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<br /> ioanNats wkh eppl�abb law, euoh oonllbt ahall not qHeCt othir prodsbns of thls Saaurity Instrumant or the Nota whbh can be i,
<br /> � plvan otloCi without the oonflfctinp provlslon.To thl9 end tha D�ovl9bnB ol thls SeCUrky Inntrument and th0 Note Yre deobred to
<br /> r
<br /> i bo 6BVetYbb.
<br /> I +
<br /> 1 16.eorrower's Copy. Borrower ahali be pNen one conformed copy ot the Noto and of thls Security Inotrumsnt. i �
<br /> 18. He�rdouo 3ubstar�cea. Borcowsr ahall not cwse or permk the pna�nce, uea, dispoaal, storepe, or relaaee of I
<br /> any Hasudous SubsunCO� on ar h the Proparty. Bortower ehall nat do, nor albw anyone e;se to do, anythhp attectk�p the I
<br /> ProDenY thst Y� h vbktbn of �ny Envlronmentel I.ow.The pnaedhg hvo eentences ehall not apply to the presence, uee, or _
<br /> stonp� on th�Propaty ol emall quanlRba o! Hna:rdoua Su6otnncos 4hat are penerelty recognirsd to be approprtate to normal i
<br /> � reabontki uses�nd to rtuhtsnance of tho Property.
<br /> � Bortoweir ehall pramptry pNe Lender wrkten not�e of eny hvestqatbn, clalm, demand, Wwsuk or other aotbn by any
<br /> " flovemmenta� or repu�lory epenoy or private party hvoNhp the PropeRy and any Hezardous Subotence or Envfronmental l.ow of
<br /> wh�h BOrrower hae BCt�a1 knowiedpe. If Borrower Ieu�s, ar Is notFf{ed by any qovemmental or repulatory authOrky, thnt any .
<br /> romov8l or other remedlatbn of tny Heznrdoua Sub3tances aHecthp the PropeRy is necessary, Borcower shall prompty ttke all
<br /> necossary remedtal aatbns h accordance with Envkonmental Lflw.
<br /> As used h thls pflrayraph 16, 'Hamrdous Substences"ere those substnnces defhed as toxb or harardous substances by -.
<br /> Ern'ronmental Law and the tolbw{np substences: qesolfno, korosene, other tlemmeble or toxb petroteum praducts, toxla : _�;-
<br /> {lI peslfalcles and herbbldos,volatlle soNents,materlais contatnYp asDestos or formaldeNyde, and redioactivo mnterisls.As used in
<br /> 1+I the parepreph i6, "Envkonmental Law" means tederel laws end lawa of the Jurisd�tbn whore the Proporty Is bcated ihat relate ° __:
<br /> i _.Y..:..••
<br /> I to heaflh,safety or envkonmental proteatbn. , �
<br /> NON-UNI�O�h1 COVENANT3. Bonower and l.ender tuAher covenant and agree as tolbws: '�►R';';,
<br /> ,��� ---..._�
<br /> .��,7:.7�?`'r_"__—,
<br /> ' 17,Aseta�ment of Rents. Bortowet unoondkbneYy asepns end transfers to Lender ell the rents nnd revenues of tha � ��_���;
<br /> '���
<br /> � Property.BorroHOr eulhorfzes Lender or Lender's agenls to coHect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the ,._, _
<br /> property to paY the rents to Lender or Lender's►egenis. However,prbr to Lenders notba to Borrower of Borrowers breach of �'�;,,�
<br /> Rny Qavenant or ayrsement in the Security Instn,ment,Bortower eheii colleot and receNe a0 ronts and revenues of the Property '�, _,
<br /> ag trugt68 tor the benefit of Lender and Borrower. Tnis eesfpnmant of rents constkutes an absolute assignment and not an
<br /> � eeelpnment tor nddkbnal securky ony.
<br /> If Le+►der pMes notbe of breaah to Barcower. (a)all ronts recehred by Bortowar shall be heid by Borrower as trustoe tor �
<br /> Wnsfk of Lo�dK ony, to bs appll�d to ths sums s�cur�d by th�Soaurky Instrument; (b) Lender shall be antRkd to colleot and
<br /> ; nc�Ne oN of th� �t� ot th� Propwty; �nd (o)�aah tonait of Ih� Property ahall pAy all rents duo and unptid to L�nd�r or ;�f t
<br /> l,md��eg�nt on l.endw�wrktm d�m�nd to th�t�ntnt. ':n,�' •� ,;
<br /> BOROw�nts not pc�ouiH3 any prio�ii�ryt'��=�s =����»=�A h�a nat and wlll nOt peAOfm Yny e0t thtt wOUld p�rYM�t _
<br /> �
<br /> L�ndM kom �cbhp k�rqht�unMr thk Panpnph 17• sx
<br /> ��ndK shtA not b�r�qulnd to�ntM upon,ttk�control of or malnitin th�Prop�rty befon or�ft�r pHh9 notb�of brMOh to � "'
<br /> BoROwx. Howw�►,Und�r or�JudbkHy�ppolnt�d ncNvK maY do eo �t�ny tlm� th�n b � br�aoh.My �ppNc�tbn of nnts � y, „
<br /> � � ahtU not cun or w�iv� �ny dMtuk or InvaNdat��ny olh�r rlpht or r�dy of Und�r.Thlf ttslpnm�nt of nnte of th� Prop�rty '., :
<br /> � eh�H termhat�wh�n the debt seCUnd by the Sicurity IndWmK�t b paW In Pull. 'L,• !i
<br /> � 18, ForeclowrA Procedure. If Lender requlre�Immediete p�yment In tull under Per�pnph g� �'
<br /> ` Lender may invoke the power of �le �nd eny other remedle� permitted by e�plic�ble lew. ___
<br /> " Lender sheil be enUtled to collect ell expeniea Incurred In purwinp the remedles provided In
<br /> # this PerayrsQh 18, Ineludinp� but not Ilmited to, reasonebte ettorneys' teea snd costs of tfUe ;,.
<br /> �: �?-`
<br /> �, evldence. _��--—
<br /> � It the power of qle is invoked� Truitee �hell record a nottce of default In eech county In
<br /> ' whlch eny part of the Property is located end �hail mali copie� of such notico in the msnner _��__
<br /> Z prescribed by epplicable Iew to Borrower 8nd to the other persona prescriBed by applicable Inw. .�,—�-�_.�
<br /> . �tter the Ume requlred by appllcabte law, Truatee ehett qive public notice of aale to the persona �a�_-.---.
<br /> ��—�
<br /> - ' and In the manner preacribed by appliceble lew.Trustee� without demsnd on Borrower, ahall sell �.- _ _
<br /> . -- --.�- the Pronert�r at publlc euctlon 4o the hiqhest btdder at the Ume and plecs and under the terms �.._..�� _-
<br /> desl�natad in the notice of sete In one ar more parceis and in ar�y oPder 4ru�ta� de4�:�ta�Ee. ��LL-R��-..:�--=
<br /> - ��' Trustee mey postpone �ate of ail or �ny parcel of the Property by publlo �nnouncoment �t the .
<br /> � Ume end place of any provloualy echeduled sale. Lender or its deslpnae mny purchese the ���.+�-, �2
<br /> ,�.�r,���� 'r
<br /> Property �t eny sale.
<br /> � •�!�`Y•��. , `��'.
<br /> - Upon recelpt of payment of the prlce b►d. Trusteo shall deliver to the purchaaer Trustee s � :-;.�..,� {., f
<br /> . deed conveyinp the Property►. The �ecitels In the Tru�tee'� deed shail be prime tecte evidence of ; . �. :�;.,ti,
<br /> the truth of the atetementa me�e therein. Truatee ahall npply the proceeds of the sele In the �.�.�:: ,
<br /> tollowinQ order: (e) to ell costs end expenaea ot exercising the power of eale, and the sale�, � .
<br /> includiny the psyment of the Trustee's fees ectuetty Incurred, not to exceed 3 .
<br /> oi the prinaipel amuunt of the note at tQ�e time of the declaratlon of default, end reasonable
<br /> ettorneya'fees es permittsd by taw; (b)to all sums secured by thte Security Instrument; and (c)
<br /> eny excess to tho person or pereom legeily entlUed to t�
<br /> If the Lender'a interest In this Securlty In�trument ia held by the Secretery and the Secretary
<br /> , requirem Immedlote peyment in full under Pernyreph 9, the Sccretery mey invoke ��s �12 11.S.C.
<br /> power of aale provided tn 4he Stn�le Femtly Mort�ape Foreclowre Act of 1994 ("Act") (
<br /> , 3761 Qt 49St.)by requestin� e forecl�sure commissloner deal�nated under the Act to commence
<br />- __ —__ inreclnatue and to aell the Property as provided In the Act. Nothlnp In the procedinp sentence ..
<br /> "' ' " ' . " '�"_ "�J�.. �4t� O�r�wr�h6 1A '.— . --. .__....
<br /> ^ thall deprive the Secretery ot eny ri�hte otherwtee evauaoie io a t-enaor u�...� ....v �a.�...,... -
<br />� or eppliceble lew. �
<br /> T 19. Reconveyance. Upon payment of a�suma secured by this Security Instrument, Lender ahall request Trusteo to
<br />- roconvey the Property and shall surrender this SecurRy InsWment and ell notod evidencinq debt secured by thls Securky
<br />� I Instrument to Truslee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property wRhout wercanty and wkhout charge to the person or persons tepaliy I
<br />__ entkted to 11.Such person or persons shall pay eny roc�rdatlon costs. I
<br /> f
<br /> I
<br />- �11 . F6E19.LM�(9(90) Pnp��ot 6 I . .
<br />�..
<br /> �
<br />- i
<br />' _ ' 400 i
<br /> - I -- _ . ... ._.
<br />