� �
<br /> �� l �
<br /> DEED RECORD N0. 89
<br /> i 280S0—The Augustine Co., Graad Island, Nebr. Yj
<br /> ��itness my hand and notarial seal �t Grand Island in said County the day a,nd year firs�
<br /> above ?�ritten.
<br /> A. '�1. La.rson
<br /> (SEAL) Not�ry Public.
<br /> My commission expires �he 23rd day of December, Zg�+9
<br /> ORDINANCE N0. 2115
<br /> An ordinance �uthorizing and directin� tne sale of certain real estate belonging to the City
<br /> of Grand Isla,nd, Nebraska; �rovi�.ing the manner in ��hich th.e same shall be sold and the terms .
<br /> of' said sale; nrovid.ing for the givin; of notice of t�ie sa.le of' said real estate and tne terMs
<br /> thereaf; and, providing for the right to file �. remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by
<br /> legal electors of the City of Grand Isl�.nd, Nebr�.ska, equal in �umber to thirty per cent (30 0) of
<br /> the electors of said City, votin� a.t the last regular municipal election held in said City.
<br /> aECTION 1. The sale and conveyance of' tne real estate hereinafter �escribed is hereby direeted and
<br /> authorized to E�il R. Guendel and Helen Guendel, husband and �aif e, of the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> The taroperty directed and authoriz�d to be conveyed is described as follows:
<br /> Lot Nineteen (19) Block N�ne �9) ; Lot Twenty-four (2�!-) , Block Nine (9) ; '�
<br /> Lot Seventeen (17� , Block Six (6) ; all in Ashton Place, an Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County;� Nebraska.
<br /> SECTZON 2. The manner and terms of' said sale of such real estate are as follows : The nurchasers,
<br /> Emil: R. Guendel �nd Helen Guendel, husband �nd ?,rif e, a.�ree to pay Five Hundred Fif ty {��50.�G)
<br /> Doll�,rs f'or the within described real estate �.nd h�.ve nai� to the City Clerk of the City of Grand
<br /> I sland the sum o f Twenty Seven and Fif ty One-Hundre�ths I�o1la.rs ��27.50) as �. down pa.yrnent
<br /> therefore, �nd the balanee of Five Hundred 'lwenty-Two and Fifty One-Hur�dredths Dollars (�522. 50)
<br /> will be paid in full u�on the execution and delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to the
<br /> purchasers. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title.
<br /> SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of sueh sale and the terms tnereof shall be nublished for
<br /> three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newsuaper �ublished in and of
<br /> general circulation in the Ci�y af Grand Island, i�lebraska, imr�ediately a.f ter tne nassage and
<br /> publication of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is here�y directed and instructed to ?�reparP
<br /> a.nd ��ublish said notice.
<br /> SECTION �. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebr�,rka, to
<br /> Yile a remonstrance against the sale of the witnin described x�eal esta�e; and if a rer�onstrance
<br /> against such sale signed by legal eiectors of s�ic� City equal in number to thirty ��er cent (30�)
<br /> of' trie electors of the City of Gr�nd Tsland, voting �,t the last regular election held in said
<br /> Cit b d � th
<br /> ,
<br /> y e file ai the Mayor and City Council t�l��}11.T1 tnirty (30� days �f''ter the nassage �nd
<br /> publication of' this ordin�,nce, such property shall not then, nor with�.n one year thereafter be
<br /> sold.
<br /> SECTION 5. The sale of said re�l estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no
<br /> remonstrance be filed against such s�le, tne Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver
<br /> to Emil R. Guendel and Helen Guendel, huaband �.nd wife, a Quit Clai� Deed for said �aroperty and the
<br /> execution �f said Deed ,�s hereby authorized without further �ction on behalf of the City Council.
<br /> SECTION 6. This ordinax�ce shall be in force �nd take effect from a.nd after i'ts *�assage, approval
<br /> and �ublic�,tion as nrovide� by la�,�.
<br /> . �
<br /> Passed �,nd approved this 7th day of May, 1��7.
<br /> B. J. Cunningham
<br /> A.��est: � �iayor
<br /> Flagd S. s�'hite
<br /> City Clerk
<br /> TO T��iOM IT P�AY C�N�ERN:
<br /> I, F. S. ���hite, duly elected, oualified �nd acting City Clerk of' the City of Grand Island, �Tebrask"a'
<br /> hereby certify the foregoing to be �, true and correct co1�y of Ordinance nassed bt the P�ayor and
<br /> City Council of Grand Island, Nebras�a, meetin� in re�ular session on the 7th day of M�.y, 19�+7 and
<br /> pul�lished in the Grand Island Daily Independent on tne 9th day of May, 19�+7•
<br /> - • IN T�IITNESS ?�?HEREOF I set my hand and aff'ix tne official seal of the above mentianed City this
<br /> 25tn day of August, 19�7.
<br /> . �SEA�L� F. S. Whi t e,
<br /> City Clerk.
<br /> ' Filed for record the 2� day of August 1947, at 3 0 � clock P.�2. �.�,�:E� �^�'
<br /> R iste o �eds. �u*
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-�-�`�`=`����o-o �o-o
<br /> ?�IARRA�?TY DEED-Vestin�; Entire �'itle in Survivor �'""`°
<br /> KNO��T ALL �4EN BY THESE PRESENTS, That J�.mes Webb and Eva Webb, his wife, in consideration of
<br /> One Dollar and other good and sufficient �onsideration in h�,nd .�aid, do hereby grant, bargain,
<br /> sell, convey and confirm unto �^jilli�m 8chwieger �nd Carolyn Schz�ieger, husband and ?aif e, as �
<br /> JOINT TEP�ANTS and not as tenants in comr.zon tr�e following described real estate, situated in the
<br /> County of Hall and State of �lebraska, �o-wit :
<br /> A certain parcel of real est�te located in t�he SouthU�es� Quarter of tr�e Southwest Quarter (ST�,T�Sfi1� }
<br /> of Section iwenty-one �21) , To�anshin Eleven (11) , North, Ra,nge ��1ine t 9) �°lest of t'rie 6tn P. i��. , more
<br /> particularly deseribed as f'olla?as : Commencin� at a ��oint 163. 3 feFt west �f t'rle southeast corner
<br /> of' tne South�rest Qu�.rter a�' the Southz�est Quarter (S?�7gS�1;� ) of said Sectzon T?aenty-one (2l) ,
<br /> running thence north ancl in a linP par��le1 ��ritn tYle east boundry line of s�.id Soutnwest �,uarter of
<br /> the Soutn��►est c�uarter ( S4J'=SW4) a distance of' 240. 7 feet, tr�ence at right �.ngles and in a westerly
<br /> direction 120 feet, thence at right an�;les and in a southerl y direetion 240. 7 feet, thence at
<br /> ;
<br />