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��� <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., (}rand Island, Nebn <br /> right angles and in an easterly direction 120 feet, to tne place of beginriirlg, sub�jec#a, however to <br /> the h�ghway ri�ht-of'�-way over the so�ztherly 33 feet tnereof. <br />, This deed is sub,j ect to the follo��Tin� restrictions a.nd reservations T�*riicn s���ll r�e Y�inding upon <br /> tne �urchaser3 �,nd ut�on their heir. s and assi�ns : <br /> l. No buildin� sha.11 be moveduvon said T�ro����rty for conziersi-�n or use as a residence. <br /> 2. PJo nwelling sha.11 be erected tnereon that costs less t:zan �2500.00 ?ahen completed. <br /> i �. No basement houses sha.11 be erected on s�,id �re�ises. <br /> Not more than two dwellin�s sh�ll be erected on tnis tra,ct. <br /> c <br /> 5. No part af an,y dwelling sha.11 be nearer trie nort'r1 boundry line of tne public road now crossin� i <br /> said tra.ct than 50 feet. <br /> 6. This ?�ronertv is solc� for residence x�urnoses only upon the ex?�ress covenent t'zat it shall , <br /> never be owned, nor occupied, exce��t by one of t:��e T�hite or Caucasion r�ce, except such �.s are in t�e <br /> emnloy of the owners or tenants. ' <br /> 7. No livestock shall be kent on t:ne t�remises. This shall not inc_lude poultrJ intended for <br /> personal use or consumption. <br /> �. An easement for the benefit of all other t�ro?�erty o��mers in t�e SouthT•�re'st Quarter of the <br /> Southwest Quarter ( B?^J4S��J4) of said sec�ion Ttaenty-one (21� hereinabove referred to is hereby <br /> reserved over the northerly six feet of sa�d tr�,ct for electricity lines, telel�hone lines, tnrater, <br /> gas �.nd sewer lines. ' <br /> The t�remises hereinal�ve described are conveyed to�Pther ?aith all tne tenements, hereditaMents and <br /> apr�urtenances to tne sarne belon�ir�U, ancz �11 the estate, title, dower ricnt of homestead, cl�.im <br /> or demand whatsoever of the said �ra,ntors, of, in or to the same ar any ���.rt tnereof; sub,ject <br /> to any unx� t�,xes or liens or encumbrances incurred thereon by grantees. <br /> It is t�le intention of all parties hereto, that in tne event of t:�e death of ei�iier of said grantees, , <br /> tne entire fee sirn�le tit�e to the real estate descri'�ed herein sn��11 vest in t�ie surviving grantee. ' <br /> TO HAVE A�JD TO HOLD the above described r�remises, TPritn t'r�e ax�1�urtenances, unto tne said grantees �s <br /> JOIN�' TEPdANT�, and not as tenants in common, �nc� to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of ttiem, forever, and t:ie grantors 'nerein for themselves and tizeir heirs, executors, <br /> and administrators do covenant ��itii tne grantees na�ned herein and Taitn tneir assigns and *.�ith the ', <br /> heirs and ass��ns of te�e sTarvivor of them, th�.t they are la.tafully seized of said premises; tha.t <br /> they are free from incurnbr�nces except as stated herein, and that they, the said grantors have <br /> good right and lawful authority to sell the �azne, and that they will and their heirs, exec�ators and <br /> administrators shall T�uarrant and dePend tne s�me unto the grantees named herein and unto their <br /> assigns and unto their heirs and �,ssigns of t:�e survivor of :them, f'orever, against the l�wful claims <br /> of a�l persons whomsoever, Pxcluding the exeeptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS 'n�-iTREOF we hereunto set our h��nds this 2�th d�y of August, 19�7. <br /> James t+�eb� <br /> E�a t�ebb <br /> STATE �F NEBRASKA) <br /> �s : On this 2$tn day of August, A. D. , 1947, before me, a 1lotary Public, in <br /> C0T.1"JTY OF HALL ) , and for said County, personally came the above named James ?�Teb'b and Eva <br /> Web'o, nis taife, ��ho are nersonally kno?an to me to be tne identical �ersons <br /> whose names are affixed to the �bove instrument as �r�.ntors �.nd they severally acknot�rledged <br /> instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> A. J. Luebs <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My eommission;,expires July 6, 1951 � <br /> Filed for record the 2� day oP Au�ust, 1947 at - �i-�20 0 'clock P. M C� ° <br /> ' �-�B� ed . <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�,-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-� o-o-o o- =o-o-o <br />, UIT CLAI?�� DErD <br /> � <br /> TfiIS INDENT'_TRE, Made 29th day of Pfay, in tne yea.r one thousand nine hundred and forty-five <br /> betw�en Frank Bowden and Anna Fay Bo��rden, e�.ch in his �.nd her o?:in rigilt, �nd as husband and z��ife, <br /> of t�,e first t��art, and Er�est M. Lepin and �thel L. Lenin, ilusband and ti�rife, as ,joint tenants, �nd <br /> not as tenants in common, of t�ze seconc�. ,��art, ?�IITNFSSETH, that tile said parties of t��e first 7�art, <br /> in consideration of t}_e surl of One Dol]_a.r and ottier considerations to triem duly paid, tne receipt <br /> urnereof is hereby acknoTaledged, ��re remised, released, <�nd auit-elaimed, a.nci b._y these t�resents do <br /> for tLlemselves, tneir heirs, ex�cutors �r�d administrators, renise, release �nd forever ��uit-cl�,im <br /> anc� convey unto �he sa�id parties of t��.e second ;,art aild to nis or her heirs and assigns forever, <br /> all tneir ri����t, title, interest, est�.te claim �.r�d dernaz�d, boti� a.t law anc? in equity, of, in and to <br /> a.11 o f t-�e - <br /> . <br /> sou�heast c��a�rte�.� of �':�e northeast au�rter �,nd tlle east �la.1i of t���e soutr�east auarter of Section <br /> One (1) , in Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) , T,rest of the 6th P.S�, <br /> The purpose of this deed is to correct a warranty deed given by the grantors :lerein to the grantees <br /> herein, dated P�Tay 22, 1945, recorded in Book ��, page 672. <br /> The grantors herein �uit-claim any right, title, � or interest in any oil, gas, or mineral rights, <br /> as set forth in the aforesaid warranty deed; th�t it wa.s tre in�ention in said warranty deed to <br /> call a,ttention to the reserva.tion in a deed recorded in Book � �age b67, whereby the rantor <br /> 3� g , <br /> . <br /> The Federal Land Bank of Oma,ha, reserved one-half of all oil, gas, and mineral rights in said lands. <br /> That the reservation in the warranty deed in Dook ��, z:��,ge 672, Taas intended to have ref erence only <br /> to tne reservation of The Federal Land Bank, a.ncl not as to tr�e grantors herein. <br /> Together with all and sin�ular tne hereditaments thereunto belonging. • <br /> TO HA`J�E ATdD m0 HOLD the a'�ove described ��remises unto the said E�nest �R. Lepin a.nd Ethe1 L. <br /> Lepin, husband and wife, a.s �joint tenants, and not as ten�nts in comr:�on:,� �iis or her heirs �nd assigns; <br /> sa that neither the said grantors, nor any person in their names ar�id 1�ehalf, shall or will hereafter <br />