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<br /> �I 17.Transfer of the Property or a Beneficlal Interest In Borrower.If all nr:tny part nf the Prope�ty��r xny interest in it I _
<br /> • ' is snld��r tranyferred (ur if x henehciul inrere;�t in Hi�rruwer Is sold ur transf�rnJ and Borrawer is not a iu�turxl pecson)withnut �
<br /> Lancler'ti prior writteu co�GSent, L.�:nder mt�y, at i�s optian, requirC in►meJiale payment in full of��II sumr� �ecured by tllis i
<br /> Security ItLtitrument. Hawever,this option shall not be exerclsed hy Leudet if exercise is prohibiteJ hy federal law as of the clate
<br /> of thih Sccurity Instrument. °
<br /> If l.ender exercises dus��puun, Lender shall give Bonower nauce of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not �
<br /> less ths�n 30 days from the date the nopce is delivered or a�ailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this x•
<br /> Security lntitrumeut. If Borrower fuils to pay these sums prlor to the expiration of this period, Lender n�ay mvoke any remeciles `
<br /> petmitted by this Security Instrument widiout further notice or demand on 9onower. ,_
<br /> 18, Borrower's Right to Reinstate. lf Borrower meets certain cundiaons, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> e
<br /> enforcement of this Secur�ty Instrument discandnued at any tirae prior to the earlier nf: (a) 5 dae Sof sale hontaienedein this
<br /> upplicable law may specify fot reinstatement) before sale af the Property pursuanc to auY P� __
<br /> Security Instrument; or(b)e woiild be duemua der�t hi s 1 S e curi t y I n s t r u ment and the Nate�as fno cele�nBhad ccur edp(b) A
<br /> Lender all sums which then
<br /> cures�Y but not limited oe reason�able atto eys' fees;uncd(d�takes such acaon�nder mayi reasonably require co ass ue ' . -
<br /> includmg, lr_�-
<br /> ' tl�at the lien of this Securiry Instrument,Lender's nghts in the Property nnd Borrower's obligaaon to pay the sums secured by ,
<br /> [his Security Instnw�ent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutP..menc by Borruwer, tllis Sccunty Instrument and the ` �
<br /> this nght to reinstute shall '�":,��
<br /> obligadons secured hereby shall remain fully effec h i as if no acceleratioa uad occurred.However, �;s,..
<br /> �G,;
<br /> i not apply in the case of acceleradon under paragrap ``;�`�,:�'_ —
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chenge of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in t6e Note (together with this Security
<br /> Insuument)may be sald oa`�011��m ne�y payments due under the NoWe and this Se�curity Instn►ment�. 'Ii�em also y�be one '�..��
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer")th
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a ilhabge Iaw�The nodce will state the nameland
<br /> �`�., given written nodce of the change in accordance with parab*raph 14 above and app ' � • -
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments sbould be made. The nodce will also contain any other .
<br /> informadon required by applicable law. ��• ��'
<br /> 20, Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or perrult t�e presence, use,disposal, storage. or release of any .
<br />_ � _ �,, Hazardaus Substances on or in theg��oP^nmental�I.aw rT'he precedit�t�+o entencesyshall not pply�to t1i pr�esenfc,e,u.�semo� '��, •�_
<br /> Prupc�ty t�at is In viol�tion of any �''�' �� �;
<br /> n to z'sste i.. '
<br /> •�� � stora�e on the Properry of small quanddes of Hazardous Substances that are genecally �b�u to t�."pB P ;�;:,
<br /> residendal uses and to maintenance of the Properry. � �J. ,�
<br /> • Bonower shall prompdy give Lender wnttea noace of any investigation,claim, demand,lawsuit or other acdon by any ,�
<br /> .� governmental or regulxtory agency or private party involvin;the Property and anY Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmental Law ��r �j _
<br /> ' of whicL Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bonower learns, or is aoufied by any govemmental or regulatory authority, tliat �� ,
<br /> ts necessary, Borrower shall prompdy take
<br /> any removal or other remediadon of any Hazfudous Substance affecting the Property s
<br /> �K , all ttecessary remedial acdons in accordance with Bnvironmental Law. �:
<br /> ps used in this paragraph 2U. "Haz�dous Substances" are those substances defined as roxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ��� Bnvlronmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene,other flammable o�r t�o�oacuvelmatertals ACSUSed n _
<br /> '�'' pesdcides and herbicides,volarile solvents,materials contalning asbestos or fotmaldeh�rde, __
<br /> this paragraph 1A. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located that �
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection. ', ��"�
<br /> NON-UNIPORIud COVBN.AN'TS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ._
<br /> � Zl. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender shall give nottce to Bonower prior to acceleration following Borro�17 b��� E,=—
<br /> �x�, of su►y cove+iei►t or agreement in this Security I�►strumant (but not prior to acceleratlon under paragi'aP �=.�rt-=:
<br /> p �/ �t ...1�,..-.
<br /> nppltcable not lessvithan 30 da sy from the�da e th8 nottc�e Is Blvae.�n t�Borrower,6y�whfcl�the de1'ault must be cured3 and �� '�--
<br /> (c)a date, �,;-�x�� .
<br /> (d)tdat failure to cure the default on or before the date specitiecl M the nntice maY r'esult in acce�eration of the sums �w_�-__
<br />" The nottce shall further laform Borrov+'cr of the right to -.�-
<br /> •: ... , ,_� ,. �
<br /> y�r: secured by thls sc��u�t4y Instnunent f+nd sale of tl�e Propedy. � �,�Y,,,�-:
<br /> � - T'iff-' reinstate aftr�r au:eleration und @{ie t•ight to brtng � cne�r! RC��Qn tn wc�rrt the nomexistettce of a defauit or any ott►er �,,��z_�� _
<br /> ,: deferue of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is not c�ared on or before the date specitied m�ee��o� ! _
<br /> �. I,ender, at[ts optlon, may req�fire�mmediate payment in fuli of all sum9 secured by thls Security Lutrum �__ _ _
<br /> f u i t h e r demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by ePP�icable Isw.I.ender shall be � - -�,;-_��_
<br />.��- " entitled to culled all expenses tncurred tn purs u tng t he rem e d i e i+p r o v i d e d I n t h l s p a r a B rn P h 21,inc]udi n g,but not ltmtted -:� '��.
<br /> � •.r.:.
<br /> � to,reasonable attorneys'fecs and costs of tttle evidence. �"�'"�•�'�'"`��"fi "�e
<br /> ' If the power of sale ts Invoked, Trustee shall record a nottce of default in each ���tble Iaw to Borr wer and t° ' •' �� �.:��:'' '
<br /> ' 1. propeitY is lorsted and ahall mail wples of such notice tn the cuanner prescribed be law Trustee shall Bive publtc not[ce `���'.; :;,`g .
<br /> the other persoas p►�escri6ed bY aPP��cable law.After the time requlred by npp •
<br /> ` of sale to the persons and En the munner prescribed by applicable Isw. 'h�ustee,without dernand an�orrower,shall sell
<br /> . the PropertY at Publ[c auct[o�d in an gord bTrustee det teraiines.dTrustee may postlwne sale of�all or eny pat'cel tof the � '
<br /> sale in one or more parcels Y
<br /> ProPerty by public announcement at the time and place of any previousiy scheduled sale. Lender or tts desi�ee may
<br /> purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
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