<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> �
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. '
<br />� �TATE 0�' NEBRASKA ) On this 16 day of' Mav, A. D. , z9�+6, before me the undersigned, a
<br /> COUNTX OF HALL ) ss. no��,ry public in and for said caunty, �ersonally came Harry Grir�minger,
<br /> M�yor, o�` the City of Grancl Islanc�, Nebras?��, �.nd Floyd S. S'�r,.ite, City Clerk of s�,id City to me
<br /> personally kno�rn to be the identical persons whose names are affixe�. to the above instrumer�t as
<br /> �1layor and City Clerk of the Gra.ntor, the City of Grand. Island, and to me personally kno�rn ta be
<br /> suck� o�'ficers of said City ancl tr.ey severally acknoT�ledged the execution of s�i�. instrument te be
<br /> their voluntery �,ct and deed ancl the c�f ficial act and deed .on the part of said City of Gr�.nd
<br /> �sland.
<br /> �.tness my hand �,nd notarial seal at Grand Is�and in said County the day and year first above
<br /> written.
<br /> (�EAL) A. �.L�.rson
<br /> My commis�ion ex�ires t'r�e 23 d�^y af Dec. lq�+g otary u 1 c
<br /> • R E S O L U T I O N
<br /> ��-IEREAS the C3.ty of Grand Islar�c�, Nebras'�r, is the o��=ner of the real estate described as
<br /> L�t One (1� , B1.ock Ei�hteen (lf�) , Ashton Place, An Adc?.ition to the City of Grand Island, H�,11
<br /> County, Nebraska, t�.nd �
<br /> 1�'HEREA�, Robert Cervantes of �aid City desires to purcha.se saia real estate and has of'f'ered
<br /> to pay therefore the sum of Two Hundred (�200_.00) Dollars, and has made a down payment thereon
<br /> to the City C1erk in the sum of Tt�enty Five ��2�.00} Dollars, an�. offers to pay the balanee of
<br /> the purchase price upon delivery to him of a �uit C1aim Deed for said pre�nises, a.nd
<br /> z�fiER�^AS, the City shall not be required to furnish the ��urehaser an Abstract, of Tit].e.
<br /> that the s�,le nf s�id pronerty her�in described to thP s��id Robert Cervantes be, �nd tn.e same is
<br /> hereby ordered and confirmec� accr�r�ing to saicl offer anc? that the ZRayor and City Clerk si�n ancl
<br /> deliver t� saic� purcha.ser a Quit C1�.im. �_eed, for s�.ic� premi�es.
<br /> Res�ectfully submitted this 15 day af P�a.y, 19�6.
<br /> John Ditter
<br /> rancis . c roy
<br /> ity roperty ommittee
<br /> TO T°I'iiOM Im MAY CONCERN:
<br /> I, F. S.�rlhitP, duly elected, qualifieci and acting City Clerk o�' the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebra,ska, hereb� certify the foregoin� to be a true ��nd correct copy of RE�OLUTION passed by the
<br /> 19yo�r and Council of Grand Island, N�bras���., m.eetin� in regula,r sess�.on on the 15th day of M�.y,
<br /> 4
<br /> In witMess �:zereof I set my h�.nd and affix �he offici€�l se�.l of the City of Gr�,nd Isl�.nd,
<br /> T�tebra,sk�. this 20th c�ay oP May, 19�-6. ( CORP)
<br /> ( SEAL) F. S.White
<br /> i y er
<br /> Filed for record this 22 day of May, 19�6, �.t I0: 30 0 ' clock A.RI. � , �
<br /> -� ^ -�-�-Q ^ egister o#' �
<br /> 0-0-0 , -�-'?-�-�!-��-� � -0-��-0-^-^•-C`-n-C�-O-�-t�-�?-�-^-0-0-d-+'?�-0-:^-O-Q-C�-0-0-t�-0-Q-fl-O-C-�-O-'?-C
<br /> . �
<br /> WARRANTY DEED -Corpora�ion _
<br />� THIS I}�DE'�iTTURE,.v�ade thhis 16t�. day of �.�a,�v A.D.1��6,be�e�een Grand lsland Trust Cor�pany,Trustee a
<br /> corporation or�ani.zed and existin� under and by virtue of t�i.e lati�� o�' t��e State of Ne�ra,ska
<br /> party o� �he �irst part,and O.A,Beltzer of tl�.e County of Hall,and State o� �Te�ras�a,party o�` t1�s
<br /> second part,�tITNESSETH,That t��e said party of the first part for and in consideration o�' the
<br /> sum o� One doll�.r and ott�.er valua�le considerations DULLARS in hand paid,receipt t�il�reo�' is
<br /> hereby ac�.no�vled�ed,has sold and by tt�e�e presents does �rant, convey and conf'S.rm un�o the said
<br /> garty o�' 'G�ie second part, tl�e fbllo�uing de�cribed prernises, situ�ted �.n H�Il County,and St$te o�
<br /> Nebr�,ska,to-�ait;
<br /> A13 of four acres �.n the nor�Gl�.ea,st corner o�' t��e west one-hal�' of ttie southwest quarter (�? oP
<br /> S�G�) oP Section Eight {�) , in to�m.ship Eleven (Il) I�ort�a,Ran�e Nine (�) GPeat o� the 6tY� p.�,A„
<br /> Hall Co�tnty,Nebraeka, said tract of four acres bein� more particularly described as �'ollow�;
<br /> Beginnin� at t�ie nortl�.east corner o� t�.e �es'� �ia1� of tlle sout,�a.��rest quarter (442��) of said
<br /> section eig�st (�) running tkience south alon� the east l.ine of said west ha1P o� the southwest
<br /> quarter V��S`��) and para7.3e1 e�it��. the east line o� s�,id section,a distanee of sixteen (16) rods,
<br /> thence �est a� ri�lit an�le °arzd para11e1 �vitli 'GE�e sout�i line of said sec'tion,a, distance o� �orty
<br /> (�0) rods, t��ence north at ri�3�t angle and parallel vritli the west line of said section,a distance
<br /> Q�` sixteen (l6) rods,thence east at a rig�it adn�le alon� tl-ze nortl� line o�' the west h.al� o�'
<br /> t11e sou'�h�aest quarter �W2SV��) and par�tllel vai�GFi t�.e north line of said �ection a distance of
<br /> �orty (�0� rods to the point of beginning.
<br /> TO HAVE A�ID TO �iOLD '�he premises a�ove described,to�ether �it�z aIl the Tenementa,Hereditaments
<br /> and Appurtenanees tlaereunto belon�in� un�o the said O.A.Beltzer.
<br /> And the said Grand Island Trust Con�pany,Trustee �'or itsel�,or its successors,does here�y covenant
<br /> an�, a�ree to and with tl�e said party of tl�e second x�art and his �eirs and assi�s, that at the
<br /> t�me o�' the exeeution and delivery o� these presents it is lac�a�ully seized of said premises;
<br /> t��at it l�.a� good rigk�t and Iati�rful a.utl�ority to convey tt�e same;tl�at they �ree fron� encumb�ance
<br /> does h.ereby covenant to ��arrant and de�end �fze said premises a�ainst the lawful claims o� all
<br /> persons whomsoever.
<br /> IN '�ITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grand Island Trus'� Conpany lias fiereunto caused i�s eorporate seal
<br /> �o be a�Pixed and t�iese presents to be signed by its Vice President the day and year �irst
<br /> above �vritten.
<br /> (CORp) Grand Island Trust Cor�pany,Trus�Gee
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in �SEAI,) By R,L.Wolco�t V�.ce Pre�ident
<br /> presence of .
<br /> Lu1u` Dah1.
<br /> State of Nebras�.a )
<br /> )ss. On this 16 dazr o� Ifray 1��46,be�ore me, t�ie undersi�ned,a I�lotary
<br /> Hall County ) public ln and far said County,personally car�e R.L.�Polcott Vice
<br /> �/'� President of tl�e Grand Island Tr:ust Company to me personally
<br /> l�nown 'Go be tt�.e,�President and tk�e identical pe�°son �v�ase na�e �.s. ax�ixed to �he above conve�rance,
<br /> � and ac�Lnowled�ed tl�.e execution �.��.e��eo� to be his voluntarSr act and deed as such o�fieer and the
<br /> vol.untar�r act and deed o� t�e said Grand Island Tr�:a't Company, Tru�tee,and that the Corpora�e
<br /> seal o�' t��.e said Grand Island TrLtst �orapany �aas the�rto a:�fixed by its authority.
<br /> �
<br />