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� <br /> �Y✓� . � <br /> � <br /> ,I <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> _ ; <br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNO�'� ALL MEN �Y THESE PRESENTS: Th�.t, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable E. G.Kroge:�, <br /> Judge of the District Court of Hall County, Nebr�.ska, made on the 15th day of June, 1��5n in an . <br /> action pending in the District Ccurt of Hall County, Nebraska, therein being Case No. 7�g3, wherein <br /> Fa mie Hobr>s, and others, are plaintiffs, and The Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Con- <br /> vention, a corporation, and other�, are defendants, I, E.W.Augustine, as Receiver of Grand Ialand <br /> College, was authorized ancl directed by said Judge to convey Lots Six ( 6) , Eight (�) , Ten (10) a.nd <br /> Twelve (12) in Block Sixteen (16) of Scarff�s Adclition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, <br /> H�.11 County, Nebr�:sk�., to Mary �J.Peirce by q_uit claim deed; • ' <br /> Now, therefore, I, E.W,Augustine, Receiver of Grar�. Island College, a corporation, in consid- , <br /> eration of the �remi�es and the sum of �1.00 to me paid by Mary W.Peirce, and by virtue of the , <br /> powers entrusted and invested in me by said Order �.nd proceedin�s, do by these presents for Grand <br /> Island Co11e�e, hereby remise, release and forever a,uit cl�im and convey unto said Mt�.ry W.Peirce, � <br /> to her anc� to her heirs and �,ssigns forever, all right,_ title, interest, est�,te, claim and demand, <br /> both at laVd an�. in equit , of, in �nc� �Go all of <br /> Lots �ix (6) , Eight (��) , Ten (10) anc� Twelve (12) in Block �ixteen (16) of Scarff �s ', <br /> . Adc�ition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging; to have and to hold the <br /> above-described premises unto said grantee and to her heirs and assign� forever; so that neither <br /> I as Receiver of Grand Isl�r�d College, nor said Grand Island College, a corpor�tion, or any person <br /> in our n� a.nd behalf, shall or �titill hereafter or demand any ri�ht or title to the said <br /> pre!�i_ses or any p�.rt thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded <br /> a.nd forever barrea. <br /> IN t�1ITNESS n�1HERE0F I have hereunto set my hana this 16th day of June, A.D. , 19�+5. <br /> E.W.Au ustine <br /> Z�itness: ece ver of ran s an <br /> Herbert F,Mayer College, �, corpor�.tion <br /> STATE 0�' NEBRASKA ) On this 16th day of June, A.D. , 19�-5, bef'ore me, Herbert F.Mayer, a <br /> COUNi�Y OF H ALL )$�' Notary Public �aithin and for said County, personally came E.W.Augustine, <br /> Receiver of Grand Island College, a corporation, 'Go me known to be th e identical person who5e name <br /> is affixed to the �.bove ins�rvment as grantor, and he acknowledged the execution of the same �o be <br /> his voluntary act and deed for ��ie purposes therein expressed. <br /> IN �TITNESS ti�HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my and affixed my Notarial Seal at <br /> Grand Island in said County on the date last above written. <br /> Herbert F.Mayer <br /> (�E�,) o tary Pub i c <br /> My commission expires May 17, 1950 <br /> Filed for record thi� 16 day of June, 1945, �t 2:�5 o ' clock P.M.� CJ/��,�d(J/ <br /> � egister of eer�s � <br /> �—�—�—n-��'��—,J—�.>—Q—�-'t!—�i-'�—�}—n—�.J-��i�ri—��—�.ni—tJ—!✓—�—J—J—�—�—V—�—�—�—'J—�—V—�—�—��:J-'d—���'—��—Q'0—l.j`V�l"i'—�—�� <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURF, Made this Fifth day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Forty-Five <br /> between Charles E. Taylor and Lelia F. Taylor, husband and j�if e of Frand Island, Nebraska, of the <br /> first p�rt, and Frank Mueller and Emma Mueller, as ,�oint teriants, not tenants in common, �rith the <br /> ri�n.t of survivorship of' ttie second part, <br /> �lITi�ES�ETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consi�eration of the sum of Ten and 00�100 <br /> DOLLARB, to us duly paid, the receipt Tahereof is hereby acknotaledged, remised, released, and <br /> quit-claimed, and by these presents do for ourselves, heirs, execu'�ors and administrators, reMise, <br /> rele�.se �nd forever c?uit-claim and convey unto the said parties of' 'the second �aart, �.na to their <br /> heirs and assigns forever, a11 their rieht, title, interest, estate claim and dem�nd, both a� <br /> l��r and in eauity, of, in and to all <br /> Fr�ctional Lot Ten (10) in Fraetion�,l Block Tnirty-three (33) in Packer & Barr's second Ad�ition <br /> to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> To�ethe .r with all and sin�;ulax the her editaments the�eunto bel�nging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises unto the sai�. Frank Mueller and Enma Mueller, <br /> their heirs and assigns; so that neither the said grantors, or any person in the3.r name �r.d behalf, <br /> shall or taill here�,f ter or demand any rignt or title to the said premises or any p�,rt �hereoP, <br /> but they and every one of them sh�,ll by these presents be exclu�ed and forever barred. <br /> IN VJITNESS T�JHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set tneir h�,nds and <br /> the day and ye�,r above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Charles E. Taylor <br /> B.J. Cunnin�;ham Leli�. F.Taylor <br /> St�te of Nebraska ) On this Fifth d�,y of May, A.D. 1945, before me, the undersi�ned, <br /> Hall County ) ss' B.J. Cunningham, a Notary Pu'blic, duly c�mmissioned and aualified for <br /> anc� resi�ing in said county, personally came Ch�.rles E. Taylor and Lelia F.Taylor, husband and wif e, <br /> to me knot�rn to be tne id�n�ical. persons ?�rhese names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as <br /> grantors and acknowled�ed the sarne to be their voluntar5� act and deed, <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and yea.r last �bove written. <br /> B.J. Cunnin�;ham <br /> (SEAL} 1Votary Public <br /> Ny commission expires the 5th day of August, 19�-7 <br /> Fi1ed for record this 1� d�,y of June, 19�+5, a� 11:00 0 � clo ck A.M. �,,,� ��iG�� (%� <br /> `.JJ.t�.�� <br /> ��ister of e�eds- <br /> Q-0-C-0-�_0-0-n-0-0-�?-�?-0-0-C-C-0-0-0-^v-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-�J-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-n-0-0-�- <br /> __ _�.i._..�..,.. <br />