<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 26080—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebn
<br /> Pub13.c in and for sa.id County, personally came Fred Forgette, President of t'rie BETTE�t BUILDERS Ii�C. ,
<br /> A Corporation to me personally knaT.an to t�e the President a,nd tne identical persan whose na.me is
<br /> affixed to the above conveyance, a.nd acknowledged the execution tnerPOf to be his voluntary act
<br /> and deed as such oPficer and the volunt,�.ry �ct �.nd deed of' the said BETTER �UILDERS I�dC. A Corp-
<br /> I oration, �.nd that t'ne Corporate sea.l of the s�id BETTEft BUi1�DERS INC. , A Corpora,tion was triereto
<br /> affixed by its �.uthority.
<br /> t�Titness my hand and Notarial Seal at Omaha., alebr. in ea.id county the day and year la.st above
<br /> written.
<br /> Geo. F. i�cShane
<br /> (SEAL) Not�r,y Pu'plic.
<br /> '�y Commission ex��iPes the l� c�ay of ?yia,rch, �9�+6
<br /> Filed for record the 21 day of June, 29��7 at 9:45 0 ' clock A. I�. �-���-a-� ^��
<br /> eg�ster of De�ds.
<br /> �-O'�O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-� O-O-O-O-O-O-(3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> i�TARRANTY DEED -Corporation
<br /> THIS INDENTtJRE, Made this l�th day of June A. D. , 1947 between PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPP�ENm �,0. , a corp-
<br /> oration a cor�oration organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State oP
<br /> Nebraska,.party of the first part, and BURTOr1 E.ADEN,and LORRAINE A.ADEN,husband and wife, as �oint
<br /> , , ounty oP Hall,and State of Ne�raska,parties oP the
<br /> secondspard, nWITNESSETHnThatnthe�said par�yeof the first part for and in considera,tion of the sum
<br /> of One Dollar (�1..00) and other valuable consideration DOLLARS iri hand paid, receipt whereof i�
<br /> hereby acknowledged,has sold and by �hese presen��s does �rant, convey and confirm unto the said
<br /> part of' the second part, the �'ollowing described premises, situated in Hall County, and State of
<br /> Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> All of Lot Ten (10) in Bloak ThrPe (3), in Meves First Addition to the City o�'
<br /> Grand Island,Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br /> It being �he intention oP al1 parties hereto, that 3.n the event of the death oP either of said
<br /> grantees', the entire f�e simple title to the real estate described herein sh�.11 vest in the surviving
<br /> Grantee. ;�
<br /> ,,`.
<br /> T� HAVE'ANT�" T0� HOL``D the premises above descr�bed, together with al1 the Tenemen'Cg,Hereditaments
<br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belon�;ing i�nto the said Burton E.Aden and Lorraine A.Aden,husband and wiPe,
<br /> And the sald P1a��e Valley Development Co. , for itself or its successors, c�oes hereby covenant and
<br /> agree to and with the said parties of the second part and heirs and assigns, that at the 'time oP the
<br /> exxcution and delivery oP these presents it is IaT�rfully eeized of said premises; that i'� has good
<br /> right and lawful author3.ty to convey the game; that they free Prom encumbrance ---- does hereby
<br /> covenant to warrant and defend the said premisee against the lawful claima of all persons whom-
<br /> soever.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Platte '�alley Development Co. has hereunta cauged its corparate seal
<br /> to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President and �ecretary the d.a,y and year
<br /> first above writtien.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of (CORP) PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPA�ENT C0.
<br /> (SEAL) BY D.H.Meves Preeident
<br /> L.E.GraP --- -------------- By A.J.Guendel, Secretary
<br /> ( �.�0 I.R. Stamps )
<br /> ( Cancelled )
<br /> State of Nebraska ) .
<br /> )ss. On this l�th day of June 1947 before me, �he undersigned, a Notary Pu3�lie
<br /> �tall County ) in and for said County, personall.y came D.F�.Meves, President of the Platt�
<br /> Va11ey Development Co. , to me personally known to be the Pres�.dent and
<br /> the identical person whose nam.e is affixed to the above conveyance, a.nd acknowledged the ex�cution
<br /> thereof to be his valun�ary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed o�' the
<br /> said Platte Valley Developmen;� Co. , and that the Corporate seal of' the said Platte Valley develop-
<br /> ment Co. , was thereto afPixed by its authority.
<br /> t�litness my hand and Notarlal Seal at Grand Island in said county the day and year last above written.
<br /> My Commission expires the 17�h day af T�arch 1950.
<br /> L Frances Jonea
<br /> ���A ) ,
<br /> Notar y Public
<br /> Fil�d for reeord this 21 day of June, 1947, at lI o ' e7.oek A.M. �2� � �
<br /> �-�y,�-
<br /> Register o Deeds
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-O-Q-O--O-0-0-0-0-0-�0-0-�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�0-0-0-O-O-d-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-
<br /> THAT John G. Smith ��nd Irene M. Sr;�ith of H�11 County, anc� St�te of N�braska in consideration
<br /> of the sum of One Do7_1.<�r (�1.00) and other valu��_b1e consideration DOLLARS, ir� ha,rc� paid by
<br /> HERP�Z�Td SCHLICHTI�dG of Ha.11 �ounty, �nd State of Nebr�ska do hereb� grar�t, barga,in, sell, convey,
<br /> and confirm unto the s<�id H�P�AFd SCHLIC�T'�'IiJG the follo�ving described ��remises, �itua.ted i�: the
<br /> County of H�,11 ��nd St�te of T�eY�raska to wit:
<br />! That �art of Lot 26 i�r� the County �ubdivi�ion of the Y�rrP,St �I�.?f of fil�e Southtaest �u�rter (WuSX�1�)
<br /> �f Section 10, in Tot�nship E1_even (l�) , North of R�n�;e i��ne �9) , Z�Iest �f t:e 6th P.M. , more
<br /> partic�alarly described as follo�ars : Commer.cin�; a,t � noint 177. 7�j f�et East �f ti�e South�z=est Corner
<br /> of said Lot 26, thence east �.long the South line �f �aid Lot 26, �a dist�nce of ��-1-{-.. 75 feet, thence
<br /> � �' Tn � t Y,1 �,' � 'fi G
<br /> orth �t ri�ht � n les a,nd ,�arall 1 .rlth �hP Te�.t 1_ine of s��id Lot � dist:ance ol 0. fe..t thence
<br /> � a e 7 79
<br /> J O 7
<br /> ��' st t ri�n.t ��n es anc? �»ra.1_.lel ��rith t��e S uth linP e�' s��id Lot a distance of l��-. feet thence
<br /> e a t, g1 < 0 75 �
<br /> South a.t right angles and 7��ra.11.el T.aith the ?�dest line of s<�id Lot � dist��rlcP of 70. 79 feet to trle
<br />� pl.ace of be�innin�, And �lso tizat ����xt �f Lots iwenty-six and Twenty-seven in County Subdivision of
<br /> the West H�,lf of the +SOUtY�1TA�PSt', �,uarter of Section Ten, Totansriip Eleven, i'�orth Rar�ge T3�.ne, `�'est of
<br /> ti��e 6th Principal P��eridian, in Hall Ceunty, iVebr�ska, mare �<�rticularly described as follows :
<br /> Commencin� �t a point 177. 7� feet Ea.st of the North�aest Corner of s��,�d Lot Twentzr-5even, trience
<br /> East alon; the Nor'th lirie of s�:�.id Lot �'wen�,y-seven, a distaT1ce of 14��. 75 feet,, thence soutri at
<br /> right �ngles a.nd p�sallel ?��rith tne East line of s:�.id Lots Tti•renty-six and T�renty--seven, a. dista,nce
<br /> of 1�1. 5�g feet ther�ce Yhlest a.t ri�ht <�ngles ari� t7arallel ?�ith tYie South l.ine of said Lot T?aenty-
<br />