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<br /> " Eu-z--
<br /> � �SSIQNAAENT OF R@NTS RI�ER 97-- �U�.���8 ^ ��
<br /> YH19 AS&iaNMENT OF RENTB R1DEH N rt►ad�tnd wceaut�d thb _�8tf1 dtY o� � �u�� =��'.�.r and I�
<br /> " hoo�orat�d k+to �nd ah�1 !» d�rwd to emw►d and tuppN�n�nl th�MortWQe or De�d ol Truat,h�r�haRw nf�rrad to ae the '&�curity
<br /> IntO'umsnt'� 01 IM �artN dat� pNm by th� untl�rsl�n�d, hK�in�ftN rNMrsd "a to th� "BorrowM'� to e�cure Borrowws Ind�bt�dn����
<br /> . hinln�R�r nl�rW fO a Ih� "Not�'�to�j
<br /> . � hN�ll►�flK f�NRrd IO �I lh� 'LMdM"� 01 lh� ttm� dat��nd oovMfnp lh� . .
<br /> .>,<:'�� prap:riy d:=arb:d In tho E�eurHy Inetn�menl end Iooat�d�k h
<br /> ,;,,;�wry"�` (Proiety Aaanrs)
<br /> wMAw''w1�'; .
<br /> : KiTNESSE�H: �•.
<br /> . �+ � WHEf�AB,Bo►rower and Lende� htve apr�ed that eny nnts�nd profRs lttributable to th�prop�rty ehoukJ ConetNute tddttbntl eecarky . �._,_,,,
<br /> • x � to the Lan�er for the p�yment of ths Notr, �r�-
<br /> ' NOW,THF.F�FORE,It is eprsed thot the Security Inatrumx►t shtll be amanded hereby und de�med to holude th�(olbwhy provisbn�: °
<br /> .� � �
<br /> �,:`-''
<br /> � �, e}-�-----; of Rents nnd Lender Rental Colfectbn Rlahts. Borcower herebY absofutely and uncondkbnaly aesfpna aU nntB, bsu�s = _--
<br /> and profkl o!thr pro�ly to BenefbMuY• La�dK shaN haw th�rqht,powK tnd wthorky durhp the oonthuanca cf ths S�aurlry Instrurt�ent __
<br /> �h to coMot th�nnts,btwa and profks af ths propKty and of�ny pW'sontl praperly bcaNd thawn wkh or wkhout taklnp potsaatcn of th� ___
<br /> prop�rty�fteolld henbY• L�nder,howwK, hsnby oonswita ta�orrou:�c eol�clbn end retentbn of suoh rsnts,bsuaa and proflte ��th�y `�Y '
<br /> acaw �nd b�aort� pay�bb, to bnp u BoRO►vK b not, �t wch tYn�, h dehuk wkh respect to payment ot any hdebtednoss securod =�
<br /> heroby, or h th�perfomunco of any apre�m�nt herounder. _,
<br /> 2, rnoohtrn�nt_of�iNer_. It anY w�nt of tkhuR h rasp�ct to lho SecurNy Instrument shaN have occun�d and be continuinp. Lendx� ��-
<br /> na a matlK ol ripht�nd wkhout notice to Borrow�r or anyone clafminy under Bortower,�r�d wAhout repard to ths valu� ol the trust esut�or _
<br />� �.-�, . �� ths hterat of th� 8orrowK th�r�eh,shtN haw th�ripht to apply to any court havBp JuMdictbn to rppoint a rocalver of th�propKty. --
<br /> � 3. flyht to Pois��� n. in cazo ot dof�uN h th�paym�nt ot th�eatd prholp�l Not� or Int�r�st, or any put thereof,as k oha►I matun�
<br /> or In th�cas�of hlluri to k�ep or pqfortn any of the conve�l�nta or aprewnente aontthed h the SeCUrity IneWment,thYn th�Lsnde►,Ra
<br /> �.� . • ; successors or asslpns,shaY W and Is ha�by Quthort�d and ernpowered to tak� inm�dkta poas�asbn of th� eatd pnmh�s the�nb _
<br /> J�sarlbod�nd to coM�ot Iho nr►b th�n(rom,and to�ppy the proceeds theraof to ths p�ym�nt of the Nota.
<br /> '-'" :' '.;: �� 4, �p��tr•tbn o} Fi�nts Issws �nd Proflts. Aq rM�tt coNeat�d by La�CK orths nc�i+�r sna�u::�.�':d s==;Sa �;m�r�}th.cosw
<br /> �'��;����1���-• c} m�napwMnl of ths prop�Ay and coNectbn o} rents, Inaludinp, but not IlmNed to,receke�'s tees, premtums on rx�M�r3 bonds �nd
<br />,:�;.,•,��.�w:;, rs�sonabY attomay't 1a�. v►d tha� to the�ums eeaured by the Seourky Inewment. Lender ond the receker shaN W If�bw to acoount ony
<br /> - ;`::�.•a�' � � for thOS�fK1b�OtWNY fIC�Mid.
<br />_ �;,;�i���.
<br />_�;�;. �.. �
<br /> .�-��-�� 6, Co�sypqtion oJ,P�ovl�btla. Eaoh of th� provMbm aonuhad h thb Asclpnmw►t of FMnte Ride► and th� Securky InsWmen►�h�M,
<br /> � unNts oth«wk� tp�cMcaNY �squtnd� b� aor�strued h �ccord�ncs wkh N�bratk� Yw, �nd h ths went �ny provislon h�nh of th�nin
<br /> �-+r�� Conkh�d sMl b� d�IKmin�d by a COUrt of eomp�tsnt wriadbtbn to b� unlnforoMbls, th� eune ehall M conttrWd as thOUQh suoh
<br /> --'�= �''�
<br /> _,�.r,_,.,�L� un�nforCe�bM provkbn w�r�t►ot put hor�of ar thKeot.
<br /> =�'�� g, Effsot of_�. F�cc�pt�s epaaf(tcaNy modffMd by or inconslatent wkh thfs Aaslpnm�nt of Fknta Rid�r or by any otMr appllr,�bl�
<br /> ----- rfd�r,aM of th�brma rnd provislons contalnad In the S�curky Instn�ment sh�G cflntinw h fuN(orce and Mf�ot.
<br /> �i�.� 1!V WITNES3 WHEf�QF,Borrow�r has ancut�d thla Atsipnm�nt ot R,aits FUd�r on th�date (Yst notsd abovs.
<br /> __. _ — /Lf �/L �
<br /> �';�-�� eo►�o WN EE I CIN N
<br /> .,..�.�,_�.
<br /> .� .
<br /> _ ._...—..�, �
<br /> _.-�z;.:�� � � �� LU� — - .
<br /> -���;� ��y-�c�iT
<br /> �_;—_ Borrow�r �'R14,1un�7Ln
<br /> ��
<br />.'��.��_`-h�.
<br /> =--���;+;;;„� STATE OF NEBRASKA _.__.
<br /> - �ms:
<br /> _=.;iw=: � � COUNTY OF HALL _
<br /> -'='::�i:;`�^. . --
<br /> -;_,'•;r;,;?�;�, On thb 281h day of Febru�n► , 1897 .boton rtN, tN�undanlW'+od� a Notary Publ;o duy oortxnitsbn�d tnd _
<br /> ;.. �� q�uNf�d tor ukl county,p�nonany c�ms JOHN LEE WILKINSON AND DOPiI JO WILKINSON HUSBAND AND WIFE to =
<br /> _ . � :,.. �. _:::_
<br /> _ . ,.•.:,-j _. ' ��_
<br /> - W ti��Id�ntiC�l pwaon(c)whoso name(a) blare eubacribed to the foregofnp insbum�nt, and helehaJthay aaknowkdpe Ihe ex�cutbn thawf
<br /> -:,:: ��;��.
<br /> to bo hiNh�rRh�tr vobntary aat�nd deed.
<br /> �� • �• in sald county,tha �='1:,
<br /> Wknsss my hmd�nd No4ari�l 3ot1 at D ISLAND ��.:-_
<br /> -'_�� •� date aloros�b. �
<br /> �' t:
<br /> C �-j�'
<br /> , 'r � = - � � y�9. � �
<br /> :._�...�:-�. ...���`�ycl No�w weNO (41 �MC N ._
<br /> � 9
<br /> . , �S,��q���.��d/ .
<br /> . My Commtstbn �pWs: 12 200 �� `°
<br /> G� F`��°dj .
<br /> . �'� !'� dJ�d
<br /> 1��0
<br /> _ . „ Ft0ot6.LM� (O/WI
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