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� � � <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n this 2nd day of January, A. D. 7.9�F6, beYore me, a PIotary Public <br /> COUNTY 0�' HALL )SS' in and for said County, personally came the above named M�,rie Fagan and <br /> William Fagan, Jr. , wife and husband; M�,rie Fagan and William Fagan,Jr. wiPe and husband, executric�ss <br /> and trustees of tha Estate of George M.Baker, deceased, who are personally known to me to be the <br /> identical persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument as grantors, and they acknow- <br /> ledged said instrument to be t�eir voluntary act and deed. <br /> WTTNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aPoresaid. <br /> Lloyd W.Kellq <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires on the 27 day of �ctober, A.D. 1951 <br /> STATE OF MISS�URI ) On this 27 day of Dec. 1��-5, A. D. , 1945, before me, a PJotary Public, in I, <br /> COUNTY OF JACKSON )$s'and for said Gounty, personally came the above named Lillian Thirifay, <br /> sin le• Mar t P w r <br /> , a r e o e a n d J o s e h P o w e r h u s b a n d a n d w i f e w h o a r e e r s o n a l l k n o w n t o m e t o b e <br /> g g Y <br /> P , , P <br /> th identi s <br /> e c a l p e r s o n w h o s e n a m e s a r e a f P�.�e d t o t h e a b o v e i n s t r u m e n t a s g r a n t o r s, a n d t h e y a c k n o w- <br /> ledged said instrument to be their voluntaxy act a,nd deed. <br /> WITNEBS my hand and Notarial Seal the date l�,st af'oresaid. <br /> � (SEAL) Vera F. Darrah <br /> My Co�mission Expires April 17., 194� Notary Public <br /> Filed for record th3.s 4 day of January, 19�6, at 11 t�-5 o��:cloek A.M. � ����� <br /> � egister of ee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-�-0-0-0-0--�-0-0-0-Q-�-�--�-�-0 0-0-v-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-�J-�-O- <br /> WARR�NTY DEED -Corporation <br /> THI9 INDENiURE,A�ade tY�is 15ttz day of Decem'�er A.D. ,19�+5,between WESTERN BUILDEI�S,IN�. ,A Corporat- <br /> ion a corporation or�anized and existin� under and by virtue o�' the la�s o�` the Sta�e oY Nebzae�a <br /> party o� the first part,and A.Lee Gooclriek and Ellinore D.t�oodrick oP the County o�' Hall,and <br /> State oP Nebraeka,parties of the second part, S�ITNES5ETH.Tt�at tt�e saSd partiea of the �'irst part <br /> tor and in eansideration o�' �k�e sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration ln hand pai.d, <br /> receipt whereof is, hereby acknowled�ed,has soid and by these presents �does �rant,canvey and con='_� <br /> �irm un�o the said parties oP the second part, the folloveing described premises, situated in Ha11 <br /> County,and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> AI1 of' Lot One (I) Block Two ( 2) Better Hornes Su�division to the City of Grand Island,Nebraeka <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H�LD the premiees above described, to�;ether �v3th aIl the Tenements,Hereditaments <br /> � and Appurtenances thereunto belon�;in� unto the said A.Lee Goodrick and Ellinore D.Goodrick <br /> And the said �VEST�R.N BUILDERS IP1C. ,A Corporation �or itsel� or ite successors, does hereby <br /> covenant and aa;ree to and with the eald parties oP tl�e second part and tk�eir heirs and �saigns, <br /> that at the time o� the execution and dellvery of ttiese presents 1t is laeafully sPized v�' said <br /> premises;that it has good righ� and lae��'uI. aut�iority to convey the same;thQt they are �ree Prom <br /> eneumbrance, except the unpaid balar�ce oP an insured FHA mortga�e in Yavor o� the City National <br /> Bank,oY �ouneil Blu�'�s, Io�a does hereby covenant tn warrant and de�end the aaid premises aga�.net <br /> the Iawful elaims of aIl persons �homsoever. <br /> I�.T WITT�ESS �f?EREOF, �he said t�ES�RN BUILDERS IP��. ,A Corporation has hereunto caused its corporate <br /> seal to be a�fixed and these preqents ta be signed by its Presiden� the day and year Pirat above <br /> written. <br /> ( COI�p) �����!�N' Bt1ILDERS I��C. ,A Garporatic� <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presene� of ( 5EAL) __. By Ada Wgtson president <br /> Jean Stryker ( �1.10�I.R.Stamps ) <br /> ( Caneelled ) <br /> State o�' �Tebraska <br /> �es. �n this 15th day oP December 19�j bef'ore me, the undersigned,a Notary <br /> Dou�las County ) P�l�lic in and Yor sald County,personally carne Ada Watson,president <br /> . o� the WESTE�N BUILDERS IPJC. ,A Corporation to me personally known <br /> �o be tt�e Preaident and the identical person whose name ie a�f ixed to the above conveyance and <br /> •- acknowled�ed the execution thereot` to be his voluntary act and deed as such of.�icer and the <br /> voluntary act and deed o�' the said 4YESTERN BUILDERS INC. ,A Corporation and that the Corpora�e <br /> : ` seal o� the said �VESTE�N BUILDEHS IPdC. ,A Corporation was thereta aPY�.ed �y ite author3.'�y. <br /> �i'�ness my hand and Notarial Seal at Or�al�.a,Nebr. in said county the day and year last above <br /> written. ' <br /> My commiss�.on expires the l� day of' ��areh I��6 ( SEAL) Geo.F.�eShane <br /> Notary Pu�lie <br /> F'11ed tar record this 4 day o�' January,1946,�t �:30 0'elock P.M. '�� , � <br /> � Re�ister o� Deed <br /> -p-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-�-O <br /> � WAR?�ANTY DEED <br /> KNOr�T ALL MEN BY TH�'SE PRESENTS: <br /> � � TH.4T Home ��ners � Loan Corpor�,tion of �ashington, D. C., a c� .rPorate instrumentality of the <br /> United States of America., sometimes otherwise desienated as a United 3tates Corporatlon, for and <br /> . in consideration of the sum of NINE HUNDRED SSXTY FIVE AND NO/100 -- (�9b5.�J0� --DOLLARS in hand <br /> pai d does hereby grant, ba,rgain, sell, convey �nd confirm unto Laura O.Nicholas, of the �ounty <br /> of Hall and State of Nebraska.; the following described real estats situated in Hall County and <br /> State of Nebras�a, to-wit: <br /> A parcel af land being a part of Lot seven (7� , o� Norwood�s Subdivision to tne City af <br /> Gra rd Island, Nebraska, described as followss Co�mencing at a. point 33 Peet East and 1�1{}- <br /> feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot Seven of said 3ubd.ivision ta an iran pin, thence <br /> �torth 1�I{?.5 feet parallel to the center line of the St.Paul Road to an iron pin, being 33 <br /> feet East o� the Northwest corner of Lot Seven (7) of s�,id Subdivision, thence at right <br /> angles 237 feet to an iron pin, thence South at right anglAs 1�F0. 5 feet to an iron pin, thence <br /> West 237 feet to the place of beginning, all in Hall Caunty, Nebraska. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HQLD the premises above described, toge�her with all the Tenements, Hereditaments <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto be3on�ing, unto the sai d Grantee Laura O.Nicholas, her heirs and <br /> • <br />