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� � � � <br /> � DEED RECORD NO. 89 � <br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grla.nd Island, Nebr. <br /> �UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS �NDENTiJRE, Made this 27th c�ay of J<�anu��ry, in �the year one thousand nine hundred ar�d Forty- <br /> �'ive, between H. T. ��Tc�Cee of' t1�ie first ��art, �nd E. ?�J. Augustine of the s�cond part, <br /> . <br /> WIT�IESSETH, that the said t�arty af the first �a.rt, in consideration of tl�e sum of Eighty & <br />� No�100 � ��0.00)- - - - - _ _ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> to him duly x� thP recei��t �ahereof is hereb,� a.cknowled.ged remised, released, ana quit-cla.imed <br /> �nd by these �resents do for myself a.nd m,y he�.rs, executors ��nd.. adrninistrators, remise, release <br /> and forever quit-elaim �nd convey unto tl:Le said ��arty of the second ���,rt, and to his heirs and <br /> assi�ns forever, �.11 my right, t�tle interest, est�.te cl�.im �nc� dem<�ncl, both 3t 1a�,u and in <br /> eauity, of, in a,nd to all of <br /> Lots Six (6) and Ei�ht (t�) in Block Seven, (7) , in Gladstone Pla,ce, Na�ll �ounty, 1lebraska, <br />; Together with all a.nd singular the hereditaments thereun�o �elonminM. <br /> TO HAVF AP1D TO H�LD the above described Y�remises unto the said E. ?�l. Augustine his heirs and <br /> assi�ns; so th�t neithpr I the said grant�r, nor any person in m,y name and behalf, shall or wi11 <br /> hereafter c1�.im or demand any ri.�ht or title to the said �?remises or �ny 7�a,rt �hereof, but they <br /> and every one of thern �hall by these �resents be excluded ��nd forever �a,rred. <br /> IN ?��1ITNESS ��iERFOF, the said p�.rt of the first p�rt ha.�ae }�iereunto set my nand a.nd seal the day <br /> and year above writterl. " <br /> � <br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in r�resenee of H. T. McKee <br /> John F. McCarthy <br /> STATE OF Nebraska � <br /> ss. On this 27th day of J�,nu<�r,yr, A. D. z945, before me, �he undersigned <br /> Hall County ) John F. iy�cCarthy � Notary Public, duly commissioiied and qu�lified ior <br /> and residing in saic�. county, per�ona.11y H. `�. R4cKee to me knot�rn to <br /> be the identical t�F�rson T�rhose n�;ne is affixed to � the faregoin� instrument as grantor �.nd �cknow- <br /> ledged the same to be his voluilt��r. y ac� anc� deed. <br /> �n�itness my hanc� and Notar�al Spa.l the day �.nd year last ��bove ��mitten. <br /> John F. MeCarthy � <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Publie. ' <br /> My Commission ex�ires the 27th day of July, 19�+9 <br /> Filed for record the 22 da.� of ��a.rch, i947 at �:30 0 ' clock A. M. � ��/ �✓ <br /> �,/l��za�-� �����-� <br /> Register of �ISeeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> SPECIAL ?nIARRANTY DEED <br /> Kt10W ALL MEN RY `iHFSE PRESENTS, The THF UNI(�N CENiRAL LSF� INST.1RAi�CE COM?=ANY, a Cor��oration <br /> organi7ed under the la?nrs of Ohio, ?ti*ith its �rincipa.l office in the City of Cincinii�.ti, in con- <br /> sideratifln of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred ��.nd no/100 (�17, 500.00)- - - - - - - - -DOLLARS, <br /> (Actual considera.tion if over �100-must be �.nserted. ) <br /> to it paid bt;r Charles "�1enn '^Testing a,nd S�die Leona ?�'esting the rece3.;�t ��rhe�of i� hereby acknowle�ged <br /> does hereby grant, bargain, sell, conve� and confirm unto thP said Ch�rles Glenn? ?�Testing and <br /> Sadie Leona ?'desting, husb<,nd �,nd wife, as ,joint tenants ?lrith ri�ht of survivorship, their heirs <br /> a.nd assigns forevPr, the folloe�in� described real Pstate situated in the Cnunty of Hall and <br /> State of Nebrask�3 , to-wit : " • <br /> The South�•rest Qua,rter ( 5���:) o�' Section Thirty One �31) , except ri�ht of T�ra,y of the Ha�tings and <br /> North?aestern Railroad, �nd except the Isla.nd TJa��n Ro�d a.nd excent that part south of the ri ht <br /> of way of the Hastings and North���e�tern R�,ilroad, �.Iso �ots �- �nd 5 in the 1lorthTrrest Qu�rter �Nt��) <br /> all in Sect 3�on Thirty One (31) ToTSrnship P1ine (9) , R��.n�e '�ae.lve (12) , in H��.1.1 Cnunty, '�est of the. <br /> j 6th P. M. , a.nd being a I���rt of the �ame rPal estate conveyed to The iJnion Central Life Insur�nce <br /> Com�any be deed �at�d April l, 1941, a.nd recorded in Book �l, Pa.�e 509, of the Records of H�,11 <br />�` County, llebraska. <br /> IS�,ving, excepting and reserving, howevPr, untr� the �rantor, its succersors and. assigns, from a11 <br />� the above c�escribed la.nds, an undivided one-h��lf nf the oil, ���,s ��nc� other hydrocarbans and <br />� minerals now or at any time hereafter situ�,te therein �nd thereunc�er, to�,etr�er. Erith ��.11 easements <br /> and ri�hts neces�a,ry or convenient for. the ;�roduction, st�rage a,nd tra.ri5p^rtation thereof �n�. the <br />' exploration ancl test ;_n� of the said real pro�.�erty �a.nd a_lso tile ri�ht to c�rill for, produeP and Tase <br /> taater from the said real pronPrty in connection ?1�it'ri dril?in�; �r minin�; o?�Prations thereon; anc� <br /> all the est<�te, title and interest cf the said THE UNIOn1 C^iV`�'RAL LIFE IN�t1RA,iVC�' COMPANY, either <br /> in l��ta or in equity , of, in �znc to the said ��remises; to�et'r,�er ��ith all the ;�rivileges and <br />� a��purtenances to the belonging, and p�ll tne rents, issues ann profits thereof; to have and to <br /> hold the s�me to the only prop�r i,�5e of the 9aid Charles Glenn Westing and S��die Leona '�esting, <br />�" their heirs and a.ssi�ns forever. <br />� <br />� <br /> AND the sa�.d THE UNI01d C�'�dTRAL LIFE INSTJRA��CE COMpA�tY does h�reby covenant ?aith Charles <br />� Glenn 7�lesting a.nd S�die Leona `^lesting, their heirs and agsi�ns, th�t the said rremises are free <br /> and cleax f'rom all incumbrance� l�y, f�om, through, or undPr the said {;rantor, �nd that it �.tirill <br /> forevPr �Narr�.nt and defend the same , t,rith the �p:�urtenanees, unto the Ch�rles �1enn ��lesting <br /> and Sadie Leona. ��lestin�;, their heirs and as�igns, a;�inst �,he la�ti•ful cl�,ims of �,11 persons, clairning <br />'i by, from, througYi, or under the �;rantor h?rein, except as a�'ainst �11 ri�hts under existing <br />� tena.ncies or ri�hts of ����rties in possession, all Ieases, rent contra,cts, outst��nding mi:nPr�,l <br /> r rights, ri�hts c�f T��a,y and ea.sement, of every cha.r��,cter noT.a Pxistin�; on, over, under or ac .ross sa�.d <br /> 1and; the �rantee �a.ssumes .and a,�'rees to pay a,11 taxes �nd a�sessments <br /> Ii�1 ?�JITNES� '^1HFRFC�F, the s��id THE UNI(�N CENTRAL I:IFF IN�'T:1RAT�ICE COM'?A"Ji has hereunto ca.used <br /> its name to �P subse.ribed and it3 cor��ora.te seal to bP affixed by its duly a.�,�thori7,ed officPrs, <br /> this 6th r��.y of Februa.ry, 19�+7. <br /> THF ?1NION CFNTRAL I,aIF'E INS?iRAIdCE COMPANY, <br /> In the presence of ( CORP) <br /> I'I (S:�AL) �3y J. C. H�tfield, Vice-President. <br />; F. C. Guenther By Chas. A. H��.ndy, Assi�tant Secret��ry. <br />', <br />_ _ _��._ _ � <br />