<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> defend the title to said premises a��.inst the la.wful claims of alI persona whomsoever.
<br /> IN WITIVESS ?IHERE�F, Home Owners ' �o�r� Corporat�.on ha.s caused this instrument to be executed
<br /> by its proper offieer �.nd its cor��orate se��l attached.
<br /> Si�ned thi s 7th day of May, A:L?. , 1.9�-6.
<br /> {. 3. 5 . . tamps ) (SEAL) By F.E.Della
<br /> ( �ancelled ) M A A ANT E ON TREASTJR�?
<br /> ST�T�' OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7th c��y of May, A. D. , 1946, before me a Notary Public in �.nd for
<br /> COL?NTY OF DOUGLAS )8 S' said County, person�.11y a��earec� F.E.Della, Omaha Assiatant Regional
<br /> Trea.surer, of Home O;aners ' Lo�n Corporation, personally knot�rn to me to be the Omaha Assistant
<br /> Regional Treasurer of sa3.d Corporation �.nd tne identical persan whose name i$ affixed" to the above
<br /> instrument and aeknowled�ed the execu�ion thereof to be his voiuntary aet and deed, and the volun-
<br /> tary act and deed of said Home O�aners ' Loan Cor�oration.
<br /> `�1ITNE5S my h�nd a.nd notarial se�til the date �.faresaid.
<br /> E.E.Riehardson
<br /> (SEAL) Na t�.ry Public
<br /> My commission ex�ires Nov. 7, 1951
<br /> Filed for record this 10 day of M�.y, 1}46, �.t 3:15 0 � clock P.��I. � �j)��
<br /> V�
<br /> - egister of eeds
<br /> . ��O�O�.O.�O��j.�J��.�;J�����i��;�J1�J��.,.,����`����U��'���V�C.�V����.�i)�`�.1-�,. �,.,.l�V�J�J•��J`�� J�•� ��r .�.� �C.����j�..O�Q���Fj�V�-V�
<br /> That, the City of Grand Islancl, a municipal cor�Qration, of the County oP Hall, �nd State of
<br /> Nebraska, �or the consideration of the sum of Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-five ��1�-25.00) Dollars
<br /> does hereby Quit Cl�,im and convey unto Evelyn J.Hayes of the county of H�.].1 and State of Nebraska,
<br /> all its right, title and interest of whatsoever nature, in and to t'r�e following descr3bed real
<br /> est�te, situated in the County of H�11 and State of P3ebraska, to-ti�rit: -
<br /> Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) , B1ock Twenty-Four (2�) , Baker' s Adciition t� the City of Gr�.nd
<br /> Island, Ha,ll County, Nebraska.
<br /> The Gr�ntor, the City of Granc� Islanc3., sha.11 not �e reauired to furnish an Abstract of Ti�le.
<br /> IN '�TITN�S� ��H�Et�F, the Grantor, tY�e City of Grand Islanc�, in Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, has caused
<br /> these presen�s to be signed by its ��ayor anc� attested to by the City Cle�k and has caused the
<br /> official seal of said City to be here�anto �.ffixed this t?ie 3rd day of April, A.D. , 1g�+6.
<br /> M�,rie Blain ( ��'AL) By Harr� Grimminger
<br /> �itness 1. �..� t�a,mps ) Mayor
<br /> Cancelled ) ATTEST:
<br /> l�iarie B1ain :F.S. t�Jhite
<br /> itness ity er
<br /> STA`TE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 3rd d�� of A�ril, A.D. , 1g46, before me the undersignec�, a notary
<br /> C O U N`�'Y O F H A L L ) S S• pu b l ic, in an d for the sai r� Coun ty, persona l ly came xarry Gr imm in�;er,
<br /> Mayor, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a.nd Floyd S.:�ihite, City Clerk of said City, to me
<br /> persona.11y known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the �,bove instrument as
<br /> Mayor anc� City Clerk of the Grantor, thP City of Grand Island, and to me personally known to be
<br /> such officers of said City and they severally acknoTrrledged the execution of said instr��ment to be
<br /> their voluntary aet and deed and the of'f'3.cia1 act and deed on t:�e part of sa�.�. City of Granc� Island.
<br /> Witness my hand and notar�.al seal a,t Granc� Is�anc� in said County the day and year first above
<br /> written. ( SEAL) A.W.�arson
<br /> My commission expires the 23rd day of Dec. 19�-9. otary u ic
<br /> R E S 0 L U 'I' I 0 N
<br /> t�fHEREA�, the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is tne oz�ner of the real estate described as
<br /> Lots six (6} and Seven (7), Block T�,�enty-�'our (24) , Baker' s Ad�ition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br /> �dHERFAS, Evelyn J.Hayes of said City desires to purchase said real es�ate and has offered to
<br /> pay therefore the e�um of Fourteen Hundred Twenty Five ��1�F25.00) Dollars, and has made a down
<br /> payr�ent thereon to the City Clerk in t'rle sum of One Hundred Thirty ��130.00) Dollars, �.nd off ers
<br /> to p�.y the balance af the ��urch�.se price u�on delivery to her o�' �. Quit Claim DePd for said prer�ises,
<br /> and
<br /> WHERE�AS, the City shall no'� be required to furnish the purchaser an Abstr�,ct of Title.
<br /> that the sale of said pra�Prty herein described to the s�,id Evelyn J.Hayes be, �.nd the sa,me is
<br /> hereby ordered and confirmed according to said offer and that the �iayor and City Clerk sign and
<br /> deliver to saic� purchaser a Quit Claim De�c� for said premises.
<br /> Respectfully submitted this jrd day of April, 19�-6.
<br /> John Sander
<br /> H.A. r�i e er�
<br /> City roper ,y o�—mm��tee
<br /> I, F. S.White, duly ele�ted, qualified anc� actin; City C1erk o#' the City of Grand I�l�.nd,
<br /> Nebraska., hereby certify the foregoing �o be a true anrA correct copy of RESOLUTION passed by the
<br /> Mayor and City Council meeting in Re�ular Session on the 3r�. d�y of April, 19�-6.
<br /> In �aitness whereof I set my h�.nd and af.�ix the official seal of the City af Gr�nd Island,
<br /> Nebras?��_, this �Fth d�,y of April, �.9�-6.
<br /> (CORP) F. S.t�thite
<br /> (SEAL) City Clerk
<br /> Filed f'or record this lOth d.�y of M�,y, 1g�-�, z t 3:40 0 ' clock P.M. � /��iG��d �j
<br /> �1� �l�
<br /> eg�ist�r of ffeeds
<br /> 0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�J-�-�-�-�:-J-�-O-�-:�-�-�`-�-0-0-(�-0-0-�-(�-0-:7-'�-0-0-�-»-�-J-0-0-Q-0-`�-+�-0-0-�J-0-C-�3�-�-
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