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���� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Isla.nd, Nebr. � <br /> In Holt County, Nebraska. <br /> a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Nineteen (19) , Township <br /> Twenty-nine (29) North, Range Eleven (11) , '�*est of the 6th Principal ��eridian, described as follows: 2. <br /> Beginning at a point thirty-three t33) feet East and Thirty-three (33> fee� North from the <br /> Southwest corner of said Section Nineteen ( 19) ; thence North Four hundr�d ninety-five (495) feet; <br /> thence East Four hundred f'orty (�-�+0) feet; thence South� Four hundred ninety-Pive (�+95) feet; thence <br /> West Four hundred forty (440} feet to the place of beginning. <br /> Parcel 2: <br /> In Mad3�son County, Nebraska. <br /> All that part of Block N�ne (9) oP Koenigstein 's Third Addition to Norfolk, in Madison County, <br /> Nebraska, more narticularly deseribed as follows: � <br /> Be�;inning at a point One xundred Forty one (141� feet North of the Southeast" corner of said <br /> Block; thence ?�'est at right an�les to the East line of said Block to tne right-of-way oP the Union <br /> Pacific Railroad Company; thence in a. Northeasterly direction along said righ'G-of-way to the <br /> extreme North point of said B1ock; thence 8outh along th e East line of said Block to the place oP <br /> beginning. i <br /> II. <br /> That certain leasehold estate created by an unrecorded Indent�.zre of Lease, dated November 2, <br /> 19�4, Yrom A.alston Operation Company, as lessor, demising a.nd leasing to The Nebraska Seed Company, <br /> as Iessee, the premises in Douglas County, Nebraska, described as: <br /> Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block fifty-seven (57) � <br /> All that p�rt of Lot ten (10) in Block fifty-eight (5�) lying South of' t'r:e South line of Burlington <br /> Street extended East and between the line of Lot One �1) in Block fifty-seven (57) and the , <br /> Industrial Tract right of way; 3. <br /> Lots ten (10) , eleven (11) anc� twelve �12� in block fifty-nine (59) ; <br /> All that parcel of real estate described as follows to-w3t: Beginning at a point on the Southerly <br /> line oP Block sixty-one (61) in Ralston, seventy-eight and seven tenths (7�• 7' ) Soutn ttlest of the <br /> South East corner thereof, said point being thirty feet (30 ' ) ��testerly oP the Westerly right of <br /> way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; thence South ��Testerly along the Southerly line of Blocks <br /> si�ty-one (61) a.nd fifty-nine (59) , six hundred ten Yeet (610 ' ) to the South ��lest corner oY Lot <br /> eleven (11) in Block fifty-nine (59) aceording to the pla.t of Ralston as surveyed, platted and <br /> recorded; thence South ��lesterly fourteen f�et (114-' ) �o a point thirty. feet (�0 � ) North of the <br /> Northerly right of way 13ne of the C.B. & Q. Railroad; thence Easterly on a line thirty feet (30 ' ) <br /> North of and parallel to the Northerly ri�ht oP t,ray line of the C. B. & Q. Rai7.road, three hundred <br /> twelve feet (312 ' ) ; thence North Ea.sterly by a curve to the left with a radius of eighty-five <br /> fePt (�5 � � �, distance of sixty-five and five-tenths feet (65.5' ) more or less to a point thirty <br /> feet ( 30' ) North Westerl ;r of the Westerly right of �aay of the ��issouri Pacific Ra,ilroad; thence <br /> North Easterly three hundred f eet (300 ' ) on a line p�rallel with the �desterly ri�ht of way line of <br /> the saic� Missouri Pacif ic Railroad to the place of beginning, being a paf�t of the Terminal right <br /> of way bet�aeen Blocks fifty-nine �59) t sixty (60) and sixty-one (61) and a �art of Block sixty <br /> (h0) , also all of Block Sixty-one (611 , � � <br /> all of said lands and lots being located in the Vi11a�e of Ralston, Dougl�.s County, Nebrask�, <br />�� A L;:`.��_�0 <br /> That nart of the Terminal right of tirray in Ralston, DQU�;las County, N bra.ska, lying between Il,ot <br /> ten (10� , in Block fifty-eight (5�) and Lots eleven (11) �nd tT,�elve �12) in Blo�k fifty-nine (59) <br /> and all that part of said Terminal right of way lying between the West line of Lot two (�� in block <br /> fifty-seven (57) extended due South and the East line of Lot One (1) in Block Fifty-seven (57) <br /> extended due South consisting of a strip of �round known as the Terminal right of way in the <br /> Townsite of R�.lston, Dougl�.s County, Nebrask�., sub�ject, hoti�aever, to the ri�ht of the Village of <br /> Ralston to permit railroad companies to maintain a,nd use trackage on said Terminal property for the <br /> �ur�ose of serving any and a.11 pro��erty o�aners ad,jacent to any part of the ��rhole of sald Terrainal <br /> right of way in the To��nsite of Ralston, Dougla.s County, Nebraska. �+. <br /> A L S 0 <br /> The North eighty feet (�0 ' ) of Lot ten (10) in Block fifty-ei�ht (5�) in the Village of Ralston <br /> as surveyed, platted and recorded, together with �11 rights of ingress �nd egress as to ad,joining <br /> pronerty and all easements of rights of possession or use of �,ny ad,joining nroperty. <br /> for a term of yeax's comr�eneing November l, 194�+ a.nd expirin� an June 30, 1955. <br /> III. <br /> Mortgage d�ted November 1, 1944, and recorded June 30, 19�7, in Book 972, Page �53 of the Rscords �. <br /> in the Office of Recorder of Deeds of Douglas County, Pdebrask�., executed by Ralston Oper�.tin�� <br /> Comn�.ny to The Nebraska Seed Company, to secure an indebtedness aggre�ating ��1, 500 and conveying <br /> the �remises described in granting clause II hereof, together with the note described in a.nd <br /> secured thereby, on which, as of the date hereo�', tnere is an unpaid balance in the amount o� <br /> �$3�, 500 togethFr with interest thereon at the rate of 5� per annum accrued and to accrue. <br /> ' IV. <br /> All trade-marks, registrations thereo�, natents and interests therein or thereunder, a.nd all <br /> renewals, revisions �,nd extensions of any thereof, to�ether with any and all royalty license <br /> agreements, a.nd together also Taith the good �rill �.nd all business of t:�e grantor. 5. <br /> V. <br /> All bills notes and accounts receiv�,ble, eash on hand and in ba.nks (exee��t from said cash the <br /> amount of �750� , all shax�es of atock �nd other certificates of interest tnere9.n a.nd all bonds, <br /> notes and other evidences oP indebtedness or certificates of interest therein, and all other <br /> securities of every kind and character whatsoever now a������y the Grantor. <br />