<br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., (7ra.nd Ialand, Nebr.
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) On this 23 d�y of April, i947, before r,1e, the undersi�ned, a No.�ary
<br /> ss. Public in �nd for said County, r��rsonally cr�.me A.E. CADY, President of the
<br /> Hall County ) �debr�.ska Loan & Trust Com�any, {Gr�nd Island, Nebra�,;ka) to me personally
<br /> known to be the President and the identical vPrson whose n��me is affixed
<br /> to the above conveyance, a.nd acknowled�ed the execution thereof to ,b� hi� voluntary act �nd deed
<br /> a� such officer a.nd the vol�unta.ry act and deed of the said Nebraska Loan & Trust Company, (Grand
<br /> I�1�nd, Alebraska) , and that the Corporate s��.l �f the s�id Nebr�.s�a Loan & Trust Co, Grand zsland,
<br /> Nebr. was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br /> '�itness my h�.nd and �?otarial SPa1 a.t Gr�nd Tsl�nd in s�id county the d�.y anc3 year last �bove
<br /> saritten.
<br /> Ruth Bwanson
<br /> ( S}+'.AL) Notary Public.
<br /> My Commission expires the lf�th day of Au�ust, 1950
<br /> Filed for record the 23 day of A��ril, 19�-7 �.t 3: 30 0 ' clock P.M. �,��-��-�� �-ld-��-��-�, �
<br /> Register of $—eeds� I
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-t�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> REFE'REE � S DE�D
<br /> WHFREAS, on the 6th d��r of Febru�ry, la�#-7, the same bein�; one of the ,judicial da;�s of the �
<br /> regular term in an aetion then �ending �n the District Court of the Eleventn. Judicial District ,.
<br /> held in and fr�r H�.11 County, PJe�ra.sk�, �nd entitled Clay J. F�,go� et al, f�l<�.intiffs, vs. Albert
<br /> J, Fagot, administra.tor of t:�e est�te of Perly R. Fa�ot, deceased, �;.t a1, defer.darits, beirig Case
<br /> No. 10�0�, A. J. Luebs was by thP Jud�e of said Court a,��po3.nted ref eree to make ��a.rtition; �.nd �I
<br /> dti�-IERFAS, the said A.J. Luebs #'iled. a report tha,t ,�-,r�itic�n c�uld not be had t�ithout �reat
<br /> pre�'udice to Ghe owners of said real estate, ��ahich re��ort �aa.s on motion confirm�d, �nd on February
<br /> 6, �.g47, said referee !ti*as orc�ered to sell s�.id premises by tne Jud�e of s�id Court; �nd I
<br /> '�rHEREAS, in �.ccordance ?�rith s�.id order the s�id A.J. Luebs, as refex�ee, fil�ed a, bond canditioned
<br /> as required by la��r ^nd as required b,y sa.id order, and filed his Q��th in the m��nner a.nd forr� provided
<br /> by I�ia; �,nd I
<br /> `�1HF'REAS, the sa,id �.. J. Luebs, referQe, d.id adverti�e said ;�remises for s�le in the manner
<br /> and form �rovid.ed by la�a, �nc� did, on P�4a.rch 1?, 19�7, at the hour of 2 0 ' clock P. �1. , a.t the front
<br /> a.nd main door of the Court-��ouse in the City of Grand Island, H�.11 rounty, Nebrask�, bein� the
<br /> time �.nd pla.ce fixed in �a.id notice at x�ublic s�le, sell �he follo�•�ing-described Y�remi�es to
<br /> Michael DoT��d and Agatha. Do�tiTd, husb��nd ancl ?rrife, a.s �oirlt tenants and not <�s tenants in common,
<br /> Urith the entire fee title vested ir� tne survivor in t�e event of the c�eath of Pither of said
<br /> nurcha.sers, �'or �he surn oi �4, �25.00, the.y being the highest ar�d best bidaers therPfor at 5��.d
<br /> �ublic s�.le; �nd
<br /> 3JH�'REAS, a�'ter-?,ra,rds, to-wit , on �he 21st day of Ma.rch, 1947, sa,id sale was confirmed by the
<br /> Jud�e of said C��urt, ��nd the ��,i� A. J. Lu�bs, refPree, vr�s ordered to cor�ve,� s��.id r�remises to the
<br /> �,bove-n�med ;�urcha.sers.
<br /> NOr�T, THEREFORE, I, A.J. Luebs, as referee, in ennsideration of thP sum of �4, �2�. 00 in hand
<br /> paid, the recei?�t T�,�hereof is hereb,y a,cknowled�ed, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, se1.l �nd conve�T unto
<br /> I�4ich�.el Do�d and Agatha Dowd, �s ,joint ten��nts and not a.s tenants in common, �nd to the3r heirs,
<br /> executors ��nd assigns forever, the fo11oU*in�-described x�remises, to-wit :
<br /> Lot Seven ( 7) , Block One Hunared One (101) in Railro�d Additi�n and Koeing & ?^Tiebe 's Addition to ,
<br /> the City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, NebrGska,
<br /> to ha.ve �nd to hold saic� above-deSCribed x�remises forever. '
<br /> IN t��ITNFSS ?tTHF.REOF, the �r<�.ntor ha.s hereunto set his ha.nd this 7th cla.y of A�ril, i g47.
<br /> (�5. 50 I. . St�.m�s ) A. J. Luebg
<br /> ( Ca.ncelled ) Referee
<br /> gs. On this 7th day of April, 1947, bPfore me, a Rtot�ry Public duly c�mmissioned .
<br /> C(�UI�TTY OF HALL ) in ��nd .for. Hall County, Nebr��ska, persox��lly ca.me A.J. Luebs, re�.eree in
<br /> the c�.t}se �nT�.th3.�1 naMed, to me knoYan to be the individual described in, and
<br /> Trrho executed the above con�reya.nce and a.cknowledged th�t he executed the sarne f'or the nurpose there-
<br /> in mentioned.
<br /> Carl E. !�lill�xd
<br /> (SEAL) Nota.ry Public.
<br /> My commission expires Se?�t. 5, 19�7
<br /> , �� n�
<br /> Fi1ed for record the ?�I c�ay o�' �,,��ry�r` ,. 1g�+7 �t 10:�-5 o ' clock �,. P�:. �Jt--��-�C �.-�-�-
<br /> e�gister of �l5ee�s
<br /> o�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-n-o-a-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-c-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in civil. action No. 1�782 pending 3,n the Di�trict Court of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> z,��herein Carr�.e R. Prince, sin�le, arr1. others are plaintiffs, and Edward J. Patterson, single, and
<br /> others, are defendants, sa5.d action b�in�; for the par. tition of the real esta�e hereinafter described,
<br /> with other 1a:�d, the undersigned R�f'�r�e, appointed by said court to make partition of said real
<br /> estate, made repo.rt in wr�,tin� duly signed, rettin�; forth tha.t partition of said real es�ate could
<br /> not be made w�thout great pre�ud�ce ta the owners thereof, �rrhich report wa5 duly e xa.m3.ned by said
<br /> court, and said court, bei.ng satisfied therewith, confirmed the same and thereupon mAde an order
<br /> catzsinJ the same to be entered, directing me a� Referee to se1.1 sa3.d real estate on the followin�
<br /> terms, to-witt fift�en percent (15J) cash r�n the day of sale and the balance upon conf3.rmation.
<br /> And, in pur�uanc� of said order, I as R�feree �ook the oath required by statute and f urn�.�hed .
<br /> satisfactory bond as required by the order of the court, trhich bond wa� d1�1y approv�d, and I
<br /> caused a notice to be published in the "Grand Island Daily Independent" , a newspa�aer printed and
<br /> in general circulation �n Hall County, Nebraska, and in the '�Gen'Gra1. City Republican" , a newepaper
<br /> printed and in general circula�i�n in Merric� �ounty, Nebraska, a.nd �.n "The Brewster New�" , a i
<br />