` � i
<br /> �»���
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr.
<br /> any right or title to the said premises or any p?rt therPof, but they a,nd every one of tnem sh�,ll
<br /> by these presenta be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN ,�IITNESS '+�THEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seal the
<br /> day and yea.r above written.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of �.� �tamps �j John J.Kellogg
<br /> G.W.Monson Cancelled ) �nn Rellogg
<br /> STATE OF Nr.'�R. ) On thls 13 da.y of P�2�.y, A. D. 1g46, before me, tne under. si;ned, G.Vd.Monson,
<br /> HALL GOUNTY S�'
<br /> ) a Notary Fublic, d��ly comr�issioned and aualified for and resiciing in said
<br /> county, personally came John J.Kello�g and Ann Kello�;, to me kno�rn to be the icientical persons
<br /> �,rhase n�,mes --- affixed to tn.e faregoing instrur�ent as grantors and acknoz�Tledged the same to be '�
<br /> their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand anci Notarial Se�.� the day �.nc� year last above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) G.W.Nionson
<br /> My Commission expires the 13 day of Oct. 19�-9 otary Public
<br /> Filea for .record this 1�}- da;� of' A2ay, 1946, at 3: 20 0 �clock P.M. ��, ���^�� �
<br /> t
<br /> - �ister of eeds
<br /> �J-Q-'O-C-Ii_J_�-;,-'?-^_^ �-�`_�_';_n_�J_0_�-0__.-C-C_�!_n_n_�_0_n_��-�;�-O-C�_0_ ,-%}_�?_0_i_^_�_C^J_V_0_{�_0-0-0
<br /> QUT'1 CLAIT�I� Du�D
<br /> �. _�_ _._....
<br /> TH2S Ii��D��TTU�E,I��iade t�iis �6ti�. day o� April, in t�ie :;�eax° one 't�iousar�d. nirle l�undx�e�. and �or�yT six,
<br /> be�ween ,Alice Stoe�er Ric�i,a z�idotF� o� t:ie �'irst par�, and Ed.�ar B. S�oe�er o�' ���e second par�,
<br /> WITi�ESSE`I'H th�t tJ.1e said �.:axt�T o� t?z :�:ir � ar� in o " :�at ' � �'
<br /> , 1 ,r e � s p , c nsiae ion o;� t�ze sur�i o�. On� and no/100
<br /> -, _
<br /> � - -'-• -, , -,� r+ _ ,
<br /> DOLLAl�S, a..r�?. o��1er valuable considera�ion to tzel du1;r x�aid, �tie .c ecei�t ir�ze.: eo�, is i�.erer�y acl��lo�r-
<br /> led�ed all. clairls are ;��e�:lise�.,�°el�;aaed, and quit-clair:led, and b��- t�iese preser:�s do �or i�e-rself an�,
<br /> �or her L�.eirs , executors �.nd adr�inistrators,remise,re?Pase and ��rever quit-claim and convev unto
<br /> tl�.e said partl o� ti�.e secoazd ,r�ar v, and �o ��.is hei��s and �,ssi�;ns �orever,a11 of rzy ri�ilt, �it7_e,
<br /> intere�t, est�.�e elair.2 ar_d de:�a:�d,'r�otlz a� la�a� and in equi��r, o�, in ��a t� all
<br /> Lots one (1) , tc�o ( z) and ttze nort}Z !Zal�' o�' lot ti�ree (lt? j) , in Bloc�i one (7.) , in t��e Second
<br />� � ;, z - ,w
<br /> � , , :,
<br /> Aaditzo� to t.le toyrl o� Ca�.ro, in Ha_1 Count�,�,r1eb-rasl�a as s�lovm a,,= a recorued plat t;_ie� eof.
<br /> To�;e;her �ritlZ all and sin�uu?ax' t;:Ze 11e'redx�ar�lents t��ereunto belon�;in�.
<br /> TO HA�JE A1�D TO HOLD t'r.ie ���o�e described prer�ises urito t?�,e said Ed��,r B. S��e�'er tzei:�s and �ssi�ns;
<br /> so tlaat neit{zer tize said �ra.n�ee,nor any person in }zer narie and k�eE�al�, s11a11 or �a�.Zl ilerea-��er
<br /> clai� or dei:�a:1d any ri�ht or tit�le to tile �aid �-re::i�es ai� �.��J part tfie-reo�,��ut t:ze�;� and, every �
<br /> one o� t�zen sliall b,t- these pre�en�s be excluded� and �oreve�� ��ryr�ea. .
<br /> IN WIi�?ESS �1�IEREOF, t11e said c�a:c��,r o� t}Ze ;�irst var� �ias :ie��euito s�� ��.er ±�.a��d and sc��,1. tlle da�T
<br /> ar�d tiTear above v�srit'_,en.
<br /> Alice S�oe�er Rics1
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in pre:�ellce of
<br /> 2da Nelson
<br /> 5tate o� Col�rrado )
<br />'� ) ss. On tlz3.s 26ti�z da�T o�' Apri1,A.D.l��S,be�ore me, tlle undersi�ed Ida
<br />' Denver County ) Nelson a Notary Pur�lic,duly conmissioned and quali�ied �or and resid-
<br />' ing in said count�,j,personalty c�rne Alice Stae�er Rich, a vaidow, to
<br /> f ine �nov�rn to be tize identical person whose nan!e is a�'�'ixed to �1ze �'ore;oin� irstruz_tent as �rantor
<br /> f and acltinou�led�ed t�ze sarle to be lier voluntary act and de�d.
<br /> I
<br /> Wi'�ness my hand and T•dota.,�ial Sea,7. the day and yeaz� Iast above tiFn°itten.
<br />` Ida I�elson
<br /> i i:iy Cos�mission expires ttle 2� daYr o-� I•;ia'rch,l��F7. ( SEAL) Tdotar�r pu�lic
<br /> F3.led �or record tlzis 15 da�- o� It7ay,1��6,at �}:30 0 � clocl� A.T.i. � �-. . �
<br /> i
<br />,
<br />� Re�,ister o�' Dee'G�
<br /> --O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Q
<br />� �'TAR�A��?"'Y DEED -V�'�TI�.'G E?'TIR�' TITLE I�? S?7RVIVOR
<br />� _
<br />; KNO'Y� ALL TZEN BY TH�'SE PR'"�ENmS, T`ria.t Gracie A. Denm�,n, TtridoT��; Jesse O. Orn�off a.nd Elizabeth Orndoff,
<br /> i husban� and wife; Bessie P. Sk�an and Glen E. Staan, zaife anc? husband; Roy �.Orndoff and Nellie R.
<br />' Orndoff, husband and Ttirife; �3ertha S. Brunda,,�,e and Clarer�ce (�:� Brunc��g�T,»fe at�c1 l�iusband; Delbert Luhn
<br /> ana Buelah Luhn, husband and t�rife; Hazel Jane Luhn, single; La Vern R.Luhn, single, in conside °ation
<br /> of 0�?E --DOLLARS, in h�nc' }��,in, cio hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey arid confirm unto Harold A.
<br /> Schlund an� �d�,r •aret H. Sehlund his wif s JOINT iE:�1ANTS and mt as te�:ants in com:�on• th
<br /> � , e� � . , , e
<br /> follos�ring described real estate, situ�.tec� in ti�e County of H<11 and Sta.te of Nebraska to-?�rit:
<br /> The South One-half, (S 1/2) of Lot Tt��o �2) and all of Lot Three �3� in Block T�ao (2� ,
<br /> Third Addition to Cairo, Nebras��a.
<br /> together �,rith all the tenements, heredit<�mPnts and ap��urten�,ncea to tn? same belon�;in�, anc� a11
<br /> the est�.te, title, c�ower, ri��ht of homestead, claim or demand whatsoev�r of t?�� saic �,rantors, of
<br /> in or to tne same, or any p�,rt thereof; subject to No exceT�tiona.
<br /> SAIi G:�A�1TE�'S� T?-�E �'�di.i�E FE.�^ SIP�'iPLE T2�"L� ^10 'iIiE REAL ESTATF' DESCRIB;^D Hr�EIN �r:ALL V�'ST IN T�-iE
<br /> S''RVIVIivG GR.A"'TFE.
<br /> i0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the abo�Te described ��remiseG, with the a��purtPnances, unto the s�id
<br /> grantees as JOIi�3T T�I�AT�?lfi, �.n<< not as tenan;s in comr�on, arid to their assi�;ns, or to t'rle heirs
<br /> d.nc1 as�igns of t�ie survivor o�' tnem, forever, �,nd �ti*e tn.e grantors named herein for us and our
<br /> heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant ta�ith thF grantees na,med herFin an� tirith their
<br /> assi>,�ns anct taith tlie lieirs ancl assi�ns of the survivor of tY�em, thzt we are la�afully seized of
<br /> said p .remises; that they �.rF free fror:l incumbrance exeept as st�,ted. herein, �.rid tha.t we the s�,ic�
<br /> grantors have good right and lawful authority to sell the same, anc� �hat ?�re z�Till and. our heirs,
<br /> executor°s ana administr�.tors shall warrant �ncl. defend tne s�r�e unto tre grantees namecl herein
<br /> and unto their as�igns �,nc� unto t�:�eir heirs anc? assi�;•ns o� tne survivor of them, forever, against
<br /> the lawful cla,ims of all versons ti,Thomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein.
<br /> IN ?�JITNE�S ?+�-?ERE�F t�re have hereunto set our hands tnis 23rd d�,y of August, A. D. 19�-5.
<br /> Signed Febr. 19, l;��i-6� LaVern R.Luhn Gracie A. Denman
<br /> Signed April �, 1945 Hazel Jane Luhn Jesse a.Ornc?off Elizabeth Orn�.aff
<br /> Bes si e P. 5ti,ran Gl n E. Swan
<br /> �ertha S. Brunc�.a�e �lare�ce G. Brundage
<br /> oy O. Ornd.off �dellie R. rnc�off
<br /> Delbert Luhn Buelah Luhn
<br /> 4
<br />