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�'L�_� <br /> DE�ED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> I � A ne Co Is nd Nebr I <br /> 28080—Tkte ugusti ., Grand la , . <br /> newspaper �rint�d and in gen�ral. eircula�ion in Blaine Count,y, Nebraska, that S urould o�'#'er said <br /> real estate fc�r sale at the north front d.oar of .the Cour�hQ.tzs� in Gr�,nd T�1and in said HaII Gount��, <br /> on the 27th day of February, 194�7, at IQ orelock A.M. of �aid day, and at th� time and place stat�d <br /> in said notices, and af'ter nt�tices had b��n publi5hed for more than thirty days, x offered gaid <br /> rea.l e�tate for sale a�G �ublic auction and �;o1d �art of said real �state, to-w3.t : The North Ha1.f <br /> of the Northwe5t Quart�r (N� NW�) of ��ction Tti�;enty--nin� (29) , Township Eleven �1�.) ,North of Rang� <br /> �welve (12) , W�st of' the 6th P.M, in Fia�.l C�unty, N�braska, to B.J.Cunnin�ha[� for �he sum of <br /> �1,200.40, he being th,e highest bidder there�'or, a�d afterwards, and on th� 7th. day of Mareh, 19�"�, <br /> �aid Court ap�roved and confirmed sa9.d �ale, and by orc3er dir�eted me as Referee �o execute a deed <br /> to said p�r�on, said real e�ta�Ge to him in fee �impl.e. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, W. P. LAURZT5Ei3, Referee, �.n considerat�on of the premi�es and the �um <br /> of On� Thoueand. Two Hundred Do2lars (�l,�Q�.00� �o bid and paid by the said B.J.Cunningham, and <br /> by virtu� of the �?owers ves�ed in me by 1aw, do, by these pre��nts grant, sell and convey unto the <br /> 9aid B. J. Cunningham, and ta hi� heirs and as:�i�;n� forever, the real e�tate describEd as fo�.low� t <br /> The North H�,1f of the Northwes� �uar�er (N� NW�� of Section Ttrenty-nine (2q) , �o�rn�hip <br /> i" Eleven (11) ,North of Range Twelve (12) ,W��t af' �he 6th P.M. �.n HaI�. �ounty, Nebraska. <br /> with all a�?�urtenances thereun�a belon�in�. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HC�LD th� same to hi.m �he sa3.d B. J. Cunn3.n�ham, and to his heirs and as�i�ns <br /> farever. <br /> IN V�TTNESS WHEREOF, I have her�unto s�t rny hand thi:� 22nd day of Apri1., 19�7• <br /> �1.� T.R.S�amps ) W. P. Lauritsen <br /> ( Cancel.led � RefereB <br /> STATE �F NEBRASKA )5� On thig 22nd day af April, zg47, bef ore me, a Notary Public duly , <br /> � �UNTY OF HALL ) comm�,�sianed and qualifi.ed for and res�.ding in �aid county, personally <br /> came W.P.LAURTTSEN, also kno�rn as and ref�rred to as WALTER P. LAURITSEN, Referee in the cas� <br /> referred to in the f orPgoing d�cd, to me known to �e the identical person whose name i� �ubscribed <br /> to the fore�oin�; deed as grantor, a:;d ackna��riedged �he execution thereof ta be hi� voluntary act <br /> and deed for �he purposes �h�rei.n set f orth. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial S�al trle d�.y and year la�� above written. <br /> , (SE.AL) Harold A. Princ e <br /> Comm. Ex��.res J�zne 1.7, 19�0 NO2'ARY PUBLIC <br /> FilPd for record �his 24 day af April, 19�7, at 13 :30 0' clock A.M. �i�� C����,�' ,� <br /> � �--- <br /> Re�ister of eed$ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-f�-0-0-0-0-0-C?-�-0-r,_r;_r'�-(>-n-0-0-0-0-�'-�-0-0-0-G�-0-C--0-t?-0-0-G�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0- <br /> REFEREE� S DEFD <br /> ^ REFF.REE ' S D�'ED <br />� KN0��1 ALL ��•3EN �Y THESE }�RF�EAtTS: <br /> That, tatHFRFA�, in civil <�.eti�n ?�10. 107f�2 pendin�J in the Listrict �ourt �f Hall County, <br /> Nebrask��, ��rherein C�rrie R. Prince, sin�1P, �rid. oth�rs, are pl.aintiff's, a,nd Edw�rd J. Pat�erson, <br />, and others, are defe.r.dants, s�i� aetion beinE for the �<�rtition of- the real e�t��,te here- <br /> inafter described, �rith other 1C�.n�., the undersi�nec� Ref eree, ��ppointed by s�.id court to make <br /> r�a.rtit'ion of' said real est3te, m�.de re?��rt in �,rriting duly �i�ned, setting forth th�t �a�rtition <br /> of said real estate could not be m�.cle T�itho��t great x�re,�udice to the owners �hereof, �ahich re- <br /> bort �.�ras duly examined by s�id court, and said c�ur�, bein� s�tisfi�d th"erewith, ccnfirmed the <br /> same and thereupon made �,n order causi�r�g' the s<�.me to be entered, directin� me �s Referee to sell <br /> �aid. real e�t�te on the follotti�iri� terms, �o-u�it: fifteen percent (15i�) cash on the day of sale <br /> � and the bal�.nce unon confirmation. <br /> And, in �ursuancP of said �r�er, I �,� Re�'eree took the oath rec�uired by statt�te �nd furniahed <br /> satisfactory bond as requir�d by the order of t'rle court, T�hich bond Tr��s duly abproved, and I <br /> c�used a notice to be ��ublished 3.n the "Grar�d Isl�nd Dai1y Inc�ependent, " �, neT,�spa.r�er urinted �,nd <br /> in general. circula.tion in H�11 County, I�ebrask�, �nd in the "Gentral City Republican'� , �. n�;wspat�Pr <br /> printed �.nd in gener�,.l cireul.a.tion in t��[errick C�unty, Nebra.ska, �,nd in °The Brewster Nez�,rs" , a <br /> nP��rsra,perr r�rinted. a.n� in gener�l circul�.tion in Blain County, Nebr��ka., tha.t I S�ould off er said <br /> rPal estate for sale �.t the north front �.00r of the CourthousP� in Gr�nd Islar.d in said Ha11 County, <br /> on the 27th da.y of February, 19�-I-7, at 100 ' clock A, I�?. of said day, �nd �t the time �nd �la.ce �t�,ted <br /> in s�.id notice�, and after notices had been t�uialished for more than thirty da,ys, T off'F;red s�,id <br /> . real e5t�te for sale at T�ublic �.uction and 5old. p�rt of said real estate, to-wit : <br /> T'r�e ?�jJest Sixty-six (W.66) rods of.' thP NorthT�rest QuartPr of thP NortnPast Quar�er (Iv'W�NE�� o�' <br /> Section One (1) , in To?anship �'en (10� , North af Ran�;e Eleven (11) , T�est of the 6th p.I�. in Hal1 <br /> County. Nebra�ka, to Dav�.d Shriner and Ha7,el_:1 e ShrinPr f�r the sum of �3, 650.00, �hey being the <br /> hi�hest bid�.ers therefor, and �ftert��rds, �nd on �rP 7th day of �$Z�rch, I�9�-7, said Co�art a�?proved <br /> and confirmed sa.�d sa1_e, and by ardPr ctir�ctPd me as Referee to execute a deed to person5, <br /> e�nveSTin� said real est�.te to them in fee simnle. � <br /> NO?+� THEREFORE, I, t�tALTFR P. I�AURIT�EN, Ref eree, in consider�tion ot' the r�remise� <�nc� the <br /> sum of 'S'hree Thous�nd Six Htandred Fifty Do11�a,rs ( ?��, 65o.00�) so bid �,nc� paid by the s�id. Davic� <br /> Shriner a.nd Haj elle Shriner, and �y virtu� af the ��o�.urers vestec� in me by law, do, by these <br /> presents, �rant, se1.1 �nc� convey unto the said DAVID SHRIN�'R and HAZELLE SHR�NF.R, �s Joint Ten�n�s, <br /> and not as ten�nts in cc�mm.on, �,nd to their ��ssigns, �nc1 to trie heirs a.nd asslgns of the survivor <br /> of �hem, forever, the re�.l est�te clescribed �s : <br /> The ��est Sixty-six (W. 66) rods of the Nart��Y�rest Qu�rter of the Northeast Qu�rter (N�JgNE�) of <br /> Section One (1 ) , in To�rrn�hip Ten (10) , �Jor�h of R�nge Eleven (lI } , West of' the 6th P. ��. in Hali <br /> Cour�ty, Nebrask� <br /> with a.11 a�nurtenar�ces thereunto bel.c�n�;in�;. <br />� <br />