<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 88080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. jl
<br /> QUIT CLAI� DEED �
<br /> THIS IN�E�ITURE, Made this 29th da.y of Au�ust, in tne year one tnousanc� nine hundred a.nc� Forty Seven,
<br /> between Pete �Zeininger and Opal i•�eininoer, husband and ?�ife oi t"rie first b�.r�� and Iiarie ��lood of
<br /> the second r�art, ��ITiJESSETH, tnat the said party of the first ���.rt, in consideration of the sum
<br /> of �ne Dollax ana oth?r valuable consideration ta them duly �aid, the receiT�t whereof is here�ay
<br /> acknowledged remised released, a.z�a. quit-cl�imed, �nc� by tnese ��resents do for tnemselves their -
<br /> heirs, executors anc7�administrators remise, relea.se and forever duit-claim and convey unto the said
<br /> �arty of' the secoild ;��rt, and to her heirs arid assigns forever, a.11 t�leir rig�t, ti�le, interest,
<br /> estate claim a.nd de?nand, both �.t 1�.w and in eauity, of, in �nd to all
<br /> Lot One (1) Block �orty Or.e � 41 ) Packer & Barr ' s Second Addition �o t'�ie City of Grand Island
<br /> Toget:ler Tti*ith all and sin�ula.r t��e riereditar::ents tnereunto belongin�. ,
<br /> TO HA`1E A��D TO H^�LD ��ie above descrii�ed ;�re��ises unto the said l�iarie ?�Tooa ner neirs and assigns;
<br /> so that neither �ize said grantors, nor any x�erson in t�Zeir nar�e and behalf, shall or �aill hereafter
<br /> cl�im or demand any right or ti�le to the sa,id ��remises or a.ny i�art tnereof, but they �ncx every one
<br /> of t"nera sh�,ll by these T>resents be excluded a_nd f'orever 'parred.
<br /> IN '>TI1��1ES� ?^TriE:�:EOF, t�:�ie said T��rties of ti:le first ���,rt �lave �iereunto set �neir hand and seal
<br /> the day a.nd year abov�e ?nrritten.
<br /> Signed,` sea.led �nd delive'red in presenc.e of Pete 11eininger
<br /> ��ida Diet� Opal T�Ieininger
<br /> STA�iE OF Nebraska)
<br /> ss. On i,his 29th day of Au�ust, A. D. 19�7, i�efore !�e, t%Ze undersigned Lida
<br /> Hall �ounty ) Diet7, a. i�o�ary Public, c?uly commissioned and c�ua.li�ied f'or and residin�
<br /> in said county, T�erson�lly came 1 ete ;=ieinin�er anci 0��1 %ieinin�;er, nusband
<br /> and wife to me kno?an to be ti�e identical r�ersons T�rhose names are affixec� tio �;:�e foreboin� instr�:zment
<br /> as grant�rs and acknoi�rledgec� tt1P same to k�e tiieir voluntax�r a.ct ��nd ceed.
<br /> `�ditnesa rny hand and i�otaria.l Seal �he aay and year la.s� auova written.
<br /> Lida llietz
<br /> (SEAL) i�totary Pu'�lic.
<br /> My Commission ex��ires the lOtn c�a�r of_�ovember, 19��
<br /> Filed for recor� ttze �� d,ay of sex�ternber, 19�-7 at 1 :�5 o ' clock P. ?�i. �-�=��-dQ�' � I
<br /> Regis�er of eeds.
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<br /> THIS INDENTURE, l�ade this 4th da,y of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and f'orty-
<br /> seven, bet�aeen Rose Ftting, a T�idow, a.lso kno?,rn as Rosa Etting of the first part, a,nd Peter H.
<br /> Poppert, and George ?�I. Poppert, �s ,joint te�aants and not �.s ten�.nts in cor.ir,ion, a.nd to the survivor
<br /> thereof of the second p�.rt, ':�IIT"�1ESSETH, that the said p��.rty of the first z�art, in considera_tion of
<br /> tile sum of Other consideration and One and No/100 DOLLARS, to her duly ?��.id, tne receipt whereoP is
<br /> hereby acknowled�ed has remised, rele�.sed, and auit-clai�ed and b;� these uresents does for izereself
<br /> and her heirs, eY:ecutors a..nd administra,tors, remise, release a.r�d f'orever nuit-cla.im and convey unto
<br /> the sai�. vartyT of tl:e second ?�art, �a,nd to his heirs and �.ssigns forever, all her riLht, title,
<br /> interest, estate �laim and demand, both at 1��,� �n� in equity, of, in �.nd to a.11
<br /> Lot Four (�-) in Block Thirteen (13) in �+Jallich� s Addition to tiie City of Grand Island, itiebraska,
<br /> as surveyed, ��latted a,nd recorded.
<br /> IT BEIlVG Z'�-iE INTEidTIOT�? Ot+' ALL PAtt1IES HE�ETO, THAT IN �iiE ETI�'iul QF T '`E DEA^1;:: OF EI'��L�'-'�-R �F SATD
<br /> To�e�ther wittl all and sin�ular the nereditaments thereunto beZon�ing.
<br /> TO riAVE AND i0 HOLD the above described premises unto the said Peter H.. Poppert and George M. PopUert
<br /> and to the survivor thereof their heirs and assigns; so that neitner �ne aaid Grantor, nor any
<br /> person in her name and behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the
<br /> said r�remises or �,ny p�rt thereof, but they and every one of t:iem shall by these presents be ex-
<br /> cluded and forever baxred.
<br /> IN '°�ITNESS 'a�-?EREOF, tr�e said ��a.rty of the first uart has, hereunto set ner h�,nd and seal the d�,y
<br /> and year above written.
<br /> ( . 55 .R. tar�ps � Rose Etting
<br /> Signed, se�.led and delivered in nresence of ( C�ncelled )
<br /> s`�ATE OF Nebraska)
<br /> ss. On this �-th day of September, A. D. 1�47, before me, the undersigned
<br /> Hall County ) C. T. Flower a Notary Public, duly co�rnissioned atid qualified for ai1d
<br /> residing in said county, person�lly came Rose Ettin�, a ?'�1�.(�.O?•J, �lso
<br /> known as Rosa, Etting to me known to be the identical ners�n ?��riose nar�e is aff ixed to the fore�oing
<br /> instrument as �r�.ntor and ackno��rledged the same to be her volunta.r. ,y �ct and deed.
<br /> �titness my h�nd and Notari�l Sea.l the day and year last above t+,miti,en.
<br /> C. T. Flower,
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public.
<br /> My Commission expires the 9th day of Septe:nber, 19�9
<br /> ���� �
<br /> Filed for record the 6 day of September 19�7 at 11 o ' clock A.P�I. -�-�,,
<br /> Register of D—ee.
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o
<br /> I'
<br />