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���� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 A`� <br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. L, <br /> L1 <br /> REFEREE' S DEED <br /> KNO'r� ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; that tahereas in an action in partition pendin� in the �istrict <br /> Court of Hall County, Nebraska, wnerein Judson C. Shields, and Frances A. Shields; Deloris Irene <br /> Shields Breitenfeldt and Harold Breitenf eldt are Plaintif'�s and Floyd W. Shields and Susie Shields; <br /> Medrick D. Shields and Katherine Shields; Mar�orie A. Shields Thomas and John M. lhomas; Daisy <br /> Elane Shields Daniels and Oliver Daniels; Burdetta Ann Shields, a minor; Anita C. Shields, a <br /> minor; Clabe Shields, �;uardian of Burdetta Ann. Shields and Anita C. shields, minors; Fred Shields <br /> and Lena Shields, are def enda,nts, being case number 10�29, for the partition of the premises <br /> hereinaf ter described, the undersigned Ref eree appointEd by the Court to make a partition of said <br /> real estate, m�,de report in writing, duly signed, setting Porth that partition of said lands cannot <br /> be had without great pre,�udice to the owners thereoP, which report was duly examined by the Court, <br /> and the Court being satisfied therewith, confirmed the sa.rne, a.nd thereupon made �.nd caused to <br /> be entered an order, directing me as such Referee to sell said premises on the following terms to <br /> wit: at public sale, as upon exe�ution, a.nd that sale of the real estate be held at t�1e North Front <br /> Door oP the Court House in the City oP Grand Island, Hall County, :lebraska, and that the terms oP <br /> said sale be 20 per cent cash on d�,te oP sale, and the balance in cash uz�on con#'irmation c�f the <br /> sale. <br /> And in nursuance of said order, I caused a notice to be published in the Grand Isla.nd In-dependent <br /> a legal news��aper, printed, published, and in general e3:r_c�alation in Hall Gounty, Nebraska, that I <br /> �aould offer said lands for sale for c�.sh to the highest �nd best bidder, at public auction at the <br /> Y�ont door af the Court house, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, on the 24th da.y <br /> oP t�iay, 1947, at T�ao 0' Clock P.M. , and af ter publication oP said notice, for a period of more than <br /> thirty days, in the manner brovided b� law, at the time and place stated in said notice, I off ered <br /> said l�nds for sale at �aublic auction to the highest bidc�er and after keez�ing the sale open for <br /> �one hour, I sold the <br /> North Half (1�2) of the Northwest quarter (NV�) oP Section Twenty Three (23), '�ownshi�� Nine (9) <br /> North, Ra,nge Nine (9) �1est of the Sixth P.M. HaZl County, Nebraska, to <br /> William S. Stan�'ord and Charles R. KooZer, for t'ne sum of Ei�ht Thousand Dollars, ��000. 00, they <br /> being the highest and best bic�ders therefor. <br /> And the Cour'G, having con�irmed the sale and all of the proceedings t:nereunder on tne 2�th day <br /> of May, 19�+7, and as a. p�..rt of said confirmation, having directed me as such Ref eree, to convey <br /> said lands by deed in f ee simple to the t�urchasers thereoP unon the p�.y�ent of the ?�rice <br /> in full, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ray l�Z. Higgins, REFEREE herein, in consideration of the premises and the sum <br /> of Ei�ht Thousand Dollars, so bid �.nd p�id by t�lilli�zn �. StanPord and Ch<�,r1es R. Koo�er, �nd by <br /> virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do, by these presents, grant, se11 and convey unto the <br /> said William S. StanPord and Charles R. KooZer, the following described real estate, to wit : <br /> The North Half (N2) of the Northwest qua.rter (N'rd4) of Section Twenty Three (23) , Township Nine (9) <br /> North, Range Nine �9) , t�est oP the �ixth P.M. , Hall �ounty, Nebraska, according to U. S. Government <br /> 5urvey, <br /> to have and to hold unto said gra.ntees and to their heirs and assigns forever. <br /> IN �dITNES� �THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of July, 1947. <br /> IN PRESENCE OF: ( . 0 .R. . tamps ) Ray M. Higgins <br /> C. E. Grundy ( Cancelled ) REFEREE. <br /> St�,te of Nebraska) <br /> ss. On this 26th day oP July, 19�-7, before r�e the undersigned, a notary <br /> County oP Hall ) public in and for s�.id State and County, personally appeared, Ra.y M. <br /> Higgins, Referee in the case ref erred to in said deed, who is personally <br /> known to me to be the identic�l person, whose signature is af Pixecl to the foregoin� instrument as <br /> RePeree, and he acknowledged the s�e to be hie voluntary�t anc� deed as such Referee f'or the <br /> purposes therein expressed. <br /> Witness my hand and Nota.rial Seal at Grand Island, "?ebra�ka, on the c�ay and year last above <br /> written. <br /> G. E. Grundy <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires: <br /> June 19, 1950 �1�� � <br /> F11ed for record the 15 day of September, 1947 �.t ll:l5 0 � clock A.P�I. L/� <br /> Reg ster oP ee . <br /> o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> C-�IUI T CLA IM DEED � <br /> THIS INDENTTJRE, Made thi� 29th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-si� <br /> between Otto Frederick and Gra.ce Frederick husbanc't and wife of the first nart, and Owen Frederick <br /> and A. Frederick or survivor of the second part, - <br /> It being the intention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the death of either oP said <br /> grantees, the entire fee simple title �o the Real Estate described herein shall vest in the <br /> surviving grantee. <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said p�,rty of the f irst x�art, in consideration oY the sum of One-dollar and <br /> other considerations DOLLARS 'Go ua duly, the receipt �,�hereof is hereby ackno�rledged and remised, <br /> released and quit-claim, and by these presents does, Por ourselves a�xr helrs, executors and <br /> administrators, remise, release and fore�rer quit-claim and convey unto the said par ty ^f the second <br /> paxt, and to their heirs and assigns forever, �11 our ri�ht, title, interest, esta`e and claim and <br /> demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all <br /> Lot Four (4�) in Block one (1) , in Dodd and Marshall 's Addition to the Village of Wood River, Nebraska. <br /> Together with all and singular tne hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TQ HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Owen Frederiek his heirs and <br /> assigns; so that neither of the said oersons, or any person in our name and behalP, shall or will <br /> hereafter c�1�im or demand any right or title to the said premises or any p�.rt thereoP, but they <br />