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� <br /> ���� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Isla,nd, Nebr. <br /> Together with a.1]. and s'yrgular �he her�ditament� thereunto belangin�. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H�LD �h� above described x�remi�es unto the 5aid H. H. Gray, his heir� and <br /> assigns; so that nei'ther they the �aic� grantors, or any p�r�on in their name and behalf, �ha11 or <br /> wil1. hereafter claim or demand any r3�ht �or titile to the said �remises or any �art th�reof, but <br /> they and every one of them 5haI1 by �heqe presents b� excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS ��THEREOF, the sai.d par�iea of' the f3.rst part have her�unto set their hand and seals the <br /> day and year above written. <br /> B. F. Scudder <br /> S3.gned, �eal.ed �,nd de�ivered in pr���nce of .�5 I.R. Stamps��L � � <br /> W. S. Pickens ( CaneellEd � ) Flora A. Seudder <br /> as to both � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA }$� On this sth day of October, A.D. i9�6, before me, the undersigned, <br /> HALL COUNTY � ' W. S. P3.ek�n�, a Notary Public, dtzly commiss3.oned and qualif ied for <br /> and in �aid County, pers�nally came B. F. _�Scudder and Flora A. �Scudder, husband and wife, <br /> to me known to b� the id�ntieal persons whcse name� --- affixed to the foregoing ins�rum�nt as <br /> grantors and acknowledged the �ame to be the3r voiuntary act and deed. <br /> Witn�ss my hand and Seal the da�r and y�ar 1a�t above wri�ten. <br /> W. S. Piekens <br /> (SEAL) Notary�Public <br /> Commission ex�ires Au�ust 1.7, 19k8 <br /> Fil�d f or record this 6 day of May, 19�7, at 9:�0 o ' clock A.N:. , � �✓ <br /> Register o�ed�____ <br /> 0-0-0-Q-Q-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(?-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-c�-a-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�- <br /> e <br /> REFEREE� S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRFSENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in civil action No. 1.0782 pend3.n� yn the District Court of Hall County, <br /> Nebra.s'�a, wherein Carri� R. Prince, and other�, are k�lain�Giffs, and Edward J. Pat�erson, single, <br /> and others, �,re defPnd�.nt�, �aid action bein� f or the parti�ion of the real estate hereinaf'Ger <br /> described, with other land, the undersi�;ned Referee, appoin��d by said cour� to make partit�.c�n of <br /> said real estat�, made repor� in urritirl� dus5r s?gned, �e�tin�; forth that partition of said rea�. <br /> es�ate could not be made without �reat pr�,jud3.ce to the owners thereof., which report wa� duiy <br /> examined by said court, and said court, b�ir.g sati�fied ther�with, confirmed the sa.rne and tn�re- <br /> upon made an arder causin� the same to be entered, directin me a� Ref�ree to se11 said r�a1 <br /> e�tate on the followin� terms, ta-�ait : fift�en pe�cent (15�) cash c�n the day of ��.1� and the <br /> bala.nce upon conf�rmation. <br /> And, in pursuance of said oraer, I as R�f�r�e took the oa�h requix�ed by statute and furnished <br /> �atisfactory bond as required by th� order of the court, which bond was du1.y approved, and I <br /> causcd a no�ice �o be publish�;d in the �{Grand Tsland Dai1y Tndepenclent�r ,a newspaper printed <br /> arxd in �enera3 circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, and in the �'C�ntral City Republ3.can�', a <br /> ne��spaper prin��d and in general c�rcLtlation in Merrick �ounty, Nebraska, and in u�r�� Br�wst�r <br /> NewsN, a newspaper prin�ed arr�. in �enera]. cireul�,tion in Hlaine County, Nebraska, that I would <br /> off�r said real estate for saye at the north front door of �he courthouse in Grand Zsl.and, in <br /> said Hall County, on the 27th c�_ay of February, 19�7� at 10 o� elock A.M. of �aid day, and a� <br /> the timP and pJLac� �ta�ed in sa3.d no�ice�, and after notices had been published for more �han <br />' thirty days, I offered said rpa.�. e��ate for sa1� �.t pub;�ic aue�ion and sold part of said r�a1 <br /> estat�, to-t�aits Lot Two (2) in Frac�ianal. Block Twelve (1.2) in G�lbert' s Add�tion to �he �ity <br /> of Grand I�land, Ha11 Coun�y, Nebra��a, to C. Freida Putnam f�r �he sum of �2 1'�5.Q0, she bein� <br /> th� highest bidder th�ref'or, and aft�rward�, �.�e1 on the 7th. day of March, 19�7, said Court approved <br /> and cor.firmed �aid sale, and by order directed mP as Referee to execute a deed �o �aid person, <br /> convey��� ^�.id rea,1 est�.te to her in fee �imp��. <br /> NO�yz, T�-iEREFOt�E, T, W.P. LAURITS�:N, REFEREE, in cc�ns3.dPration of the premises and �ne sum of <br /> Two Tho�:.�sand One Hundred Sev�nty=fiv� Dollars (�2,1'�,�.CO) �o bid and gaid by 'the �aid C. FREIDA <br /> PIITNAT�, and by virtue of �he �at�rers vested ir. m� by �aw, d.o, by these pre�ents, gran't, s�ll and <br /> c�nvey un�o the said C. FRF�DA PUTNAM, and �a h�r heirs and a�sign� fi'or�v�r, tYie real estate <br /> de�cr3.bed a� �'ollows : <br /> Lot Two (2) , in Fractiona3. Block Twe3ve (y2} i.n Gilbert� � Addi�ion to �he City of Grand <br /> Is�.and, Ha1I County, NPbrask�.. <br /> with a11 appurtenanaes thereunto belongin�. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to her, the s�,id C. FRETDA PUTNAM, and to her heirs and a�si�ns <br /> forever. <br /> IN WTTNESS �V'HEREOF, T have he.r�unto get my hand this 22nd day of April, 19�7, <br /> W. P. Laurtisen <br /> ( 2.7� T.R.�tamps) Re�`eree <br /> ( Cancel,y�d �_ <br /> STATE OF PIEBRASKA )g�,� On this 22nd �.ay of April� 19�j, b��'or� me, a Notary Public, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) duly comrnission�d and qu�.�.if'�.ed for and residin� in saj d county, <br /> p�rs�nally carie '�f. P. LAURSTSEN, al.;o knotirn ag and refPrred to a� Walter P. Lauritsen, REFEREE <br /> in trie ca�e referred to in t:�� foregoin�; de�u, to me knot�rn tn be the ident�.cal person whosc name <br /> is �t�b5crib�d to th� foregoing; de�d as �rantor, and ackno�nTledged th� execu��.on thereof to be hi� <br /> volun�ary act and deed for the �urpo�es therein se� forth. <br /> WITNESS my h�.nd, and Notarial S�al the day a.nd year l�.s� above written. <br /> (SEAL) Harold A. Prince <br /> Commi��ian Expires June Z7, 19.�0 NOTAR.Y PUF3LiC <br /> Fi1ed for record th�.s � day o�' May, 19��7, at 2;C0 0� clock P.M. ����� (� ,,� <br /> Re�is�er of d <br /> 0-0-0-0-Q-0-C�-0-0-0-Q-0-�-0-0-0--0-d-C)-�-0-o-��-c;-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-c�-���-o-a-o-o-c�-O-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br />