I�I � V�J
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Ialand, Nebr.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 30t�L day of �c�ober, 1945, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br />' oA IIN �S'Public in �nd for s�ic� County, personally ca.me John L. Soderberg, Presi�ent
<br /> f�he�V3c�ory Homes� Inc. , to me nersonall;� kno�rn to be the President and the identical nerson
<br /> whose n�,r�e is af't'ixecz to the above canveyance, and acknotaledged the execution thereof to be his
<br /> voluntary act and deed a.s such officer and the voluntar�r act �,nd deed of the said John L. �oderbez�g
<br /> and tnat the Corporate seal of tne said Victory Homes, Inc. ?�aas thereto affixed. by its autnority.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Se�.l at Grand Island, in said county the day and year l�.st �,bove
<br /> written.
<br /> , E. B.Francl
<br /> (�EAL) Notary Pu'�lic
<br /> My Comnis sion Expir es Apr.�, 19�+6
<br /> Filed for record thi� �th c��.y of November, 19�-5, at �:00 0 � clock P.P�. ,,� ��=�Q-� �J�-��-
<br /> Re�ister of �eeds
<br /> 0-C-0-v-0-0-0-0-G-0 ;-C-�;-0-0-0-�-�-O-�-C-�'�U'�1.�'��-�v—J—\i-4�-0-0-C-0-0-0-C-0-J-Q-:�-�-�-0-0-�-G-0-�-0
<br /> THIS INDEidTURE, Made this 29th r.a;, of M�y, in the year one thousand nine hundre� and Thirty-seven '
<br /> between O.A.Beltzer ancr Nell Beltzer, :�lus�a.nd a.nc�_ wife, of' the first pa.rt, �.nc? �^lallaee Parkhurst,
<br /> Trustee, of the second ��a.rt,
<br /> ��ITIJESSETH, that tile said parties of the first part, in consiczeration of trie s�.:m of �r�e Dolla.r
<br /> and other good and sufficient consic:eration to tnPm duly p?.id_, the recei��t ?�rhereof is hereby
<br />� acknowledged, have remised, released, and quit-cl�.imed, anr� by these presents do, for themselves,
<br /> their heirs, executors and aclmini.,trators, remise, release, and forever auit-c?a.irn �nd convey unto
<br /> the said p�rty oz thP second b?rt, and to his successors,,� assigns forever, �.11 their _right,
<br /> title, interest, esta.te claim anc? c�temand, both at law and in equity, oi, in and to all
<br /> The Southeast Qu��.rter of tne Southeast Quarter (SE� SE�) of Section Five �5) , Toz�rnship Nine (9),
<br /> North,Ran�e Eleven (11) ,West of tne 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />' Tooether ?�ith a._ll and singular the hereditaments there?znto belanging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described r�remises anto tne said t�Jallace Parkhurst, Trustee
<br /> a�d his successors, heirs ana assi�ns; so tn�t neither of the said grantors, or any person in
<br /> their name and behalf, shall or �aill hereafter cl�,im or demand any rign� or title to t;ne said '
<br /> premises or �ny part thereof, but they and every one of t:yem snall by these presents be excluded
<br /> and forever baxred, '
<br /> IN WITNESS Z�JHEREOF, the said narties of the first part have here�an�o set their hands �,nd sea?s
<br /> the day and year abov e ��ri t t en.
<br /> O.A. Beltzer
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Nell Beltzer
<br /> Edna States
<br /> STATE 0�' NEBRASKA ) On this ?_9 day of May, A. D, 1937, before me the undersignec�, Edn�, States,
<br /> HALL COUT�iY ) S�• a, Nota-ry Public dul�,t commissioned ar.d aualified for aizc� rPsiding in saic�
<br /> County, nersonally came O.A. Beltzer and �1e11 Beltzer, husband axld ��ife, to me known to be the
<br /> inentieal nersons �rThose naznes are affixed to the foregoin� instrument �.s grantors and aekno���ledged
<br />�� the s�.me to be their voluntary act. and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Not�ri�,l Seal the day and year last above �aritten.
<br />' • , Edna States
<br />� (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> I My comr:lission ex��ires the 5th day of Dec. 1942
<br /> Filed for record this �th day of November, 1945, a t 4:'�5 0 ' clock P.M. '`°.
<br /> �,{���
<br /> Reg ster of 73eed—s!
<br />, n_rl-(1-!1-rl_0-0-�'-0-';-0-v-�-�-��-0-�-�-0-�i-�J-�-C�-0-0-0-..-�'-C)-0-�-0-c�-0_^.�_Q_�_!1-Q_Q-��-0-0-0-4-�-0-�-
<br /> WARRANTY D�ED -Corpo-ration
<br />; T.iI5 Il'?�E:'J�l'I1RE,&�ade tk:is �nd day c� No�.Tem��er A.D. ,1 j�5 bet�aeen �II��1�S`i'Ei�id CUiJ5i�tUCTTOi� CO1ti�iPANY
<br />; a corporation or�;�nized and exls�ing under and l�y vir�ue o£ t�ie lay�s o�` 'Gl�.e �tate oP P1e��raska
<br />! par�y oP tlie first part,and R�Y P�`i'ER J��SEN o�' tl�e Courity of Hall.,and S�ate oP Nebras�;a,narty
<br /> o�' ttze aecond �cart, Wi�1NESSETH,TEiat ttze said party o�' t}Ze flrat �ar� �or and in consideration o�' '� -
<br /> tlze sum o�' One Dollar and ots�er valuable considei°ation DOi�L11r�5 iri hand paid,receipt wl�ereo� is
<br /> hereby acknqwled�ed, l�as sold and �;� these presen�s does �rant, convey and con�'ir�1 unto t1.e sa3_d
<br /> r�ar�y o�' t'rie second parfi, t,1e �ollo�vin�; described premises, situated in Hall Count;�, a.nd S?�ate of
<br /> Nel�ras�:a, to-�vit :
<br /> p
<br /> �outfierly fbrty �our ('�4) feet o� LoTS one (1) and T��o ( 2) in Bloc�� (�6) �ig�.ty Six CVk�eeler and
<br /> Bennetts Fourth Addition to the City o� Grand Island,Fial1 County,Nel�ra3�;a.
<br /> TO �iAttE A1�D TO HOLD tlle premises �bove described, to�;eti�ier with aIl the Tener�ents,Heredi�axnents
<br /> and Appurtenances tiiereunto belon�in�; unto tl�.e ttie said Roy Peter Jensen
<br /> And t��.e said ;v.idwestern Construetion Cornpany �'or i�se1F or i�s successoz�s,do Ytereby covenant and
<br /> a�ree to and witl� tlze said �party o� the secot�.d x�ar� and l�is �ieirs and assi�ns, tiiat at tr�e ti�e o�' tEZe
<br /> execution and delivery o:f ttzese presen�ts it is lawfully seized o� saia prer�is�s; t}ia� it tzas �ood
<br /> ri�ht and law�'ul autilority to convey th� sarr�e;tl�,at �i:ley are £ree �'ron encunt�rance doeg �ereby
<br />� covenant to v�arrant and de�'end the said preMis�s a�;ains't t►_�ie law�'ul clai�s o� alJ. persons whor�-
<br /> soever.
<br /> IN t�TITNFSS ?��TH�'�REOF, the said Midwestern Constrtaction Company has here�?nto caused its corporate
<br /> seal to be afiixed and tnese presen�s to be signed by its President �nd Secretary-Treasurer, the
<br /> day and year fir. st above t�,mitten.
<br /> Signed, sealed a.nd delivered in presence of (CO?�P} MIDWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO1�qPANY
<br /> _ _ _ - - _ - ( SEAL) By J.F.Abrahamson, President
<br />�; . 0 . . ta.�ps ) ATTEST: M.F.�ti'estcott,
<br />. (Cancelled ) �ecreta.ry-Treasurer.
<br />� STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On tnis 2nd da,y of Nov�mber, 19�+5, before me, thP undersi�ned, a Notary
<br /> �
<br /> DOUGLAS CCUNI'Y ) ''' Public in and for saAd County, ners�nally c��me J.F. brar�amson, President
<br /> of the Midwestern Construction Compan;�, �.nd M.F.��TAstcott, secretary-'�reasurer, to r�e nersonally
<br /> kno?�an to be t'_2e President an�. �T,F.Westcott, Secretary-Treasurer, a.nd the identical nersons ��Those
<br />�
<br />