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�.� ..,.. <br /> ��. � ��� <br /> � DEED RECORD NO. 89 �� � <br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. i <br /> year first above written. <br /> Margaret O �Donnel� <br /> Si�ned in Prespnce af <br /> A. 0. Ru�gl e <br /> STATF OF I(?WA �ss. On thi� 21" da,y of Februar�j, 1��7 be�'ore me persanally �,p��eared r'�a.r��xet <br /> G�??JNTY t�� DAT�LAS ) 0 'Donnell to me kno�an to be the ���rson described 3.n anc� ti�ho Pxecut�d the <br /> foregoin�; instrumPnt and. a.cknawlec��ed th<�t s�1e executed the sa.r�e as her free �.ct �_nd deed.. And <br /> th� said �Iar��a.ret 0'Donnell f urther decl�.red herseZf to be single �.nd unmarried. <br /> TN TESTIMOI�`� ?�JH�RF�!F, I have hereunto set my h�,nd �nd �.ffixed my official seal, at my office in <br /> Perry, I�. , the da,y �.nc� year first �.bave �+rritten. <br /> i�y term of off ice as a Not�,ry Publi c ?aill expire 7/� 194� <br /> W. B. Christ <br /> (SFAL) Not�ry Public. <br />,. F3�led for record this 21" day of �°Zarch, 19�4-7 ��,t 3 0 ' clock P.2�. ����� � � <br /> Re�ister of eeds <br /> O-�0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-'J-0-0-O-�n-O-Cl-r1..p_p_O-•J_n�.r)_O_O_O•�r�_0...0_O_i:)-O_''�_n-p���.n-p�(��p�p-O--O-O-O-�-O-•O-+O <br /> DE;ED OF VACATION <br /> KNOW ALL 2��IEN BY THESE PRESE3�ITS: Th�t we, D, fi. 27�'VES & EV�'LYN G. ��TEV�'S, husb�and �,nd t�aife, of Hal1 <br /> County, Nebraska, being the owners of' the ?�roverty descri�ed below, do hereby vacate a11 of thet <br /> t of Joehn ' s Subdivi 'b ti�s : <br /> ��r ck son descr� ed as folloz <br /> "The North 3�7. 3 feet of Lot D, Joehnck ' s Subdivision of tr��e Soutnea�t Quarter of Section 15, <br /> To�rnship 11, North, R�nge � , ��le.�t ef' the e�th P.P2, of Hall County, ��tebraska, described as follo?as: <br /> at the Northeast corner of' Lo� D; Thence soutYi�astQrly along the taest line of Joehnek <br /> �oad a distance of' j74.�5 feet; Thence west a diatance of 25�-.05 feet to a ��oint on the west line <br />' of Lot �; Thence north alon� the we�t line of Lot D a distance of j27. 3 feet to the northwest <br /> corner of Lot D; Thence east along the north side of Lot D a distance of 75. 25 feet to the point <br /> of beginnin�;, a.nd �.11 of Lot_A, B, C., E, F, & � of' said Joehnck' s Subdivision. " <br /> We do �lso hereb,y va,ea.te a11 of that nart of P�rk ��'a�r Subdivision of the Southeast Qu�.rter of <br /> Section 15, To�anship 11, North, Ran�e 9, ?tiie�t of the 6th P. "4. in Ha11 County, Nebraska described <br /> as follo?�rs: <br /> I '�AiI oP Lots I and J of saic� Park�ay Subd.�vision of the So�atheast Quarter of Section 15, Township <br /> 11, North, Range 9, S�1est of �he 6th P.M. in Hal2 County, Nebraska. " <br /> We hPreby certify tha.t ThTe are the �ole o�aners of �,11 of the above-described real estate; tha,t <br /> ��e have laT�T�'ul. ri�ht to v�,c��te all of said nremisPS ag �bave set forth, a.nd shoTVn in the x�lats <br /> of Joehnck' s Su�divigion and Park `^�ay Subdivision; th�.t �ae do volunt��,rily and ��rithout reJervation <br /> vacate said subdivision� as above described. <br /> IN !�ITPJFSS t��iER�OF, ?ae hPreunto signed our names thi5 31 d�.y �f Ju1y, 1946. <br /> '�ITNESSES: D. H. P�Ieves <br /> B. J. Cunningham Evelyn G. Meves <br /> STATE OF TIEBRASuA ) <br /> ss. No�,� on thi� 31st d�y of July, �.91�6 pAr��nall,y appe<�.red before rne, a <br /> C�JUIdTY OF HALL } Nota.ry � in �3nd f'or Hal1 County Nebraska, D. H. . Pr�EVEB & EVEI�YN G. <br /> MESJES, husband �nd T�,rife , to me known tr� be the ide.7tical persons taho <br /> executed the foregoing ins�rument, ��,nd they acknowledged the execution thereof to be their <br /> voluritary �nd deed for the purx�ose thPrein set forth. <br /> II�t �=+IIT�dESS ?+J�iEREOF� I have hereizntc� a.ffixed my h��nd �nc�. se�.l at Grand Island, idebraska, the day <br /> a,nd yPar Z�.st �,bove written. _ . _ .: ` <br /> B. J. Cunr�ingh�m <br /> (SEAL) Notary Fublic <br /> My commission exi�ires : Augu�t 5, 1947. <br /> CERTIFIC�,TE <br /> The undersi�ned, �VALTE'R H. LG�ESCHE�, County C1Pr�i in �nd for Ha.11 County, NPbras'�a, does hereby <br /> certify tha.t �,s such Clerk he h�.s in his possession the nerm�.nent records a.nd nroceedin�s of the <br /> Cour.ty Board of Hall County, ilebra.ska; that �<�.id recor�.s �hoT� that on the 31st day of July, I�46 <br /> a �etition si�ned and verif'�ed by D. H. P9e�es <�nd Eve?yn G. Meves was presented to the County <br /> Bo�.rd at a regula.r meeting thereof; t�i�t the object and nrayer of said Petition �aa.s to vacate <br /> g�id lots, traets, and b�rti�,ls of land described a� f'o1loTas : <br /> "ThP rlorth 327. 3 feet of Lot D Joehnc'•� ' s Subdivision described as follo=as : Beginnin� �t the <br /> northea5t corner of Lot D; Thence southeastArly a.lo:�� the west .line of Joehnck Road a, distance of <br /> 374. �5 feet; ThencP T�Test �, dist�nc:e ^f 254. 05 feet to �. �oint ran the west line of Lot D; Thence <br /> north along the �aest line of Lot D a di�t�,nce c�f 327. 3 feet to the northwert corner of Lot D; <br /> ThencP east along the north side of Lot D a dis�ance of 75. 2�j feet �o the �oint of beg�nnin�, and <br /> A11. of Lo�s A, B, C, E, F, & G of Joehnck' � Subdivision. '� Lots I �nd J of Pa.rk �d�,y Subdivision. <br /> that said PPtition was presented b,y John McCarthy, �ctin� County Attorney in and f'or Hall County, <br /> Nebraska; th�, t the minutes of the Board of Supervisors sho�>> tha.t John McCarthy, actin� County <br /> Attorney, �resented the PPtition reauesting tha.t an �pr�ropriate resol���ion be passed for the <br /> purpose of vac�Rting �he above-de�cribed land; that upon motion by Bock seconded by McKee that the <br /> requeilt for vaca.tin� saic� ��lat ��a.s apx�roved a.nd �ccepted. <br /> IN r�dlTrd�'SS ��dHEREOF, I h�ve hereunto affixed my hand and the seai of the County Clerk of Hall <br /> County, �tebras�a this 17th day of Janu��.ry, 1947. <br /> Walter H. Loescher <br /> (SEAL) C�unty C3erk in and for Hall <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> I Filed f'or record this 21" day of, March, 19LI-7 C�.� 4 0 ' clock P.M. `� '`� <br /> ��c��cx�-d `✓d� --��-�- <br /> . Register of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-a-o--o-o-o-o-�� <br />