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� <br /> ���c� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Ialand, Nebr. il <br /> �. An easement for tne benefit of �,11 otner nro.�erty ot�aners in t'ne �outhwest �uarter of the <br /> Southtaest �uart er (S?�4 SW�) of said s ection Tti�renty-one (21) her einabove ref erred to is hereby � <br /> reserved ove.r the northerly six feet of s3id tra.ct for electricity lines, telephone lines, ��.rater, <br /> gas �nd sewer lines. <br /> '�he ��remises herein�bove described are ecnve5red togetiier �tiTith alI the tenements, h�redita�ents <br /> and �.v�urtenances to t��e sa1�e belongin�, �n�� alI the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, <br /> claim or demand �<rhatsoever of the said gr�,iztors, of, in �r to tne sa,n?e, or �ny part t'r�ereof; sub- <br /> ,ject on15T to the restrictions, e�,ser��ents and reservations hGrein�.�ove referred to. <br /> It is the intention of all r�ar�ies hereto, that in t�ze event of the death of eitrier of s�,id grantees, <br /> tne entire fee simple ti�le to the real estate described �lerein shall vest in the survi�Tin� s�ouse. <br /> TO HAVE AivD TO HCT�D the above described �remises, Ta�ith tl:.e a��purtenances, unto t'rie s2ic� grantees as <br /> JOIT�IT TEivAi�1TS, and not a.s tenants in common, �nd to their assigns, or to the �eirs and �.ssigns of <br /> tne survivor of them, forever, z��c� t�ze grar�tors n�ed herein for tner�selves and their heirs, <br /> executors, �na adrilinistr�tors do coven�nt TA�it'rl t�.e grantees n�.med herein ��nc� �iith their a,ssigns a.nd <br /> �aith the heirs �.nd assi�ns of tize surviv��r of' triem, that tr�ey a,re 1�*afully seiZed of s�id t�reM�ses; <br /> th�t they are free fro�n incumbrances exce�t as stated herein, and ti��.� they, the s�.id grantar�s ciaue <br /> good right a.nd la�,�ful �uthori��T �o sell the same, ;�nc t��:�.t they ��rill �nd their heirs, executors nnd <br /> a.dministr�.tors sh�ll �tra.rrant �Y�c� r?efend ttle s�.,e unto �=1e gr�.ntees naMed herein �nd unto ¢�heir �.ssigns <br /> and unto their neirs and �.ssigns of t�le surx�ivor of t'r�em, f'orever, ?.�uinst the 1�?-�tful claims o� all <br /> persons ?�ahomsoever, excluding the excez�tions�i 'n�rein. <br /> IT ?�IITNESS `tTHE�EOF we °h�.ve hereun�a se� our hanc�s this 30th day of August, �g�-7, <br /> 1.10 I.R. St�,mps ) Ja.mes �tlebb <br /> (Cancelled ) Eva t�ebb <br /> S E �F NEB <br /> - <br /> TAT . RASKA <br /> } <br /> ss: On this �Oth d�y of Au�ust, A, D. , z9�+7, before me, �. Notary Public, in <br /> C��UNT`i' OF HALL ) �;nd for said Coun�y, ?�erson�a,1_lv same the �.bove na.rned James ?�ebb and. Eva <br /> '^Tebb, his t��ife, t��ho �re �jersonally kno�m to me to be the identical <br /> persons v��iloses na,mes are affixed to t�le �.bove instrument as grantars and they severally �.cknotaledged <br /> said in:,trument to be their volLn'�axyT �.cb and deed. <br /> �^TITNESS my hand and Notari2l Seal trle date last aforesaid. <br /> A. J. Luebs, <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My commission exr�ires July 6, l��l �, <br /> Filed for record tr�e 2 day of September, i947 at 2:30 0 �clock P.Tv�. �--c�� �/' <br /> , Register of De��� <br /> O-O-O-�?-�-�-�'-n-^-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-C-O-4-0-0-0-0 O-Q-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> Q'JI T CLAI��i DEED <br /> T�-�3� IT1�E:dTURE, T�I�de this �tri c1�.y of Set�temi�er, in t'��e y��r one trousand nine hundrec� .ana forty <br />' seven, bet?aeen T�ayne �-�. �iiadleson end T�yrtle L. liid�.leson, husband �nd i,Tife, each in their ot�n <br /> and rik:�t a�!� as trle sx�ouse of e�ci� other of tne first z��rt, and County of H�,11, State of <br /> Nebr�ska a� ` the s�eond ��rt, - ',:��'NES�E'I�; tn�,t the said`.�C�rti�s ��� t"�e` f.�r�t' p�r�, in" �onsid�ration <br /> of the sum of Five and i1o/100 DOLLARS, to us duly �, t�le receipt �:�rhereof is riereby aeknowledged <br /> we n�,ve remised, released, �.nd c�uit-cl�,imed, �nd 'p� these �resents c�o for ourselves and our <br /> heirs, executors and administrat`e�rs, re�ise, rel�ase a.nd forever auit-claim and convey unto the <br /> said ��«rt;,� of the sece�nd part, �,i�d to its neirs and assi��s f'orever, all our ri�nt, title, int�rest, <br /> e�tate �nd all our cla,irl �nd demand, botn at lCt�.r �nd in ecluity, of, in �nd to all <br /> Lots One (�l) and iwo {Z) ��est End Subdivision of Lot 'shree �3) in Garland Place a Sub-Divisi�n of <br /> tne North H��lf of th� Southe�st qua.rter of Section `�?aenty-three (23) Toj�rnshi�� �leven �11) North <br /> of Ran�e Ten �10) as surveyed platted �.n� recorded. <br /> �oget:�er t�rith all and singular tile nereditamet�ts thereunto belongin�. <br /> TO H�VE AND T� HOLD trie �.'oove described t�rer�ises un�o the said County of' �iall, State of Nebraska, <br /> its heirs and assi�ns; so that neither t�iey t11e s�id ?�ayne .'%!. Hidcileson �.nd ��Iyrtle L. Hiddleson, <br /> husband �.nc? ��tif e or any �erson in their nar:le a,nc� behalf', shall or wilZ hereaf'ter c��im or demand any <br /> right or title to the said �remises or a,ny t��.rt thereof, but they and every one of' te�em sh�ll by these <br /> �resents be excluded an� forever b�rred. <br /> IN ?+II`iNESS '�.ir�E��EOF, the s�.ic� ��arties of' t'�e fi=st ��^rt �i�.ve hereunto set tneir ha.r�ds and seals <br /> the day anc� year above s�rritten. <br /> Si�ned, sealed a,nd delivered in ��resence of' Wayne M. hiddleson <br /> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �4yrtleL. aliddleson <br /> STATE OF Nebraska) S8� On tnis 4 d�y of September, A. D. 1947 before me the undersigned <br /> Hall County } Donald H. T�?eaver a Notary �ublic, duly commissioned and au�lified for <br /> and residin� in �a.icl county, �ersonally came S�Tayne P�I. riiddleson �nd <br /> ta�yrtle L. Hiddleson, husband and ��rife, eac11 in their o��*n name and right and �.s the s�ouse of each� <br /> other to me known to be t:ze identical ��rsons ��hose names are �f�ixed to t�e foregoin�; instruinent <br /> as �rantors �.nd. a.cknoThrled�;ed ti7e sa�e to be t��eir voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witrzess my h�.rid� ��otarial Seal t�ie day �n� year l�.st above ttiTrit�en. <br /> Don�ld rz. ?1e�.ver, <br /> (SEAL) Notary Pu�lic. <br /> niy commiss�on ext�ires the 1 day of Deeember, �95� <br /> Filed for record t'rie 4 day of Se�tember, 1�47 at 10 0 ' clock �. h�. G � <br /> R���=�7°' De s. �i1 <br /> �-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-seo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-^-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o� -o�'��A-`°"�OO -° <br /> (/ <br />