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G�� o� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> _ 2608P-The Augustine Co., Grand Isiand, Nebr. <br /> an� delivPr to said �urcnaser �. �uit Cl�im Deed for said bremises. <br /> Respectf�.�lly submittea t�.is 15 day of M2�y, 19�6. <br /> JoY�n Ditt�r <br /> rancis . c lro <br /> Ci`ty Pro�erty ommittee <br /> TO ?�JH�M IT MAY CONCERN: <br /> I, F, S.V1`hite, duly elected, oualified �,nd actin� City Clerk of the City of Grand Islan�., <br /> Nebraska, hereby certify the f'oregoing to be a true and correc't copy of RESOLUTION passe�l by the <br /> �9��r and Council of Gr�,nd Isl�,r.d, Nebras'��, meetin� in regular session on the z5t� �.�.y af �i�,y, <br /> IN ��ITNE`3S w�iEREOF I set my iland �,nr affix the of't'iciPl se�,l of the City of Gr�.nd Isl�,nd, <br /> Nebraska, this 20th d�y of 2�Zay, 1946. (CORP) <br /> (SEAL) - F.S.Z!lhite <br /> ity ler <br /> File� �or record this 2� day of M�.y, 19�-6, �.t 11s00 o ' clack A.�i. k�`� , <br /> egister of ee�.s <br /> Q-.�..Q�Q-(1�'j.�'1-(l�C...(�-�-�-�-n-?-�-��-�-�✓��-v-�-i�-'��-�i-�-�-Q-n-d-�-�'��-�-�-�-�-�-ri-�-�-�-�-�-'.�-.�-�-'�-� <br /> QUIT CLAIr�i DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 17'th c�.a�r of M�y, in th? year one tho�asand nine hundred and forty-six <br /> bPtThreen John B.Orendorff and �tell�, g�.�rendorff, Husban� �.nd ��ife, of the first part, and Vir�il <br /> P P <br /> . tter s n nd Min E M nd . rt <br /> A o o tt r t th � s a <br /> a a . o e o her of e eco <br /> � > > P � <br /> ':rlTr?ESSETH, th�t the s�i� partiQs of ti�e� first ��art, in considerati�n of the sYam of Other consid- <br /> er=�.tion �,nd One and No�1Q0 DOLLA��S, to thPm duly ��i�?t, th� receipt ?,�rhereof is hereb�;� a.ckno4°�rledge�t <br /> have remised, relPasec�, �nd quit-claimec3., �.n� b� th�se pres�nts do for tnemselves, their heirs, <br /> executors �.nd administr�.tors, remise, release �.nc�� forever auit-cl�im and conv�y unto the s�_id <br /> parti�s of the second ��,rt, and to their heirs a.nd assi�ns forPVer, all their ri�;ht, title, in- <br /> terAst, estat� claim anc� demand, �oth at la.��r and in ec�uity, of, in and to �11 of Lots 7�, 77, 7�, 79, <br /> - <br /> � �o, �1, �2, �3, ��,�5:�6, �7� ��, �9, 9�• 91, 9�� 9:� 9�+ �.n� 95� �nd Lots 122, 123, 12�-, 125, 126, 127, 12�, 129, <br /> 1�0 �nc� 131, of Ha,wthorne Pl�.ce to thQ City af Gr�nd Is1an�., Nebraska, Y�eing a subdivisian of the <br /> N'� of Section T�renty-two �22) ToT�Tnship Fleven (11) , NortY�.,Ran�e Nir�e (9) West of tne 6th P.M. <br /> This Quit Claim deed is �iven for the �ur��ose af releasing one certain �ontract, dated November <br /> 29th, zg43, �.nc� recorded in Book "U", �P�ge �37, of tn.e recor�s of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> To�;ether ?�rith all �,nd sin�ul<�.r th� hereaitaments tnereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE A`�?D TO HOLD the �.bove described premises unto thP s�.ic� Virg�� A.Potter, Son, �.nd 2=�ina <br /> E.Potter, Z�other, their heirs anc�i �,ssi�ns; so th�.t neither the s�_id Grantors, nor �ny �erson in <br /> tneir n�.fne anc� beh�lf, sh�11 Qr ?=;i�l hereafter claim or de�and any ri�ht, or title to th� said <br /> premises or any p�,rt the-reof, but thPy �,nc� every one of t�zem shall by these presents be excluded <br /> anc� forever b�rred. <br /> I�1 ��dITT�tESS T��EREOF, the said p�.rties of the first part h<�.ve hereunto set tneir h�,nds and seals <br />, - tY�e c�ay and ye�r above �aritten. <br /> �i�ne�., se�led and delivered in preser.ce �f Jonn B.�rendorff <br /> _ St el la M.Or endor Pf <br /> �TATE OF NEBRASKA On this 2 + d f M A. D. 1 �+6 '�ef�re m� the undersi_ned <br /> �h a o � <br /> � 7 Y Y, 9 , , � , <br /> HALL COUTJTY � �S' C. T.Flower, a Natary Public, duly commissioned �,nd qualified for and <br /> residin� in- s�.id co�:�nt�r, persona.11y c�.r�e John B.�rendorff and �tell�. P�2.f�rendorff, husb�.nd ar�d ��Tife, <br /> to me '_Lno?an to be the ic?en�ical �qersons �a�ose n��rnes a�e af?°ixe�. to the fore�oing instrument as <br /> �r�ntors and ackno��led�ed the s�zne to be the�r vo3unt�ry act and c�eed. <br /> !nTi�ness my hand �.nc� Not�,ri�,l Seal the ciay an� ye�r last above �rritten. <br /> G.T.Flo��re� <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Publ�c <br /> �?'y Com;�issi�n expires thP gth c�ay of Sept��aY�er, 19�9 <br /> Fi�e{� for reeord this 2� c���y of ��iay, 1946, �,t 3: 30 0 ' clock P. i�i. "'� ��� �j <br /> L,�J�,«�'�y <br /> - egister of ee�.s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-�-�-0-+1-3-�-C�-O-�?-^-�?-�::-�-`�'-'�=-0-n-^-'J-Q-J-7-�-�-�-^-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0- <br /> �'JIT CLAIM DE�D <br /> T�?I" IidDE'�'T�'RE, Ma,de this 17th ���;r a�` May, �n the ye�r ane th�us�nc nine h�anc3sed anr� forty-�i� <br /> bett�een R. B.Leach and I�I�ry Leach, Husb�nd �nd T�°�ife, of the first ���.rt, and Vir�;il A.Potter, : Son, <br /> and Mina E.Patter, Mother, of t�ie second x��,rt, <br /> :'ITNr�SETH, tha,t the s i�'. ��rties of thA fiz°st ?�art, in consic�.era'�ion of the s��m of Other consid- <br /> eration G,nd One and No�100 DOLLARS, to them duly p�ir�., the receipt ��rher�of is her�by ackno�alec�;ea <br /> have remised, reTeasecl, �nd auit-cl�imec�, rrd b�r these ��resents �.o far th�ms?1ves, their �ieirs, <br /> executors �nr� administr�tors, remis?, release and forever and convey unto th� s�.id <br /> p;�rties of the secon�. }�art, and '�a. their heirs and �ssigns for�v�r, all their ri�ht, title, in- <br /> terest, estate cl�.im an�. c�emand, both at l�.ta anc� in equity, of, in �.nd to �.11 of:�Lots 76, 77, 7�, <br /> 79, �o, ��, �2, �3, �4, �5, �6��7;��;2�, �o, 91, 92, 93, 9�, and 95, and Lots 122, 123, 124, 125, �26, 127, <br /> 12�, 129, 130 �,nc? 131 of Ha�rthorne Place to the Gity of ^�ran� Islanc�, Nebrask�., bein� a sub- <br /> di�rision of the N`°,l4 of Section Tt�aenty-t��o t 22) , '�oti��nship Eleven (11) ,North,Ra.nge Nine (9� ,'�est <br /> of th? 6th P.:�i. <br /> This Qui� Claim deed is �iven for the �aurz�ose a�' releasin� one certain Contraet, c�ate�. A��ril 2, <br /> 194;, and recorded in Book '�U", Pa,�e 3j6 �f the records of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Together t�aith �.11 and sin�ul�.r the heredit�timents thereunto belongin�. <br /> TO HAVE A:�?D TO HOLD the above described premises unto t'rle s�id Virgil A.Potter, �on a_nd. Mina <br /> E.Potter, P�other, their heirs and as:�i�r�s; so tn�,.'t neither tne said Grantors, nor �ny person in <br /> their n�.me and behalf, shall or ��ill hereaftPr c��.im or �emand any ri;ht or title to the said <br /> premises or a,ny �art thereof, but t�ey an�? every one of tnem s�a11 by these presents be excluded <br /> �,n�l �orever barred. <br /> IN ?�TITN�'SS `dHF�R�OF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their ha.nds and se�.1s <br /> the d�.y anc� year abov e writ t en. <br /> Si�n�d, sealed and deliverPd in nresence of R. B.Leach <br /> ErnPSt C.Gaeth-bqtn. s�.gnat?:�res. Mary Leach <br /> ST�TE OF N�BRASICA ) On this 2 j day of N��.y, A. D. 1946, before mP, the undersigned, Ernest <br /> DQDGE COUNTY ) �S' C.G�.eth, a Notary Public, auly commissioned ancl qualified for and <br /> residinJ in said c���.nty, �ersonally c�.r�e R. B.Leaeh and ��ary Leach, Husband and W3fe, to me kno*�,m <br /> to be the iden�tic�.l persons �,*hose names are affixe�. to the foregoin� instr��ment as �;r�ntors and <br /> ac�no��led�ed the s�.me to be their volunt�.ry �.ct �,nd cieed.. <br />'i �°�itness my hand �nd Not�rial Se�l t�.e d�� anc� ye�^r 1^.st above urritten. Ernest C.Gaeth <br /> P�Iy Commission expires the �Q clay o� J�.n. 19�9. �SEAL) o ry u � <br /> File�' for recorc� thi� 2� d�.J of M�.y, 19��, ��t �:; 30 o ' clock P.��. � -���� <br /> egister of eeds <br />