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<br /> i �.r"[ . �
<br /> � - DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebn
<br />, and to all Acts and L�.wa of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska t�rhicn have been or may be
<br /> lawfully enacted respec'ting Cernetery Associatzons and also subject to tne conditions and limitations
<br /> . and T�rith all the privile�es a.r�d restrictions specified by the rules ana re�ulations of said '�Jood
<br /> River Cemetery AGsociati�n no?a in foree or t�i�t may be hereafter ado��ted by �t not in conflict Taith
<br /> the La=,,rs of tne St�te of Nebras'�a., ��ahich rules �,na regulati�ns �s hereby specified are made a part
<br /> of this conveyance.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY whereof the said Wood River Cemetery As;�ociation has caused these Presents to
<br /> be signed b� its Presi�ent and countersigned by its Secretary and the corporate seal of said company
<br /> to be hereunto afiixed this �-th day of April "A.D. lgo3.
<br /> Attest: (SEAL) By C.E. Towne I
<br /> D. F3arri ck, Pre si dent
<br /> secretar�
<br /> STATE 0�' NEBRASKA ) Be it remembered that on this �-th day of April, A. D. lgo3, before me,
<br /> C�UNTY 0�' H?�LL ) SS' Geo.��T.h�iller, a, Not2ry "Public duly com�issioned anc� oualified in and for
<br /> Ha.11 County, Nebraska, personally came C.E. Towne President, anc� D. Barrick, Secretary, of the Wood
<br /> River Cemetery As�ociation; and they are person�.11y knotan to me to be the p�rties signing the
<br /> foregoing Deed as �fficers of said Association an each severally ackno?aled�ed the execution of tr�e
<br /> fore�oin� instrument to be his voluntary act and deed,personally a,nd �.s an officer of said Associa-
<br /> tion for tne use �.n� nurposes th,erein expressed.
<br /> IN 1nTITNESS ?^JHEREOF, I have he»eunto set my nand �nd Nota.rial se�,l this 4th day of April, A. D. ,
<br /> 1903. -
<br /> ( SEAL) Geo.W.N��.11er
<br /> My commission expires Nov. 10�� 190�- Notar3r Publie
<br /> Filed for record this 1� d�y of June, 194�j, at 10:00 o � clock A.M. '��4. ������
<br /> �ister of �eea�—
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<br /> That the FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORPORATI01!1, of ��ashin�ton, D. C. , in consideration of Eleven
<br /> Thousand and No/100 Dollars (�11, 000.00) does hereby �rant, convey �tind iaarrant unto Herbert T. ',
<br /> White, an undivided one-half; and an undivided one-half to Clarence A.Lowry �,nd Lou�se Lowry, as
<br /> ,joint teizants and not as tenants in common, of Wood River, State of Nebraska, the follo?Jing described
<br /> real estate situated in the County of H�.11., State of Nebraska, sub,�ect to any existin6 highways,
<br /> easements, and any reservations in the United States ancl State patents, to-wit:
<br /> Southwest Quarter of Section 2; ar1d Northeast Quarter of the Southnast Qua_rter of 5ection 3, all
<br /> in Township 11, Nort'r�,Range 12, West of the bt'r� Principal Mer�di�n; excepting �,nd reserving an
<br /> unc�ivided one-ha.lf interPst in all oil, �as anc� mineral rights in anc� under the above-deseribed
<br /> property for �. period of 20 years from M�,rch 23, 1945, and �s long thereafter as oil, �as or other
<br /> minerals continue to be produced therefrom or said �roperty is bein`; so developed or operated,
<br /> This conveyance is made sub,ject to �. first mort�age lien on said T�rer�ises in the original amount
<br /> of �5, 500, p�,yable to The Federal Land Bank of' Omah�, and recorded �_n A�ok 73, on pa�e �7, of the
<br /> mort�a�E recorids of said County, which mort�age lien the grante�s asaume and ag.ree to pay as � part
<br /> o�' t�e nurchase price of said ��remises.
<br /> �o�etner with a.11 the tenements, heredi�aments and ap-�urtenances to tne sa�� belon�in��, and all the
<br />, estate title cl�.im or �em•and T�rhatsoever of t�1e said FEDERAL FA'�M TYIORTGAGE CORPORATION of, in, or
<br /> , ,
<br /> to the saMe or any part thereof,
<br /> And the said FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORP4RATION hereby covPnants witn the said Herbert T.�iJhite,
<br /> his heirs and assi�ns, �.nd �Tith Cla,rence A.i,owr�y and Louise �owry, tne heirs and assigns of the
<br /> survivor, that it is lat�rfully seized of said premises, th�t ii, h�s good riuht and lawful authority
<br /> to sell anc� convey the same, and that it does hereby covena.;t to warrar�t and dePen� the title to
<br /> said premises against tne laT�uful cl�ims of �.11 persons whomsoever. �
<br /> 7n Witness Whereof, the FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORPORATION has caused tnese presents to be
<br /> executed by its Vice President ana its cor��orate seal to be aff.ixed hereto this 2� day of May,
<br /> 1945' T
<br /> 12.10 . �tamps ( CORP) FE��,RAL FARM MORTGAGE CORPORATION
<br />� P • � V rn rk Vic Presid nt
<br /> Witn.,ss. ( Cancelled ) ( S.�AL) La e e Cla , e e
<br /> Ma.rgaret Me�ry Attest� Wayne E. �3mith, Assist��,nt Secretary
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2� day of M�y, �9�-5, before mP, Gladys Reineke, a Notary Public
<br /> s�.
<br /> COUNTY 0� DOUGLAS ) in and i'or pouglas Co�a.nt;�, Nebraska, personally appeared LaVerne Cla.rk,
<br /> to me personally known to be the person ��aY�o executed the f'oregoing instrument, t��ho bein� b� m:e duly
<br /> sworn, did say that he is Vice President of tne Federal Farm Mort�age Cor��orat3.on; that the seal
<br /> affixea to s�.id instrument is ti�e corporate seal oi t'rle Federal Farm �IortGa�e Corpor�,tion; that
<br />' sair instrument taas signed and sealed in beh�.lf' of the Federal Farm Mortg��e Cor,�oration by aut'rsority
<br /> of its Board of Directors; and the said LaVerne Clark acknowledged said instrument to be the free
<br /> and volun�ary act and deed of said Cor. ��oration by it voluntarily executed. ,
<br /> IN E�II�ILESS ?�1HT'r�_EOF, I have here �rlto set r�y hann. and. affixed my not�.rial se�.l the day and ye�.r
<br /> last above ��ritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) Gladys Reine'�e
<br /> My Commission Expires �ctobEr �, 1949. Notary Public in and for pouglas
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br /> Fi1ed for record this 16tn day of June, 19�+�, at 11:45 o ' clock A.M. �'*, �j���� �
<br /> vc
<br /> egister o1°�ds
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