<br />� D�ED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 260S0—The Augustine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr. I
<br /> To�nstzip Eleven (11) ,P3ortt.,RGx�.��'e ITine ��) ,ti`l�st o�' t}�.e �t?1 P.T��.a.nd �ai�t o� Lot fourteen (1L) ,o� t�.e
<br /> County Subd3.vision o�' tkze ��est 'tza1�' o�' t�ie sou�lzt�est qu�,r�er (�fir-Sj`l�) o� Section Fi�'teen (15) ,in Tot�ns-
<br /> liip Eleven (11) ,ldortiz,r����e Nine ( �) ,�'est o;P tt:e 6tlz P.l;i. , as surve,-;%ed,�Ia�te�. and :r°ecorr�ed.
<br /> T�.is instrunent is ��iven in lieu of,and �s to be aubs��tut�d Lor a certa�:n Qu�t C1a3m Deed �aea-r�n� '�'
<br /> date o�' April l,lr��n and -�iled �'or -recoi°c� on Apr11 ��-,1��� and Recorded in Bool� ��,at Pa�;e zj�,
<br /> o� t�1e Deed �eco-ru.s o� H�11 Courxty,Plebras�r.a.
<br /> It bein� t1�e inte�ltion o�' ��!1 p�,rt3es �Ze-reto, t��.a�: in tile �vent o� �G!le deatt� o�' eit}tier o� said
<br /> �ran'tees, t�ze entire f�e s3.r_role title to t}�.e real �sta�e de;�cri�ed izes�ein, s?iaZ1. ve.�� in t�1e su-r-
<br />;
<br /> vivin� �;rantee.
<br /> To��et�ler tvitl�. all and siny�ular t?ie ?Ze�ed:itar�ients t?-iereunto be?oiz�,in�.
<br /> TO HAVE Ai'D TO HOL13 t'ie ar.:ove �.escrilaed prer:,is�s unto tlle said Jo11n Polilman and Ed.z�:'�. A.Poi�Irnan,
<br /> and ti2e�' Ile�rs and assi�,ns; so �'zat .Zeit��er v�e trle said �;1°antors,nor an� �erson iz: our nar�e and ,
<br /> behal�', stzall or vrill s.erea�'ter clair_� or der.n�nd any rigt�.t or �itle to t�ze sazd premises or any '
<br /> paxt tl�ereof,but ti1e�- and everuT one of t11em sllall b�� tl�.ese presents be excluded and �'orever bar�°ed.
<br /> IA1 WITrrESS V'dHEREOF,t?ze said paxties o� tl�e �irst pa��t �zave �iereui-�to set tIleir llands an�. seal ts�e
<br /> day and year above �mitten.
<br /> �atl�er3.ne Zlom��e i��:oll �
<br /> 5igned, sealed and del.ivered in presence o� J.�j.i,�L011 �'
<br /> F.D.Dans?:in
<br /> St�,t e o� Was?Zin a�on )
<br /> Os�. On ��zis 20th daur of i��ia,r,A.D.1��6,be�'ore me,ti�e unaersi�ned a �lotar�r
<br /> Spo�ane County ) Pu��Iic, dul�r cor,�nissioned anc� qaali:�ied �'or and re�idin� �.n said
<br /> count�i,p�rsonally carie CaL��e-rine Zlon�Ye a�ioll, �orr.lerly Ca�'1erine
<br /> Zlor�.e,tl�.e vridova o�' R�tidolr�IZ S.Z?or11�e,and J.47.Iti�ol1,t1e�° liu�r�and ta me l�noc�n �o be t�1e 3.dentical
<br /> persons ��hose na:�es are �,��'3xea to t±�.e �o-re�,oin�, i�lstrL.r,ient as �ra.��ors and �.c�no�rrledYed tlle sar:�e to
<br /> be t�;eir vo3_,?ntat°�r act and c�„r;d.
<br /> Witness m� ��and and D?o�arial Seal tlie d.a�� and year las#; above c�rit�en.
<br /> F,B.DansLin
<br /> �tlIy Co;nmission expires t_�e 16 cia�� o� A�ril,l��-a. ( SF.,AL) r�lotary puG�lic
<br /> F�led �or recor�:� t��.is 3 da�y o� June,1J��,at 10;�0 0 � clocl> A.i�i. `\ �i�Q.�t �
<br /> ReG�isJSer o°D��...._.
<br /> -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-rJ-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> THIS I1�TDETITURE,i:rade .this 16th da�r o� P.�Iay, in t��.e Year one t1�.ousand nine lzurldrec� and Fortv Six,
<br /> between T J.Ellsberr � and I�:iyr�3.e A.Ellsberr�T,�zis �ai�e, eac}� in .l�is and Izer oum ri�ht and �pouse
<br /> of ti�.e ot��.er.o� tlle ��.r�st past,��nd �aillian H.Dude�T and PfTabel A.DudeSr,His �ai�e,as �oint tenants
<br /> and no� as tenants in cor:unon ��itk1 full ri�ht for su•rvivors113.p.of the second part,�'�ITNESSETH,
<br /> tl�.at t�,e said parties o#' the �'irst �ar�, in consideration of the sur� of One Do�)_ar and otl3er valua-
<br /> ble consideration DOLLARS, to tkiem dul�r paid, t��.e receipt �ahe��eo�' is tlex�ek�y ac?vno�lecti�,ed remised,
<br /> released;�:a,nd quit-claimed,and by tlzese presen�s do for t�zer�selves t}Zeir l�.eirs, exec�ators and ad-
<br /> ministrators,-reraise,release and �orever� quit-claim and convey unto the said parties o� t�ie second
<br /> pt�rt, and to ttleir �Zeirs and assi�ns �or�ver,all their r��E1t, title, interest, estat� do claim and
<br /> flemand,bot�z at la� and in equ3.ty, o�, in and to a:Ll Lo'�s One Hundred Trventy (120) and One Hur.dred
<br /> Twenty-0ne (121) Haw�llorne Place,Grand Island,Ha11 County,Nebraslia.
<br /> To�ether wittz a11 and sin.�ular tlle iiereditaments tltereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAIjE AND TO HOLD tlle a�ove de�cribed premises unto ttle saic� Grantees trleir ��eirs and asaig•ns; �
<br /> so t}zat neit��er of t�ie said Grantors,nor an�.T person in ttzeir n�zr:ie and bella3.�, shall or v�ill l�ere-
<br /> a�ter clair� or demand any ri�fzt or ti�le to tile said prer�ises or an�T par� t�lereof,but tliey and
<br /> every one o� tlzem s11a11 by tliese presen'ts be exclu�ed and �orever bar•�°ec�.
<br /> IN WITTvESS WHEREOF, the said pai'ties of tlie ;'irst par� r2ave !lereurzto set t�zeir 1lands and seals
<br /> t�ie das� and ,year alaove �imi�fien.
<br /> __ T.J,Ellsberry
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered --y---------------- �zrr�ie A.Ellsbe-rry
<br /> in p-resence of ( �.55 I.R.St�znps )
<br /> ( Cancelled )
<br />'� }
<br />� State o� P�io.
<br /> ) ss. On tt�.is 1� day o�' T::ay,A.D.1��6,be�ore me, t�ie undersigned Clzas B.
<br /> II� Baxton County ) Ed�rards a Notary public,duly comr�iissioned and qua'?i�iec�. Por and
<br /> re�iding in said county,personally cane P:yr�ie A.E1lsberi�y to me
<br /> known to be the identical person 4V�lOSB n�a.me �.�fixed to tlze �'ore�oin� instrunient as gran�or and
<br /> acknawled�;ed the same to �ie E�er voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> �Gitness my �and and No�arial Seal t�ze daur a.nd year last a'r�ove cn�it�en.
<br /> (SEAL) Ci:as B.Ed�aards �
<br /> P+�iy Co��ri�ssion expire� t��e 2��ki day o� i�:�a�r,1;��. Notary Publ�c
<br /> S'tate of P�Te�rasl�a )
<br /> ss. On tE�.is �9t1� day o�' PLia�y,A.D.l��Fb,�e�ore r.le, tlie undersi�n.ed J .H.1Vitzel
<br /> Cass County � a Notary Public, dulWT coulmissioned and quali�ies for and residing in
<br /> said count�r,personal.ly car:ie T.J.Ellsberr�* to me �.no��rn to be tl2e
<br /> identical person ��liose nar_�iP is a�:�ixec� to tlle fore��oin�: ins Urument as �;rantor and ac�.no�lec��;ed
<br /> t��.e sar�le to be his volun�ary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Pdo�arial Seal tlze da�r and year I.as� a�ove vrritten.
<br /> C��,.�-e) J.I�.ryitzel
<br /> Pti2y commission expire� tlle 26 d�.y o�' Dec.1�51. (SEAL) No��.ry Publie
<br /> File�. £or x°ecord tlzis 3 day of June,1��6, at �; 50 0 �cloc�� P.i:i. ''°,. C J�-�-��.�-�_ �-�-P�.�
<br />'i Re�;ister o� Deeds
<br /> II'� __.�_ _ _
<br />