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<br /> S. Hazard or Property Ir�urante. Borrower slrall keep the unprovements now eaisting or hemafter erected on the ..
<br /> Praperty ii�.sured against loss by fire, bazdrds included widiin the temi "eatended mverage" and uny othtr h�zxrJs, includiug
<br /> � flaodx or flooding, for which I.ender requires insurance. This insurstnc;e shall he maintained in the xmoun�5 und for tl�e periody I
<br /> du�t Ixnder requires. 'I'lie imsurance carries providing�h� in+arance shall be chosen hy Borrower subject to Lxud�r's approval
<br /> which sh�ll not he uluexsai�ably wittilield. If Barrower fuils to mainutin caventge descdbed above, Ixnder may, iu Lender'r� •
<br /> option,obudn coverage ta protect Lender's dgh�ti in tlu Praperty in eccordance widi parxgrap►i 7• .
<br /> •� All insun►uce palicies and renewxis stiell be accepu�ble to Lxnder and shall include n stnndard mongi�ge cluuse. I.xnder -
<br /> shxll have tl�a riglit to hold die policies snd rene�vals. If Lender requires,BorrowGr shall promptly give to Lender all receipty nf _
<br /> paid prenilums and renewul notices. In the event nf le�cr, Bonower shall give prompt notice to the insurance cxrder and Lender.
<br /> L�;ndee may ivake pecx�f af loss if nut mede pron�ptly by Borrower. � _
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borru�ver odienvise agree in wridng. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoradon or repait af the ,
<br /> Property damHged,if the restoraaon or repair is ex,�naa�icully feasible and Lender's security is uot lessened.If the restorad�n or
<br /> ' repair is not economically fex�ible or l.ender's securiry would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall lse applied to the sums __ ��
<br /> K• ��;,.
<br /> :•-�r:
<br /> secured by this Security Instniment. whether ot not then due, with any excess paid to Horrower. If Borrower abandoas the - __G,.
<br /> � Property, or does nat answer within 30 days a nodce from Ler�der that the iusurance carrier has offered to setde a claim, then _ "������
<br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Praperty or to pay sums --
<br /> secured by tlus Security Insmiment. wbether or not thea due. The 30�1ay perlod wiU be�tn when thc notice is siven. �-�:__:--
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wriang, any applicadon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or " ��.
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refcrsed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If under �___ —
<br /> , paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Bnrrower's right to any insurance palicies and proceeds resvlting from ':��t-
<br /> � damage to the Praperty pdor to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudty Insuument �:•s:�'~�"'�'�
<br /> ��.
<br /> ,.' immedtately prior to the acquisidon. ;�
<br /> � 6,pccuprruy,Preservation,Malntenance and Protectian of the Property;Borrower's Loan Application;Leaseholds. .•• .
<br /> ` Boaower shnll occupy, establish,and use the Properry as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execudon of ��A,;�
<br /> ' ' �his Security Instrument and sball conriaue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless L.ender otherwise agrees in wridng, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> _ � eatenuadng circumslilnces exist wluch are beyond Bonower's wntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the :
<br /> 4.
<br /> - - -_�-- Property, allow the Properry co deteriorace,or w�.�wii was.e on thz Fri,crcy. Eo:ro•�..r :,�-:.11� in clefsnli if aay ferfPi�,re -- `
<br /> . acdon or proceeding,whether civil or criminal.Is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the .
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien creaud by this Sscurity Inshument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may .'. �
<br /> cure such a default and zeinstate,as pmvided in paragrnph 18,by causing the acdon or proceeding to be dismissecl with a niling �i ,::..
<br /> tliat, in L.ender's good faith determinaaon,precludes forfeiture of the Bonower's interest in the Property or other material � ,--
<br /> impaiiment of the lien created by this Security Insaument or I.ender's security intemst. Borrower shall also tse in default if � •�: .,
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application process. gave mater3ally false or Inaccurate infom�adon or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> " to pravide Lender with any materlal luforniadon)in conuection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited
<br /> . to,representadons conceruing Bonower's occupancy of the Prop�rty sis a principal residence. If this Security Insmwient is oa a ___
<br /> Irasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee atle to the Paoperty. the ���i�
<br /> leasehold and the fee dtle shall not merge iwless I.eczder agrees to the merger in wridng. �� �
<br />- 7.Protedion oi II.ender's Ri�hte[n the Propt�ty.If Boaower fails to perform the covenants and agmements containecl in R
<br /> • -s. this Security Insuument, or chere is a le�al proceedlnS that may signiScantly affect Lender's rights In the Property (such as a � .
<br /> �„ � p�Wing in banlauptcy,probate. for wndemnadon or forfeitum or to enforce laws or reguladons),then Lender may do and
<br /> ' pay for what�wer is necessary co prote�� the value of ttie Pmperty and Lender's rishts in the Property. Lender's acdons may =;..__..
<br /> ' Include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Seawity Instrmnent, appeacing in wurt, paying _
<br /> . , reasonable attnrncys'fees and entering oa t6e Properry to make repain. Although Lender may take acdon under tlus paragrapb. . _1����.
<br /> ��� 7.I.ett3er doN not I�ave to do so. �
<br /> ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sball become addidonal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> � • �� Security Insuvment. Unless Borrower and Lender agrze to oth�r temvs of payment. these amounts shall bear interest from the -_-�_
<br /> � J �' date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon nodce fmm I.en.der to Borrower requesting "��"'
<br /> •�G
<br />:. � psyment.
<br /> • " 8.Mortgage Luurance.If Lender sequired mortgage ins�uance as a wndition of making the loan secumd by this Secutity �;� _.-
<br />' Insaument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insivance in eff�ct. If, for any reason, the ���� ... : : ,.�=;`
<br /> mortgage insurance covera�e required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effece,Bonower shall pay the premiums rec�uired to - �.°;`:? ;=' -�'-` .��
<br /> .. . i�._..:. .
<br /> obtain coverage substandaily equivaleat to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substandally equivaleat W the ;...,;..::.;��,i..
<br />" cost to Borrower of the mortgage insur.�uce previously in effect, from an alternate murtga�e insurer approved by Lender. If �`,�.'.,;`:�.;�,,�
<br /> � substantially equivalent mortgage insura�s:e coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender eacL monYh a sum rqual eo - •
<br /> • one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insuraace coverage lapsed or ceasecl to
<br /> be in effect.L.ender will accept,use and�etain these payments as u loss reserve in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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