<br /> situ�.ted and not hereinbefore specified or referred to, with all tenements, hereditainents �,nd
<br /> � appurten�.nces thereunto belonging or in any*,rise a�pertaining, and the reversion and reversions,
<br /> remainder anc� remainders, rents, issues, profits and proceeds thereo�, and a11 of the estate,
<br /> right, title, interest, claim �.nd dema.nd ?ah�.tsoever of the Grantor, either at law or in equity, in
<br /> possession, or expectancy of, in or to the sar�e and tvgether also ��rith all rights now or hereafter
<br /> held by or vested in the Grantor in any and a11 streets, highways, railway tracks �nd easements
<br /> appurtenant thereto.
<br /> TO HAVE A�D TO HOLD all said properties and rights, real, personal and mixed, tog�ther caith
<br /> all the tenements, hereditarnents and appurten�.nees to the same belonging and all of the est�te,
<br /> title, claim and dem�,nd whatsoever of the Grantor of:,: in or to the same or any part thereof and
<br /> th r t r �h - N b G s rs nd s i ns do s her b oven nt
<br /> e G an o e e raska Seed omnan for itself its st�eces o a a s e e c a
<br /> , Y , g � Y
<br /> -
<br /> s�iith the gaid United Seeds Inc. , and its successors and assigns that it is lawfully seized of' said
<br /> premises and property, that they are free from encumbrances except,
<br /> (a} The lien of a.11 current taxes and assessr�ents ( ineluding drainage assessments, if any), not
<br /> delinquen� at the d�.te hereo�'�
<br /> (b) Mortgage dated June 14, 19�-�-, recorded June 15, 19�-�+ in Mort�age soox �99, Page 569 oP the
<br /> Records of Douglas County, Nebrasl�a, made by The Nel�raska Seed Com;�any to Guarantee Mutual Life
<br /> Company of Omaha, Nebraska, mortga,gin a ��ortion of t'rle �remises described in granting clause II
<br /> hereof, to secure an indebtedness oP �125, 000, of which the amount of ��9,000 remains unpaid �.s
<br /> oP the da�e hereof, �uhieh the Gr�,ntee herein �,ssumes and agrees to nay; 7.
<br /> (c) Ter�s, nrovisions, conditions and. limitations contained in the lease described in granting
<br /> elause II her eof, �.11 of �ahich the Grantee herein assumes and agrees to perform:
<br /> that it has good right and la�aful authority to seli the same and that it �aill warrant and defend
<br /> the s�,me unto tne said United �eeds Inc. and its successors �,nd assigns forever against the
<br /> lawful claim �f �ny persons ��homsoever.
<br /> And for the consideration �,fores�.id, t�e Grantor hereby evnveys, quit claims, assigns,
<br /> transf ers �.nd sets �rver unto the Grantee, �11 its ri�ht, title and interest in and to all and
<br /> singular tile f'ollowing described properties, that is to say:
<br /> A.
<br /> Pfzr eel,�].:
<br /> In Union ounty, Ioraa.
<br /> Lots 26 and 27 in PdeDonald�s South Addition to Creston, according to the recorded Plat thereof.
<br /> Parcel 2:
<br /> n ti oodbury County, Iowa.
<br /> Th�t certain leasehold estate created by Indenture of LPase dated December 1�, 194� and recorded on
<br /> August 7, 19�-7, in Book 543, Page 20�, of the Records of Woodbury County, �owa, from Leona J.
<br /> Nicolson, as lessor, demising and lea.sing to The Nebr�.sk�, Seed Compa.ny the premises in t��e City
<br /> of Sioux city, County of Woodbury and �tate of Iowa, described as :
<br /> Beginning at a, p4int in the North line of Grand Avenue, three hundred nine and six tenths feet
<br /> (309. 6' ) West of the intersection of the" said Nortn line of Grand Avenue and the West 3ine of �.
<br /> Jones Street as measured along the said North line of Grarld Avenue; thence Nor�h a,t ri�ht angles
<br /> to the said North line of Granc� Avenue, one hundred forty-three feet (143 ' ) to a uoint eight and
<br /> one-half (�2' ) from the center line of the Illinois Centr�.1 Railroad spur tr�.ck as measured at
<br /> right angles tnereto; thence South ��esterly at an angle of t�irty-five (j�j) degrees ��renty-five
<br /> �2�5) m3.nu�es right, sixty-five and eight-tenths feet (65.� ' ) to a point eight and one-half feet
<br /> (�z' ) from the center line of the Illinois Gentral Railroad said spur 'Grack as measured at right
<br /> angles thereto; thence continuing Southerly at an angle of twenty-t�;�ro (22) degrees and twenty-five
<br /> (25) m�nutes left, eighty-eight feet (�� ' ) , more or less, to a point in the North lzne of Gr�.nd
<br /> Avenue; thence a.lon� the North line of Grand Avenue fifty-five feet (55 � ) to the point oP beginning,
<br /> containing five thousand ninety ( 5, 090) sc�uare feet, more or less,
<br /> for a term of nine (9) years and ten (10� monti�s from the lst day of August, 1944 to the 31st day oP
<br /> M$y, 19���-.
<br /> B.
<br /> In Hall County, Nebr�,ska.
<br /> That certain leasehold estate created b;� an unrecorded Indenture of Le�.se c�.ated April 15, 1942,
<br /> from Union Pacific Railroad Com�any, as Lessor, demisin� and lea.sing to The Nebra=.k� �eed Company
<br /> prer�ises at Grand Islanc�, Hall County, Nebraska, therein described com�rising a rectangul�r tract
<br /> of l�.nd 109.1 ' x 131.�' at Greenwich and North Front Streets and the right of way of Lessor far �
<br /> term commencing January 14, 1942 to an d including January 13, 1952.
<br /> AlI ��aithout covenants of warranty of any kind. � 9.
<br /> Grantee herein assumes payment of tne debts and obligations and the perf'ormance aP contracts
<br /> of the Grantor �urs�ant to tne Plan of Reorganization above set forth.
<br /> This Indenture may be simult�,neously executed in �.ny number of counterparts and all said
<br /> counterparts e�ecuted a.nd delivered, each as an origi�al sh�,ll constitute but one �.nd the same
<br /> instrument.
<br />