1 :���
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 26080--The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> t�ze execuvion t,��i�eof, to �e la�s v�Iu.ltar�j act and d�;eci.
<br /> WITi��SS M�� hand and Nota:�°ial Se�.l t�1e cia�r and �rear :.ast aY�ove ti�rit ae�1.
<br /> Liliian Aurverter
<br /> (SF�L) I10 uary Pu�Iic
<br /> Commission expix�es: iL�arch 3, 1��7. in and �'or t�.e �ounty o�'
<br /> Los Angeles, S�ate of
<br /> Cali�ornia.
<br /> Filed fbr recoz�d tl�is lb da�r o� TJotirerl�ber,l��-J, at �:45 o' clocl� P .P�i. � � �
<br /> � �e���
<br /> Re�is�er o� Deeds
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-J-O-O-C:-��-O-O-O-O-G-O-O-O-O-O-U-O-U-:)-O-O-C)-c.)-O-fl-O-O-U-O-O-'J-O-O-
<br /> KNOW ALL PiEN BY THESE PR��'SENTS, THAT we, �ra M.Newtson Engleman, formerly Ora M.Ne�atson,
<br /> and D.L.Engle m�.n, e�.ch in her and his o?�-n right and as spouse of each other, Emily R.Newts,^n
<br /> Englem�,n., formerly Emily R.Newtson, �na O.M. Engleman, her husband, Betty Elizabeth Lehrer,
<br /> formerly Betty_ E,Ne��tson, also kno�,m as Bettie E.Lehrer, �nd Paul G.Lehrer, each in her and his
<br /> o�an right a,nd as snouse of each other, in consi�eration of Three Thous�.nd Fi�'ty Dollars ��3,050.00)
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, convey a.nd confirm unto John `�l. Nicholson and Vesta
<br /> R.Nicholson �s �oint tenants, a.nd not �s tenants in common the fol�o�ring described real estate,
<br /> situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-Tbrit:
<br /> All tha.t nart of tne Northeast �u�.rter (NF�) of Section Two �2) in Tawnship Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Ra.nge Ten� (l0) , ?�dest of tr�e 6th P.M. in H�11 Co�.�nt;�, Nebra,ska, lying south of the right-of'-��ray
<br /> across the same of The Grand Island �.nd Wyomin� Central R�.ilroad, recorded in Book F a.t page
<br /> 95 in tne ofiice of the Register of Deeds of H�11 County, Nebraska, �.nd lying south of the strip
<br /> of land conveyed by �aarra.nty deed to The State of Nebraska, ?�rhich deed is recorded in Book �5
<br /> at bage 392 of the deed records of the office of t��e Re�ister of Deeds of Hall County, �Pbrask�.,
<br /> sub,ject to t'r�e �ole and line lease recorded in Book N a.t pa.ge 129 ir. t'rle office of the pe�ister
<br /> of Deeds of Hall County, Z�ebraska.
<br /> togetner with all the tenements, here�it��ents, a.nd �.?�purtenances to tne sa.r�e belon�ir�, a.nd
<br /> all t��e estate, title doraer, ri�;ilt of nomesteac�, cla,im or deman� !ntn�tsoEVer of the said �r?ntors,
<br /> of, in or to the saMe, or any nart thereof.
<br /> GRANT EE.
<br /> T0 HAVE AND TO HOLD t:ne above described premises, with the appurten�nces, unto the said
<br /> grantees �s JOIT,iT TENAiJTS, and not �.s tena.nts in common, and to their assigris, ar to ti�e heirs
<br /> �nd assigns, of the survivor of tiler�, forever, �nd �1Te, t�ie grantors namec� herein, f'or ourselves
<br /> and our heirs, executors, �nd ?.dministrators, do covenant ?�rith the grantees named herein and
<br /> tArith ti�eir assig:�s and t,rith the heirs and �ssigns of tne survivor of tnem, tr�at T�re are lawfully
<br /> seized of said premises; tn.at they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, a_n� that
<br /> we the said grantors, h�.ve good right and l�,wful �uthority to sell tne sarne, and that �ae U�ill
<br /> and our heirs, execu'tors and administrators sna�ll z.Jarrant aizd c!efen�. the same unto the gr�ntees
<br /> named 'nerein a.nd unto tneir assigns �nd unto the heirs {�nd assigns of tr�e surviv�r of them,
<br /> forever, ��gainst tne la?aful claims of all persons ?�rhomsoev�r, excluding the exceptions named
<br /> herein.
<br /> IN '•.�SITNESS S�THEREOF �ae have nere��nto set our hands this 9th day of �ctober, i9�-5.
<br /> j'�itness:
<br /> Ora M.1Vewtson Englema.n
<br /> ( 3. 5 I.R. tamps D.L. Engleman
<br /> ( C�ncelled Emily R.Newtson Er�gleman
<br /> 0.M.Engl e ma.n
<br /> � Betty Elizabeth Lehrer
<br /> � Paul G.Lehrer
<br /> T;:E STA2E �F NEBRASKA ) On this �th day of' October, 19�-5, before me, a. notary public, duly
<br /> ROCK COLiNTY ) S�'' commissioned, qualified for, and r�sid.in� in s�.ia Coun�y, nersonally
<br /> came tne said Ora M.Newtson Engleman �nd D.L.Engleman, to me kno?an to be t'r�e identical persons
<br /> whose n�mes are affixed to the foregoing instrument as tr��eir free act anc� they ackno?,,rledged the
<br /> sa.ic instrument to l�e their voluntary act arld �eed,
<br /> ?j1IT�1ESS my ha rrl ��nd seal the d�.y and ye�r last a..bove �aritten.
<br /> E.H.Li t tl e
<br /> ( SEAL) o a.ry ublic, ock ounty,
<br /> Commission expires Dec. 7th, 1g45 i�ebr.
<br /> STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. On tr�is 17 da�� of�ctober, A.D. , Zg�+5, before me, tne undersigned,
<br /> LOGAN COUNlY � Roy E.Smith, � Notary Pui�lic, d�.;ly commissioned �.nd aualified f'or
<br /> �,nd residing in saic� County, perscn�.11y came Ernily R. Engleman and O..R:.Engleman, to me kno��n to �
<br />� be the identical person-- ?at:lose name-- - afiixed to tne fo-r. egoing instrument as grantors and
<br /> �ckno��Tledged the same to be their voluntary act �nd deed.
<br /> Z�Titness r�y hand and Notarial Seal the day and year la.st a�ove tRrritten.
<br /> (SE.AL) Ro y E. Smi th
<br /> My Commission expires April 2�-, 194�. �dotar;� Public
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) Ss. On this 26th day of October, 1945, before me, a l�otary Public,
<br /> ROCK COUNTY ) duly commissioned, qualified for, and residin� in said County,
<br /> person�lly came t'r�e sa,ic� Betty Elizabeth Lehrer and Paul G.Lenrer,husband anc? wife, to me knoT.m
<br /> to be the ic?entical persons ?�,rhose names �=,re �,ffixed to the foregoing instrument �s their free
<br /> act a.nd deed and they acknowledged the said instrument to be trieir voluntary �et a,nd deea.
<br /> 'WITNESS my hand and seal the d�y and year last above ?arit�en.
<br /> ( SEAL) E.H.Little
<br /> Commission expires Dec. 7th, 1945 NOTA�Y P �LIC,ROCK COUNTY, NEBr'�A�KA.
<br /> Fi�ecZ for record this 17th clay of November, 19��5, at lO:OC o � clock A.M.`�,, ��J��d �
<br /> e�gi s t er o f e� eds
<br /> �-0-0-0-0-�-0-C-�-�-�-`�-�-,_�_O-C�-'�-C-O-'�-�-(?-0-;�-��0-0-^_,-,- -�� "-�' ,-� -�r-'?-0-�-`�J-;;-'�-�-�: �- ,-,-,
<br /> �: -0-
<br />