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g _ <br /> � � <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> E <br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Neba <br /> �TARFANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL P�IEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> 'That THE WOOD RIVER CEMETERY ASSOCIATTON, of the Village of Wood River, 3.n the �ounty af <br /> Ha31 and State of' Nebraska, in con:�ideration of the sum of Twenty-f�.ve dollars (�25•OQ) �ollars, <br /> in hand paia doe5 herPby grant, bargain, sell and conv�y �znto Gaius & LouElla Burmooe7. of the <br /> County of Hall, and Stat� of Nebra�ka, grante�, the fo�.I.oWi�1�?; described Lo� or Lots of land si�- <br /> uated 3.n the '�'�ood R3.ver C�metery, in th� Toirn�h3.p of Wood R�.ver, in Ha11 Gaun�y, N�bras��.a, to-wit : <br /> Ea�t z of Lot #1.0� in Row ei�h�, orig3.nal cemetery � <br /> and a11 the estate, right, ti�le and ir�tere�t whatgoever of th� said grantor in and to tY�Fe ��.me <br /> and every part thereof. <br /> To hav� and to hold the abov� descri.bed. Lo� or Lot� un�o �he gaid Gaiu� & LouElla Burmood <br /> Grantee, their heirs and ass�.gns forever and the sai.d granto� hereby covenants with the sa3.d <br /> gran�ee that it holde said premi5es �y good and perfect title and has good ri�ht and authority <br /> to sell and convey the �ame and �h�.t same are free a.nd clear of al1 c1�,3.m� and incumbranc�s <br /> whatsoever and the said Wood River Cemetery As�ociat�.on hereby coven.ants to warrant and def'�nd <br /> sa�.d pr�mi5es a�a3.nst the law�'ul claims of a1I persons whomso�ver. <br /> . St is further agreed and understood tha� t��e above desc�:�bed proper�y 3.s sold and a�s�.gned <br /> f or th� �urpose af intermen� only and to be u�ed for no v�her purpo�e, �ub�ect, however, to the <br /> provisions and res�r�.etions of �he Laws of' the s�ate o�' Nebragka relatin� �o Cemetery Associa�9:ons <br /> and to all ae�s and laws of the Legislature of the State o�' Nebraska which have been or may be <br /> lati,�#'ul]..y �nact�d. resp�ct3.n�; Cemetery A�;�ociations and also sub�ect to the conditi�ns and limi�a- <br /> tion� and vrith the pr3.vilege and re��rictions �p�cified by the and r�gulat�.ons of' said <br /> Wood River Cemetery A�sociation now in force or that may be her�after adopted by it not in conflict <br /> w t the laws of the Sta�� of N�braska which rul�s and re ulations a� h�reby �pecified are made <br /> i n g <br /> a part ot' this conveyanc�. <br /> TN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, �he Wood R�.ver G�m�tery ,�ssoc�.ation has e aused �hes� Present� �o be <br /> �igned by its Presiden� and countersigned by its secretary and the corporate �eal of sa�.d a�50- <br /> ciation to be her�unto affixed this 15th day of January, A.D. , 19�7. <br /> Attests (CORP) WOOD RIVER CEMETERY ASSOCIATZON <br /> Lelia B. Olson (sEAL) By A. E. Hauk�, Presiden� <br /> Seer�tary <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA ) B�; 3.t r�memb�r�d that on this 7th day of March, A.L. , 1g�7 , before me, <br /> HALL COUNTY ) C. S. Hoek�tra, a Notary Public dlzly comm3.ssioned and qualified in and <br /> t'or Hayl County, Nebraska, personally cam� A. E. Hauke, PreSiden�, and Le1ia B. Ol�on, 5ecrctary <br /> of the Wood River C�me�er A��ociation and th� arP known to m� to be tl�e <br /> Y Y <br /> si nin _ the fore o3.n Deed a� off3.cerg of said Association and eaeh sevrerally acknowled�e the <br /> g � g g � <br /> execution of �he f ore�oin� instrument to k�e his voluntary ac� and d eed personally and as an <br /> officer of said As�oeiation for the us� and pur�oses th�rein expressed. <br /> IN WTTNES5 WHEREOF i have hereunto �e� my hand and Notarial B�al this '�th day of March, A.D. , <br /> 19�7. <br /> (SEAL) C. S. Hoek�tra <br /> My commissi�n expires Mar. 9- l��l Notary Publie <br /> Fil�d for record �h�.s ��h day of Apr�.1, 19�'�, a� 9�30 0 'c�.ock A.�I. . ��'" <br /> � <br /> Reg3.ster �f De ds <br /> o-a-o-o-o--o-o-o--o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-a-a-o-o-a-�-o- <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOUd ALL 2�EP1 BY i HESF PRE�ET�TS: <br /> That THE ��'OOD RIVER CEMETERY AS50CIATIOi1, af the Vi11�.ge of Wood River , in the Caunty of Hall and <br /> State of Nebraska, in donsideration of the sum of Twenty-five dollars ( �25.00) Dollars, in hand <br /> paid does hereby grant , barg�,in, sell �nd convey unto whitman c& Le11a Olson af the County of <br /> Hall, �.nci. State of Nebr�.aka, grantee, the follocaing described Lot or Lots of land �itu�.ted in �he <br /> �dooc� River Cem�tery, in the Townsnip of ��ooc�. River in H�.11. County, �ebraska t o-wit : <br /> t��est � of Lot #103 in row ei�;ht ori�;inf�.1 cemetery <br /> �,nd all the e:�tate, right , �itle and interest whatsaever of the said grantor in and to the same <br /> and every part thereof. <br /> To have and to holc� tne a,bove �.escribed Lo� or Lats unto the said �v�hitman & Lelia Olson gr�.nte� <br /> their heirs �nd assigns forever and the s�.id �rantor hereby covenantg with the said gr�.ntee that it <br /> holds s�ic� premises by a good and perfect title and h�s �oad right and �,uthority to sell anc� <br /> convey the s��.me anc� that same are free and c1Par of a11 claims and incumbrances whatsoever a.nd the <br /> s�,id. Wood River Cemetery Associa,tion hereby covenants to w�.rrant �nd def�nd sa3.d r�remises �.�ainst <br /> the lawful claims of all persons whomsc�ever. <br /> It ig further agr�ed and understooc�. �h�,t the above d.escribed property is sold �nd assi�ned for <br /> the r�ur?�ose of interment only ��nd to be used for no other� purpose, sub,ject , however to the <br /> provisions and. restr�ctions of the L�.ws of the �tate of N�brasYa relating to Cemetery Associatians <br /> and to �.l.l aets anc� l�.wg of the LPgislat��re of the St��te af Nebraska w�ich h�.ve been or m�y be <br /> lawfully en�cted resr�ecting CemetPry As�ociations �nci also subject to the conditi�ns ana 13.mitati.ons <br /> �.ncl �aith the ��rivilege �nd restrictions specifiPd by the rules �.nc' retaulations of saic3 wood. River <br /> Cemetery Association now i� f'orce or tha.t m�,y be hereafter�ted by it not in conflict with the <br /> i� law5 of thP State of N�braska which rules �.nd reguZ.�tions as hareby specified are made a part of <br /> this convey�nce. <br /> IN TFSTII���I�TY whereof the '�Tood River CPme�ery Associ�.tion h�.s e�.used these Presents to be signed <br /> by its President an� countersigned by its secretary and the cor��orate se�.l of as�ociation <br /> t� be hereuntc� affi.xed thi� 1_��.h day c�f Janu�.ry A. D. , 19�7. <br /> ( CORP) WOOD RIVER CEMETERI� ASSOCIATION, <br /> � ��L� By A. E. Hauke, Presid�nt. <br /> Attest: Le1ia �. 01son, Secretary. <br />