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���� <br /> DE�D RECORD N�. 89 <br />, 28080—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebn <br /> to said premi�es �gainst the laTrful cla�ms of all person� �ahomsoever. <br /> Anc� thP s�id ;rantors hereY�y relinn��ishes a11 their ri;�lt, title 2�.T1c1 irite�''es� in and to the <br /> above described ��remises. <br /> Si�ned this 23 day of February, A.D. , 19�-b. <br /> In Presence of <br /> Lida Dietz � 1�. 0 . . ta,mps ) Gharles F_.�Dr er�� Louise K. DrYer <br /> J.H.Mack ( Cancelled ) rt��'. ry�r Cl�ra Dryer_ <br /> ���itness C.A:Klink ar . ryer Louise Dryer <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7th ct�.y of l��arci��, A. D. 19�+6, before me, the undersi�ned, Lid� <br /> HALL CO`JNTY ) SS' Dietz, � Not�.ry Public, duly commissioned and c�u�,lified for �,r�d resi�in` <br /> in said county, �ersonally ca,me Charles F. Dryer and Louise K. Dryer, hu�band ai�d wife, to me kno�Tn <br /> to me the iclentical bersons �•rr�ose names are af fixed �o the foregoin� instrument as �rantors a.nd <br /> acknoT�vle�.�ed the same to be their volunt�,ry act anc�. deed. <br /> ��itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day an� year �ast above written. <br /> (�EAL) Lida Dietz <br /> A��y Comrnission exr�irPS the 10 c3_ay of November, 19�f� otary ublie <br /> �m�^E G�` 2�iISSOURI � On this �- :?ay c�f M_a_rch, A. D. 19�6, before me, the unc��ersirneci, a <br /> B'?r�:A��AN r^7�NTY )gs' Notary Public, c�uly commissionect �.nca qualifiecl for anc residin�; in <br /> sa3.r'. county, persona.11y camP Cl�r� Dryer, ���ife o�' Arthur J. Dryer, to me knoF�rn to be tize identic�l <br /> ?�Qrs�rl ?•,Tho�e n�.r:e- is affixed to the fore�oin�; instrument as grG,ntor ar�d �ckno?:�led.�e�. the same to <br /> be her volunt�ry �.ct �.nc� deed. <br /> Witness my h�.nc� ancl Notarial �e�l the �a�;� a,nd y�a.r last �,bove written. . <br /> Ellen E.Deal <br /> RIy Commisrio�l Ex��i?^�s Au�. 21, 194� (SE.AL� ot�ry Publ c <br /> STATE OF ORFGON ) S�. On this 23 day of Feb. A.D. 1g46, bef'ore me the undersi�nec? C.A.Klink <br /> MULTOPJO�•'I�H COUNTY ) a Notary Pub�ic duly commissioned �nd quslifiPd for anc? resi�in� in said. <br /> countSr, nQrson�lly came EAi'1, L. DRY� A�T� LOT.TISE DRY�P, HU�BAidP A"�?�? '�'IF'r, to r�e kno�a�n to be the <br /> identic�.l nersons T��hase n�.r;es are �ffixec� to the foregoin� instr��mei�t �s �r�ntors and acknoT.Tlec��ed <br /> the same to be tneir volunt��ry act ar.d �eed. <br /> ��itness my h�nd anc� N�tarial Seal ttn.e day and ye�-.r last above ��Tritten. <br /> C.A.K11n.k <br /> l�otax,y P�zblic for Ore�;cn ( SE.AL� ota.ry Public <br /> ��ly commis�ion ext�ires Nov. 9, 19�+7 <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA On tnis 6th d�y of T�4arch, 1946, before r�e the undersi�ned J.H.Mack, a <br /> SCOTTSBLUFF COUPITY �s�' Pdotary Pu?�lic, duly eommissioned anc� q_ualified for a,nc resi =in�; in saic <br /> caunty, personally came Arthur J.I?ryer to me knoTVn to be the ideni,�.c�l person ?rhose n�me is affixed <br /> to the fore�oing instrument as gr��ntor �,nc� a.ekno�rledge�. the to be his voluntary act and deecx.. <br /> Witness r�y hand and Not�.rial Sea1 this 6th d<�;� o�' M�rch, 19�i-b <br /> (SEAL) J.H.t��ck <br /> rry t�oMMission Exi_,1?'es June 5, 1951 otary ublic <br /> File� for record this 25 ��,y of May, 1946, at 1:15 0 � clock P.h�. °"� /� �������� , <br /> �lC �-�-�� <br /> e�ister of e��.s d <br /> O-o-G-O-o-^-0_�_�-r;_�_n_n-^-�-^-�-0-o-�-n-0-Q-0-n-0-�-�-;�-;-r;-�'�-�-:,-�J-G-�-�7-o-Q-o-r-�-�;-0-�-0-�-C�- <br /> QUIT CLAIt�i DEED � , <br /> KNO'� ALL M�'N BY THESE PFtFSENTS: <br /> �'hat, The City of Grand Isl��nd, a municipal cor?�or�;tion, of the County of Hall, and State of <br /> Nebraska, for the consideration of the sum of One HUndred Fifty Five t�155.00) �ollars does <br /> hereby Quit Claim and convey unto �`+illiam A.Lepnin of the Cotznty of Hall and State of �Jebraska, <br /> all its ri�ht, title and interest of t�hatsoever n�.ture, in and to th? follo?�fing described real <br /> estate, situated in the County of Hal1 and Sta.te of Nebraska, to-U�it: _ <br /> Lot Tt�renty (20) , Block Nine (9) , Ashton Place, An addition to the City of Gra.nd Isl�nd, <br /> H�11 County, NPbrask�.. <br /> The Gr�.ntor, the City of Grand Islan��, sh�ll not be reauired to furnish an Abstr�,et of Title. <br /> IN ?°JIT�IESS '�TFiEREOF, The Grantor, the City of Grand Isl�nd., in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> t'nese prPSents to be signed by its Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk and has caused the <br /> official seal of �ai�t City to be ner�t_znto �,ffixed this the 15 day of April, A. D. , 19?+6. <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND <br /> M�.rie IIlain - ( CORP) BY; Harry Grimminger <br /> itness ( SEAL) Mayor <br /> Marie Blain ATTEST: F. 3.kJhite <br /> titness ity lerk <br /> STATE OF NEB??ASKA ) On this l� day of M�.y, A. D. , 19�6, before me the und.ersi�ned, a <br /> CCT?x?'"Y 0^ HALL )ss• Not�ry Public in �,nr1 for Co�.inty, personally caine Haxry Grimmin�er, <br /> Mayor, of the City cf. Gr. ar�t Island, TJPbras'��,,, anc' Floyd S.:��iite, City Clerk of sa.icl City to me <br /> person�lly �rna�nm to be the identical ?�ers�ns ?•rhose n�.mes are �f�'ixec'� to the �bove instrtzment as <br /> M��yor �r��a City Clerk of the Gr��.ntor, t'rze City of Grand Islanc�., a:i� to �e personally kno?�rn to be <br />' s�ach oi;:icers af s�id City and they sevAr�,lly �.c��no?�rled�ed the execution o� said instr�_?ment to be <br /> � �, � I <br /> I �heir �ro�unt�ry act and deed anc� tne of�'ici�,l act anc� deecl on the p.:.rt of said City of Gr<,nd slanc?.. <br /> '�itness r�y hand �nc? no�ari�l se�l at Grand Islan�. in County the d�y and_ ye•�.r ilrst above <br /> ?r,mitten. �. `t.Lt�.rson <br /> ( SEAL) Nota.r;� Public <br /> 2��y com�ission expires the 23 day o�' Dec. 19�9 <br /> R E S 0 L U T I 0 N <br /> V1uE.R.�'AS, the City of Grand Island, Nebras�a, is the oT.�mer of the real est�te descri'�Pd as <br /> Lot T1�renty (20) , Block Nine (�) , Ashton Place, An Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br /> Co�anty, Nebraska., and <br /> '�1H�EAS, .�1i111azn A.Leppin of sai�. City desires tq ,�urchase said real estate and has offered <br /> to pay there�ore the s��m of One Hunc�xed Fifty Five t�155.00) Doll�.rs, and has made a down pay- <br /> �nent thereon to the City Clerk in the sum of TUrenty Five � �25.00) Dollars, an� offi ers to p�y the <br /> balance of the purchase price upor� delivery to him of a Quit Claim Deed for s�id premises, an� <br /> ?��HEREAS, the City shall not be required to furnish the t�urchaser an Ab�tract of Title. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE I�IAYOR A�D CITY COTJT�TCIL OF I'HF CITY OF G`�AND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, <br /> th��t the sale of said property her�in described to the sai� Ydilliam A.Lep;:;in, be, ancl the s��.m� <br /> is hereby ordered and confirmed accor^din;; to said offer and th�.t the Mayor �nc� City Clez�k sign <br />