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��(,�`.� <br /> « <br /> � DEED R�CORD NO. 89 <br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grattd Island, Nebr. h <br /> REFEREE� S DEED. <br />' KN0�1 ALL P�IEN BY 'I'HESE PRESENTS: Tha.t, whereas in an action ne�ding in the District Court of <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, Case No. 10�96, in which Lloyd A. Boeka a.nd Jeanette Boeka were plaintiffs <br /> a.nd Donald Sprague, Mary Louise Sprague, Marvin James Sbrague, l�ildred He�r�an, Albert A. Herman, ' <br /> Paul V. Rydberg and E. H. Benson were de�endants, it was among other things found, ordered a.nd <br /> deereed as fo2lows:-that said plaintiffs own as tenants in common in fee simple an undivided <br /> seventeen eighteenths (17�1�� interest in the North 245 feet of Lot 7 xnd all of Lots �`, 9 a,nd 10 <br /> in Brett� s Addition to the town oP Wood River in Hall County, Nebraska, except a strip of land off <br /> oP said Lots �, 9 and 10 conve�,�ed to the State of "lebraska for highway purj�oses described in Book 71 <br /> �.t page 6�4 0�' the deed records of said Hall County and that the said Donald S rague, Mary Louise <br /> S�rague �,nd l��arvin James Sprague each o�ans an undivided one-fifty-fourth (1/5�� interest therein as <br /> tenants in common and �jurisdiction ���.s duly acquirsd in s�id �,ction oP all parties thereto �nd that <br /> the shares and in�erests of the above named cotenants t�ere duly confirmed in the real Pstate above <br /> described and the undersigned �!ohn F. McC�rthy �,»,s duly a.ppointed referee to make ��.rtition of' said <br /> rea.l estate, <br /> And whereas, said referee made report in ?ariting setting forth that partition of said real estate <br /> could not be made without breat nre,judice to the owners thereof, t�hich re��ort was duly examined by <br /> said court and the eourt being satisfied there�rith, confirmed the same and thereupon made an order <br /> and caused tne same to be entered directing John F. McCarthy as referee to sell said premises above <br /> described to the highest bidder for cash in the ma.nner provided by law, <br /> And in �ursuance of said order said referee caused a notice to be ��ublisned in the Grand Island <br /> Daily Independent, a. newspa.per pubZished and in general circulation in said Hall County that he <br /> would offer said real estate for sale at the f ront door oP the court house in Hall County, Nebraska <br /> on Wednesday, September 3rd, 1g�+7 at 2 o 'clock P.M. and at the time and �lace stated in said notice <br /> arid after said notice had been published for more than thirty days, the undersigned referee offered <br /> said land above described at nublic auction and sold said land to said plaintiffs, Lloyd A. Boeka <br /> and Jeanetta Boeka, husband and wif e, as �joint tenants and not as tenants in common for the sum oP <br /> Twelve Hundred after a.11owing for im�rovements m�.de by plaintiffs, said purchasers being <br /> the highest a,nd best bidders therefor and afterwards, said court approved �.nd conf irmed said sal� <br /> and direeted said referee to execute and deliver to s�,id purchasers as ,joint tenants a deed conveying <br /> said real estate to them in fee simple, <br /> Now therePore, I, John F. McCaxthy, rePeree, in consideration of tn.e premises �nd of the sum oP <br /> twelve hundred dollare so bid and p�,id, do by these presents ;rant, bargain, sell a,nd convey unta <br /> said Lloyd A. Boeka and Jeanetta Boeka, as ,joint tenants and to the survivpr of them or to their <br /> asaigns the real ea.tate a,bove described �aith all the tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging <br /> to have and to hold the same as ,joint tenants wi'Gh right of survivorship a.nd to their assigns forever. <br /> In witness �uhereof, I have hereunto set my hand �s such reP�ree this 15th day of September, 19�7. <br /> Witness ( . . , t�,�p$ ) John F. McCarthy <br /> Herman F. Buckow. ( Cancelled ) Ref eree. <br /> State of Nebraska) On trlis 15" day oP Septernber, 1947, before the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> as. Public, duly cor�m�ssioned a,nd aualified for and residing in said County, <br /> Hall County ) persona,lly c�.me John F. gficCarthy, referee, to me known to be the <br /> identic�.l �erson described in and who execut�d the foregoing deed as <br /> referee and �.s grantor and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed individually and ' <br /> as such referee. Witness my hand and �iotarial Seal the date last a�ove written. <br /> Herman F. Buckow, <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My commission exr�ires Apr. 17, 1950. ���� �J� � <br /> Filed for record the 1 da.y of' October, 19�+7 at �:30 0 ' clock A.M. _ J/�-�-e-y�- <br /> egister of Deeds�— <br /> J-�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-��-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> e <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED - <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this lOth day of July, in the year 19�6, between Glen Robison, single; Harold <br /> Robison and Gladys Robison, husband and wife; Ida Bell and G. B. Bell, wife and husband; Irene <br /> Jobe and Walter Jobe, wife and husband; Ella Davison and Roy Davison, wife and husband ; Rose <br /> Ke11er and Ernest Keller, wife and husband; of the first part, and W�.11ard White, aingle, of the <br /> seeond part, <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of �1.00 and <br /> other v�,lu�ble consideration-and love and affection ----- DOLLARS, to them duly �aid, the reeeipt <br /> �' whereof ig hereby ackno�rledged, have remised, r�leased, and quit-claimed, and by these presents <br /> do for ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-claim <br /> and convey tznto the said party oP the second �art, and to his heirs and assi�ns forever, all our <br /> ri�ht, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at lat�T and in equity, of, in and to all of <br /> Lot Four (1�) , Block jhirteen (13 ) , Clarkson� s_Additi�n to tYie villa�e of Alda, Hall County, <br /> Nebrasl�a. <br /> To et��er with all and sin �lar the hereditaments thereunto belon in . <br /> g g g � <br /> TO HAVE AitiTD TO HOLD the above described �remises unto the said grantee, his �ieir� and assigns; <br /> so tha.t neither we the said grantors, nor any person in our name and behalf, shall or will hereafter ___._ ,. <br />�I clalm or demand a�y ri�ht or tit�e tothe said premises or any part thereof, but they and every one <br /> of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WZTr1ESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal <br /> the day and year above wri.tten. <br /> �i�ned, sealed and delivered in presence of I. Glen Robison <br /> 2. Harold Robison <br /> 3. Gladys Robison <br /> �. Ida Bell <br /> 5. G. B. Bell <br /> o. Irene Jobe <br /> 7. Walter Jobe � <br /> �. 11 �b n <br /> 0�. �g ose� Ke�j��� <br /> K ��er <br /> 11. Ernest e <br /> 3 <br />