<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 2808�The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. h
<br /> G. A. 1�Tinters being first duly st�aorn on his o��.th, deposes and says that he is the Genera.l N�an��.ger
<br /> of rrhe Grand Isl_and Independent Publisriing Comr�any, of Grand Island, a corp�r�tion, ?�ublisher of
<br /> The Gr�,nci. Tsland D�ily Inde�en�ent, a nptas�a,x�er printed .arld ��ublished at Grand Tsl.and, in Ha11.
<br /> County, I�Tebras���, and of �er�eral circul�tion in N�.11 County, iVe�raska, and as s�ach ofPicer h�s
<br /> char�e of the record5 and files of �a,id company, :�nd affia.nt knows of his �wn nerson�,l knoz�rledge ,
<br /> that sa.id new�pa��er has a. bona fide circul�ticn of more than �00 copies of ea,ch issue, h<�s bee:�
<br /> publ.ished at Grand Tslanr?, Nebra,sk�., �or more �han 52 �aePks successively t>rior to tne f3.r5t pub-
<br /> lication of _the anr�exed T�rinted notice, and is a, le�al net,rs��a�?er under the s'tatus af t��e State of
<br /> Nebraska; that the annexed printed notice Tau.s publis�zed in said newspaY�er for three w�eks, the
<br /> f3.rst publ3.cati.on being ar� ��oncl�.y the 26th �.<�� of Ma�, 19�7, �.nd subse�uent x�ublica.tions being on
<br /> ?�ednesday the �th ��,y of J�ane, 19�-17, a.nd on Frida,y the 13th �ay of June, 1_9�7.
<br />.� G. A. ��Vinters
<br /> 5ubscribed in my i�resence a,nd swnrn to beforP rne this i�th day of June, 1947.
<br /> ( SEAL) Psarguerite E. I�teyer
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission exnires May 9, 1���-�
<br /> Fees, �9. ��
<br /> ����--�---�----_..
<br /> ORDTNANCE No. 2118
<br /> An ordinanee authoriz�.ng and dir.-ee�3.ng Uhe sale of eertain real es�ate belong3.ng to th� City of
<br /> Grand Isiand, Nebraska; providin� �he manner in �ahich the same sha�1 be sold and the terms af' �a3.d
<br /> sale; providing for� the giving of no�ice of the sale of said rea.1 estate and the terms thereof;
<br /> and provid5.ng for the ri.�ht to f3.le a remonstrance ag�.ins� the �ale thereof signed by lega�.
<br /> electors of the C�.ty of Grarx�. Ssland, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) of the
<br /> eleetc�rs of' sa�.d City, vot�ng at the last rQgular municipal election held in said City.
<br /> Be It Oraained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska;
<br /> Sect3.on 1.. The �ale and coriveyance of the real estate hereinafter described is hereby direc�ed
<br /> and authorized to David Kauf'mann of�he City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> The property directed and authorized to be eonveyed is descr3.bed as follows :
<br />, The Westerl.y Thirty-three (33� feet of Lot Two (2) , and all of Lot Three �3) , B1oek
<br /> � � Count Nebraska.
<br /> n Ha11
<br /> C Gi nd Isla d Y:
<br /> E t of a
<br /> i ,hteen (i8) Ro.�.lins Addit�on to the i y ,
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> re s folloti�s: The urchaser,
<br /> S ct n 2 The manner and terms of' said 5a�.e of such rea3. estate a a �
<br /> e 3.0 .
<br /> David Kaufmann, agrees to pay, Twenty Two Hundred and Fifty (�2250.Q0) Dollars for the within des-
<br /> cribed real estate and ha� paid to the City f�lerk of the City of Grand Island th� sum of C1ne Hundred
<br /> Twelve and ,��/l0� (�132.,�,0) Dollars as a dawn payment therefor�, and the balance of Twenty-One
<br /> Hu:�dred Thirty-Seven and ,�0/10� (��1.37.54) Do1l.ars wi11 be paid in full upon the execution and
<br /> delivery of a Quit Claim D�ed by the C�,ty to the purchaser. The City shall no� be required to
<br /> furnish an Ab�;�ract of Tit3.e.
<br /> Seat3.on 3. As provided by law notice of such sale and the terms thereof sha�_1 bc published
<br /> for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a n�wspaper �ublished in and of
<br /> general circulat3.on in the C�.ty of Grand Tsland, N�braska, immediately after the passage and pub-
<br /> l�cat3.on of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk i5 hereby clirected. and instru�ted to prepare and
<br /> publish said no�ice.
<br /> See�ion 4�. Authority 3.s hereby granted to �he electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> to f3.le a remons�rance aga3.nst the sale of th� wi'�hin descri,bed rea1. es'�ate; and if a remonstrance
<br /> against such sale signed by legal �lectors of said C3.tyequal in number to thirty per cent (30�)
<br /> of the electors 4f th� City of Grand Island, vot3.n� at the l�.s� re�zlar el�etion I�eld in said City
<br /> be fillPd with the Mayor and Ci�y Council within thirty �30) days after the passage and publica-
<br /> tion of this ordinance,� such �?roperty shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold.
<br /> Section .�. The sal.e of �aid rea1. esta�e is hereby directed, authorized and corrfirmed; and if
<br /> no remonstrance be filed aga�.nst sueh sale, tn.e Mayor and City Clerk shall ma��e, execute and de-
<br /> �iver ta Dav3.d Kaufmann, a Qui.t C��.im Deed for said property �,nd the execution of said D�ed 3.s
<br /> hereby authorized srithout further action on beha�.f of t}�e City Colxncil..
<br /> aec�ion 6. This ordinance sha11 be in force and take effect from and aftEr its passa�e,
<br /> approval and publ3.c�.tion as provided by law. `
<br /> Passed and ap�roved this 21st day o�' May, 1.9�I�7.
<br /> B. J. CUNN�NGHAM
<br /> ATTEST : 'Mayor.
<br /> Floyd S. White, C3,ty Clerk.
<br /> 2 � -/
<br /> HALL COUNTY )5S• Mer1. Huffman bei.ng fi-rg'� dizly sworn on �his oath, depo�es and says
<br /> that he is the Secretary of The Grand Island Tndependent Pub�.ishing �ompany, of Grand Island, a
<br /> corporation, publisher Q�"The Grand Island Da3.1y Independent, a newspaper �r�.nted and published at
<br /> Grand Island, in Hall County, NebraSka, and of general circtzlat3on in Hall County, N�braska, and
<br /> as guch officer has charge of the record� and fi1e� of gaid company, and aff2ant know� of his
<br /> own personal know�edge that said newspaper has a bona fa.de circulation of more than �00 cop�.es
<br /> of each issue, has been publi5hed at Grand I�1and, Nebrasl�a, for more than ,�2 weeks successive�y
<br /> prior to the first �ub�iea��.on of the annexed printed no�ice, and is a legal new�pap�r under the
<br /> s�atua of' the State of Nebraska; tha� �he annexed �rinted notice was publ3.shed in said newspaper
<br /> for one time, �ublication bein� on �aturday the 2�th day of May, 19�F7•
<br /> Merl Huffman
<br /> Subscribed in rny presence and sw�rn to b�fore me this 2b�h day of May, 1947.
<br /> (SEAL) Mar�;uerite E. Me�er
<br /> My comrnission expires May 9, 1948 Notary Public
<br /> Feea �10.?0
<br /> Notice is hereby given tha'G David Kaufm�.nn has made a�pl3.cation to the Mayor and City Council
<br /> of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, requesting tha'� that Real E�tate described as followst
<br /> Lot �hree �3) , Block Eighteen (i8) Rollins Addit3.on to the City of Grand Tsland, be rezoned and
<br /> that said rea.l estate now clas�ifzed as bein�; in ���e residential zone be reelassifi�d as busi.ness
<br /> property and be pl�.ced in commercia�. zone.
<br /> __ _
<br /> ,
<br />