<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr.
<br /> THIS INDENTUt'�E, Made this lOth d�,y of P�Iay, in the year one tn.ousand nine hundrea and Forty-six
<br /> bettiaeen Evelyn J.Hayes, sin�le, of the Yirst part, and homer C.Millspaugh, single, of the second
<br /> part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, th�,t the said party of the fi-rst p�=st, in consider. ation of the sum of One dollar
<br /> and other valuable consic?eration ---- DOLLARS, to her duly paid, the receipt whereof is he'reby
<br /> acknowledged, has remised, released, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does for herself and
<br /> her heirs, executors, and administrators, remise, release and �orever qui�-claim and convey unto
<br /> the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and as�3gns forever, al.l her right, title,
<br /> interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in rnd to all
<br /> Lots Six and Seven (6 & 7� , in Slock Twenty-Four (2�+� , Baker� s Additian to the City of Grand
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Toge�hPr with a.11 and singular the heredita,ments thereunto belongin�.
<br /> TO HAVF APJD TO HOLD the above described premises unto tne said Homer Millspaugh and his
<br /> heirs and assi�na;, so th�t neither she the sai� Grantor, nor any person in her n�,me and behalf,
<br /> shall or Urill hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said prenises or any part
<br /> thereof, but they and every one of them sha11 by these presen�s be excluded and foreuer barred.
<br /> IN ?^TITNES� ?•THEREO,'�', the saicl party of' the firat part h�,s hereunto set her hand and seal the
<br /> day and yP�,r above wwrittPn.
<br /> �igned, sealed and delivered in presence of Evelyn J.Hayes
<br /> Lloyd W.Kelly
<br /> STATE QF NEBRASKA � On this 10 day of I�a.y, A.D. 1g46, beforQ me, the undersigned, Lloyd 4�J.
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) S�' Kel1y, a Not�.ry Public, d�zly co;nmissioned and qualified for and regiding
<br /> in said county, personally came Evelyn �.Hayes to me kno?an ta bP the i�entical person tahos e n�zne
<br /> is affixed to the foregoing instrument as gra,ntor �,nd aeknoTaledged the same to be her voluntary
<br /> act and deed.
<br /> �itness my hand and Notarial Seal thP d�y anc� year last above writter�.
<br /> Lloyd F,�.Kelly
<br /> ( SEAL) otary Public
<br /> My commission ex��ires the 27 day of October, 1951
<br /> Filed for record this 10 day of May, 19�6, �.t 3:�0 0 � clock �P. M. 'a�: �-���C �
<br /> eg s er of ee s
<br /> 0-0-0-�-�-�-0-�-0-0-0-Q-�-�-��-0-0-0-:-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-^-0-0-�-�-0-�-�-�-�-O-G-� �-C-0-�-0-�-
<br /> UI� CLAIi'i ��:�D
<br /> T��IS IT��D��?TURE,i��a��.e t11is lUt�1 da,tir o�' i;iay, in tize �Tear one �t1o��sa.�d nil�.e t�.ui�ared and For��r-six,
<br /> between Floyd E.Fo�;elman, siii�le o� tlle �irst par�, and Ia.a F3.Jones,�ic�ot�r o� t�yte second part,
<br /> WITT�ESSET,�i,t��at t�:Le said �arfiy of tr�e �'�rsti 1�a.I't, ln co:�s�c.e�a,t�on o� t�le s�.�r1 of One Do?1�,r �r�.d
<br /> otller valuable consic�e-ra'�ion DOLi,A�S,to 1�im duly naid,tt��e rece;.pt w:?el°eo�' is ��ere�.�>r ac,;�nocalec?,<-;ed
<br /> re�ised,released, and quit-clai;_Zec�, and 1��r t:iese p�eserzts do�s �or l�ir_��el� and liis �ieirs, e.{ecuto-rs
<br /> and adr_�i.zis°�rators, rerr�ise,z'�lease and �orever qu�v-cZ�in a�id contTev unta �i�e par��T o� ttle second
<br /> part, and to her 1leirs atzd assi�;ns forever, aZl lzis rigl�t,��t?_e, infiei�est, estate �Zis c3_airn and
<br /> demand,botEz at la�� and i�i equit�T,o�, in and to aIl Tlie Soutizerly One-1�alf ( S�) , of Lot Ten (10) , in
<br /> Bioc;i r'orty-Two (�2) , in Russell �Viieeler � s ,Addita.on to t��e Cit;� of Gx�a,nd Isiand,Nez�ra:;�.a.
<br /> To�etlZer �vitlZ all ar!d si�z�ular t�Ze hereditarr,ents ts�ereunto �elon�;3.n�;.
<br /> TO �IAVE A��D TO HOLD ttie al�ove �.escribed nre�1ises unto tlie said Ida B.Jones,v��ido�v and her fleirs
<br /> and assi_�;ns;so tiiat neit:ler I the said �rantor, or any person in my na?:le �j�d ueizal�, shall 'or will
<br /> 1lerea�ter elair� or de:��and an�� rl���t or �itle to the said prer.lises or an,r c�art t�iei�eoi',�ut tile�r
<br /> and every one o� t�Ler.i s!�a�l L4r ttiese �oresen�s ��e excluded and forever ��ai�x�ed.
<br /> I�d WI�1T�;SS V7�iER:EOF,t�le said nar�� o� tile �'�.rst �art i�as �Zere�a_Zto set liis !�and and seal on t�ie d�,y
<br /> and Srear above e�,rit�en.
<br /> Flo�rd E.Fo��elrnan
<br /> Si�ned, sealed and deliv�l�ed in pre�ence o�
<br /> 5�ate o� 1�eG�ras?i� )
<br /> ) s.�. On tliis lOtfl da;>T o� ivia.�T A.D.1J�e,�e�ors ne, t�ze uridei°si�.ned H.T .Broti{m
<br /> Hall County ) a A?o�ary public, dul„r co;.l;�sissioned and quali�ied �o:c� and residin� in said
<br /> cou.it,r,pei°sonally car�e Fl.o�rd E.Fo�;elrnan, sin��;le to I�ze ��novan �o be t!1e
<br /> iden�ical nerson !u�lose :�a:-�e is a°fi'ixed to tl�e �orer�oi�:l� instrul.�ent as �;x���tor and ac?�no?-rled�:°ed
<br /> '�he sar�e to be l�.�s vc�'uizt�,r,y act a.�nd deed.
<br /> Wi�ness my t�and and Plotarial Seal tlle da�T and �rear last above �arit;en.
<br /> H.i.Broti;m
<br /> I:iy comrnissio�. expires ttze �7t:tZ da�>l o� Nover:lber,l��z�. (SF�L) Pdotar,,r pu�lic
<br /> Filed for record t�zis 11 ��a;r of P.ia,;r,1���, at 11 0 'clocx� A.�=�. � ���J�,� �
<br /> --��.�.�_
<br /> Re��i��er o�' Deeds
<br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
<br /> �UIT CLAI�DE_4�D __
<br />' `rHIS IPd�7�,�`1'i�E,',���ade t}.Zis l�t�i da�j o� Jur�e, in t�ie ,rea-r oi�e vi�o�.lsai�d nine Fzunared and �or�v-�'iv�,
<br /> �etween pau7. H.Gillan ana i.°iarion ti`J,�`illan,his cuife, o� Lincoln,l e��ras1;.�, o� Ti:ie �'�ir5z r�ar�, and
<br /> B.J.Cunnin�I�am, o� Granct Zsl�.�id,�lei�r�.sl,�a o� tlze second pai°t, �'ils�i���5E�s'H,�ilat �ile �aid �arties o�
<br /> t�1e �'irst part, in conszderation o� t�ie sur:l o� O��e Do7_7.�° to tile7il duly paic�, ���.e Y�eceibt v�:�ereo�
<br /> is }zerel�y ac�.no��r�_edred i.a�re rer�lised,released, and quit-clair�ed, and by tkzese �rese��s do �'or t�Lem
<br /> -� - t �� � d orever auit-cl�,irn and on
<br /> selves, t��eir !zeirs, exec.��tol s and at�::�inistra�ors, rezr�zse,� elea..e an � y c vey
<br /> unto t�Ze said �artti o£ ttZe second -�art,and to hi� lZei��s �n.a �ssi�ns �oz�ever,all tfZeir ri�llt,
<br /> title, in�ere�t, estate claim and c�e�_�no,bot��. a� lati� and l�equit�T,of, in and to a,ll
<br /> Lat 3,Blocl� 2�, i�i ori�i.r�al �o,-�n,no�xr Cit;r o�' Grand I�land, 1e�ras�La.
<br /> .
<br /> To�e�t1er vJitl�. al1 and sin�ular tsZe i�ereditaments tllereunto belon�,�in�.
<br /> TO H�1VE Ai�D TO HOLD tlie a��ove desc��ibec� �re�:�i�E;s unto the s�id B.J .Cunnin��.�ar� his i�eirs and assi�x�;
<br />