�i ��`�
<br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Isiand, Nebr.
<br /> �1ARRAIdTY DEED -Corporation -
<br /> T:iIS TTJDE"i°�TURE,��:Iade ' tl�is 17'G� day o� R,�a.y A.�.1��Fb,bet�reen Nelson Lw�►ber and Sunply Company a
<br /> corporation or�an3.z�d and existin� under and b�� v�.rtue of t�.e Za��s o�' tt�e State o� Idebras�a
<br /> part�T o�' '�he �'irst par'G, and I�natz J.Turl� o�' '�l�e County o�' Hall, and State o�' T1e'aras�ia,party o£
<br /> t�.e second pa��,
<br /> �ITl�ESSETH.TI�at t�e said party o� tl�,e first �art �or and in cona3.deration o� tEze sum of �ther
<br /> consideratfon and One and No/I,�O DOLLA�S in Izand paid,receipt t�hereo�' is hereby ac�.no�rled�ed,
<br /> �.as aold a�d by �hese presents do�s grant, convey an.d eon�irm unto tt�e said party o� t�ze second
<br /> par�,tne follo�vin� descri��ed prer��ises, situated in HaZl CountY,and 5�ate of Nebras�,a, to-v�it:
<br /> All of Lot Tlzree (3� in BZock N3.neteen (1�� in Schimmer�s Addition �o the Cit.y of Gr�.n.d Island,
<br /> Nebras�ca,as surve;�ed,pl.atted and recorded.
<br /> T4 HAVE AND TO H�LD the prer�ises above described,to�etl�.er wit�. all t�.e TeneMents,Heredi�aments
<br /> and Anpurtenances th�ereun'�o belongin� uni,o the said I�na�z J.Turk.
<br /> And tl�e sa�.d Nel�on Lumber and �upply Cornpany f'or itsel�' or its successors, does laereby covenant
<br /> and a�'°ee to and �tit1� the said party a� ttie second part and la3.s lieirs and assl�ns,that at tl°�e
<br /> tir�e o�' ttie execu'Gion and delivery o� tt�e�e presents it is law�ully eeized a� said premiaes;
<br /> t:�at it has good rig�it and l��aful authorit� 'Ga convey tl�e sar�e;tiaat they are �'ree f'rom encumbrance
<br /> and the Nelson Lumber and Sux�ply Go��any do�s �iereby covenant to warrant and de�end tt�e said
<br /> prer�ises a�ainst the lac�ful claims o� all persons whor�soever.
<br /> Ii•� �ITt3ESS VfIHEREOF,tl�e said Nelson Lur�ber and Sup�►�.y Company has ��ereunto �aused 3.�s corporate
<br /> VIH
<br /> seal to be a��ixed and t��es� resen'Gs to be si n d b its resident tll d
<br /> � P e a and ir t
<br /> P � CORP g Y Y Y ear � s
<br /> above �rit�en. �
<br /> �F�� �1elson Lur.al�er and Supply Co.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in ________________ Bv Herman Nelson president
<br /> presence c�� ( �6.60 I.R.Sta�ps )
<br /> ( �ancelled } �
<br /> At`test: �Tor�an D.rlelson
<br />' Secr���Y
<br /> State o.� l�ebra�t;a )
<br /> � ss. On '�his 17t�. day o�' i�:Iay 1�}�6,be�'ore me,tl:�e undersi�ned,a Notary
<br />� , ,
<br /> HaI1 Cou�t,� ) Pu�lic in and �or sald. County,personally came Herman NeZson,presi�.erzt
<br /> of the Nelson Luraber axi�d: Suppl;� Co. to r�e personally �.no�tm '�o be
<br />' t.he President and tla.e identical person whose nar�e �.s a��9.xed �o ttze above conve rance,and ac�.now-
<br /> led�;ed tsze execution ti�ereo�' to be ��is volun�ary act and deed �s sucl�, o��icer and tize volunt�y
<br /> aet and deed of '�he �said Nelson �,um�er and Supply Co. ,and ti�.at the Corpora�e seal o�' t�ie said
<br /> idelson Luznber and Supply Co.��as thereto a��ixed by its autl3or3t;�.
<br /> �litness my IZand and �dotarial Seal at Grand Island, in said county t�ie day and year la�t above
<br />` �ritten.
<br />� ��y Cotnrnission expires t}�e �t1i day o� Septen�er,19�+�. (SEAZ) C.T.Flower
<br /> Not�.°�' PubZi
<br /> Filed for record tliis 2�, day o� Tu�a;�,1��6, a� 10; �0 0 'cloc� A.fi�i. �� . �
<br /> Re�ister o Deeds
<br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-u-o-o-o-o
<br /> Tl�.is dee�, m�de this 2�rd day of April, 19�5, by and between Grand Islanc� Trust Comnany,
<br /> of Gr�,nd Island, in tY�.e caunty of H�,11, State of Nabrask�, executor of' the 1a.st will anc� testament
<br /> of M�ry Roach, decPased, late of Gr�nd Is3�,nci, '!n the county of Hall, State of Nebrask�,, p�,rty
<br /> of the first part, �n� AdolpYi Kranning and Lois Kranning, Husban�. and Wife, and to �he survivor
<br /> of ther�, as ,joint_ tenants and not as tenants in eommon, of Grand Island, in the county of Hall,
<br /> State of Nebraska:, parties of the sQCOnd part:
<br /> ��itnesseth, tha,t the s�,i� party o� the �irst �art, the duly ��;�dinted, qualified an�.
<br /> actin� executor of s�.ic1 M�.ry Roach, �eceassd, un�.er her last ?�Till �nd test�,ment which is of
<br /> record in the office o�` the �robate court of Ha.11 County, I�ebrask�, ;�y virtue of the po�.*er and
<br /> �uthority, �r�nted and cor�ferred upon them, unc�er the s�i� �.Till, and in consi�.eration of' th�
<br /> sum of Faur Hundred and No/100 ��400.0�� �oll�,rs t� them paic� by the parties of the seconcl part,
<br /> the receipt ��ahereof is hereby confe�sed �.nd ackno?�Tled�ed, does by these presents grant, bar��.in,
<br /> sell, remise, release, �.lien, convey anc� confirm unto the said partles of the second p�,rt, and
<br /> to their heirs a,nd assi�ns forever, all tne follo�raing described tract, piece and parcel of lan�,
<br /> situ�.te, lyin�; �nd bein�; in tne count of Ha.11 and State of Nebrask�., to wit:
<br /> Fractional Block T��aenty-five �25� of Schim:ner� s Ad�ition ta the City of Grand Is1Pnd,
<br /> H�,11 County, Nebr�,sk�,.
<br /> sub�jPC'� to ��t�ter T�ain Tap ch�,r�;es.
<br /> together with all and singul�.r the tenements, heredit�,ments �nc1 ���urtenances thereunto belon�ing
<br /> or in anyUrise appert�,inin�; and �.lso all the est�,te, ri;ht, title, interest, pro�erty, possession,
<br /> claim_ �.ncl demand �ahatsoever, ?�jl�lch the s�,id testator ha�. her li�etir�e, and at the time of her
<br /> decease, ancl_ which t��e said ��rty of tYl? first ��rt has, by virtue of the s�ic� la.st will �,nd .
<br /> te�t�ment, or oth�r��rise, �f, in, or to the above granted premises, and every part �.nd pa.rcel
<br /> thereof, T�ith the �.ppurtenances. To have and to hold said �remises, the tract of 1�nc� aforesaic�,
<br /> T�rith the heredit�ments and a��urten�.nces tnereaf, unta the s�,id x�arty oP �he second pax�t, their
<br /> heirs an� assi�ns, forever.
<br /> And thP s�.i� pa.rty of' the �'i}�st p�,r,rt, for themself, their heirs, executors �nd ac�ministrators,
<br /> does coven�.nt, promise and un�.ertake ta an� with t�Ze s�.i�. ��rty of the second ��rt their heirs ancl
<br /> �srivns, th�t they are la�afully the exQCUtor of the last ��ill and testament of s�id Maxy Roach
<br /> ` �,nc� ha.s poTser to convey �.s �faresa.i�, and h�s in all respects acted, �.n making this convey�nce
<br /> in nurs�zance Qf the authority �ranted in and by the sa.i� l�st ?�i.11 and testament; anc� th�t
<br /> t�ey havp not m�de, done or suffered any act, m�tter or thing whatsoever, since they ��ere exeeutor
<br /> as �,fol'eS��d� Tahereby the above gr�,r�ted premises, or any par;t thereof, are, sh�,ll Qr may be im-
<br /> pe�.ched, charged or incum'c�erec'.�, in any manner ?vhatsoever. _ '
<br /> Signed this 23rd day of A;�ril, 1945. ( rORp)
<br /> In the presence of � SFAL� Gr�.nd Island Trust Company
<br /> Lulu Dahl Executor of the Last Wi11 and
<br /> (��-���p�� Testament of Mary Roach, Deceased.
<br /> (C�ncelled ) By 0.A.Beltzer, PrPsident
<br /> By L. R.Geddes Secret�ry
<br /> ___ .�
<br />