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�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> $8080—The Augustine Co., (3rand Ialand, Nebr. <br /> DEED -Cor��oration <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 6th d_�.y of June, A. D. 1945, betti�een Sioux Falls College, a corporation, <br /> a corpor�.tion oro�,nized and existino under and by virtue of the laws of the State of South Dakota, <br /> party of' the first p�.rt, and Mary W.P�irce of the Coun�y of H�.11, a,nc� State of Nebraska, party of <br /> the second p�,rt. <br /> '�V'I'�N�SSETH, Th�t tne said party of tne fir. st part, for and in consirer2tion of tiie sum of <br /> TWENTY�FIVE & no�100 �OLLi�,RS, in hand paid, receipt .�hereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and <br /> by these presents does gra�t, convey an�l conf�rm unto the said p�rty of tne second part, the folloT•r- <br /> ing described premises, situated in H�.11 Caunty, and 3tate of Nebraska, t�-wit; <br /> A11 of Lots six (b) , Eight (�) , Ten (10) and Twelve �l2) in B1ock sixteen �(16) of Scar�'f� s <br /> Addition to �aest Lawn, and ad�ition in the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, according to <br /> the recor. ded plat thereof <br /> TO HAVE A�TD TO HOLD the premis es �,bove described, to�ether -with al1 the tenemen�s, hereditaments <br /> and anburtenances thereto belongin� un�o the said Mary W.Peirce, her heirs and assigns forever. <br /> And tne said Sioux Falls College for itself or its successors, do hereby covenant and -a�ree to <br /> and with the saicl party of the second part and her heirs and assigns, that at the time of the <br /> execution and delivery of these presen�s it is lawfully seized of said premises; t�at it has good <br /> right and lawful au�nority to convey the; th�.t they are free from encum�r�:�ce excepting those <br /> now of record. <br /> IN t�dITN^SS WHER�'OF, the s�id Sioux Falls Colle�e has hereunto cause�. its corporate seal to be <br /> aPi`� xed �nd these pr?sents to be si�;ned by its ----- --- the c?ay and year first �,bove �nmitten. <br /> Signed, se�,led and delivered in presence of <br /> J�_�B�.A_l�len - ( CORP) Sioux Falls Colle e <br /> Secreta- r oard of�rustees (SEAL) By ohn L. ar on, hairman, oard of Truste�s <br /> STA�E 0� SOUTH DAKOTA ) On this bth d�,� of June, lg�-5, before m?, the undersit,ned, a <br /> COUNTY 0�' MINN�iAHA )ss' Notary Public in �.nd f'or said County, personally came Jonn L. <br /> Barton and Jay B.Allen, Chairman and 9ecretary, respectively o�' tne Hoard of Trustees of Sioux <br /> Falls College, to me per7onally knot�m to be the identic�,1 persons whose names are �.ffixed to the <br /> above conveyance, a,nd acknowled�;ed the execution thereof to be th��r voluntary act and deed �.s <br /> such afficers and the voluntar� act and de2d o�' the said Sioux Falls College, anc� that the Corporate <br /> Seal of the said Sioux Falls College was thereto afrixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my han� �.nd Notarial Seal at Sioux Falls in said county the da.y �nd year l�.st above <br /> written. - <br /> (SEAL) Alice R. Sanders <br /> My �ommission �xnirPS the 1Q day of June, 1�4'�. � Not�.ry Public <br /> Filed for record this 13 day of June, 19�+5, at �s 30 0 � clock A.M. °'= . <br /> e� gis�er of ee � <br /> O_p_O_O_p_{�_�_p_�_p_�_�;_�_�_�_�_�_�_O_�_J_�_�_;�_�_p_p_�_p_O_�_p_�_�-0_�_�_�_�_�_�_�_O_p_�_�_�_Q_p_ <br /> 'r1ARRANTY DEED -Cor�oration . <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 7th da,y of June, A.D. , 19�+5, between Union Loan �,nd Savings Association, <br /> Lincoln, Nebraska, a corporation organized and existin; under and by virtue of the laws of the State <br /> of Nebraska, party of the first part, and Mo11ie Callihan, sin�le, of the County of Hall, and 3tate <br /> of Nebraska, party of the second part, <br /> `�I�'iVESSETH. Tnat the party of the first part for and in consider�.ti�n of the sum of <br /> Otl�er Valuable and One and No�l00tns --DOLLAR�, in hand p�,id, receipt T�rrlereof is hereby acknow- <br /> lecl�ed, h�,� solcl and by these presents does grant, convey �nc� confirm unto the said Uarty of the <br /> second part, �he follotaing described premisFS, situated in Gr�nd Island, Hall Coun�y, �.nr State of <br /> Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> All of Lots Twelve (�.2), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (1��, Fifteen (15), and Sixteen (16) , Block <br /> Ten (10) , University Place, �.n addition to the Cit�r of Grand Isl�nd, Nebraska, as surveyed, <br /> platted and recorded. <br /> TO HAV�' A��?D TO HOLD tne premises above described, together �ith all the Ten:ements, Hereditaments <br /> and Appurtenan ces thereunto belon�ing unto tne said Mo11ie Callihan, _ <br /> U s v nt <br /> And the said nion Loan and Savinga Associa,tion for itself or its successor , does hereby co ena <br /> anci a,�,ree to arlcl with trie said pa.rt;� of the second part arzd her heirs and assigns, that at the <br /> time of tr�e exec�ation anc3 aelivery of tnese presents it is lawfully sei�ed of said premiePS; t��at <br /> it has good �ight and l�.wful authority to convey the s��me; that they are free from encumbrance, <br /> except general taxes for t��e year 19�+0, a,.nu. �hereafter, and all special assessments not delinquent <br /> as of February 10, 1°40, does hereby coven�,nt ta ti,rarrant and defend the r�reriises against the <br /> l�,wful clair�s of all �ersons whomsoever. <br /> IN 'JIITNES� '�iEREOF, the sa,id Union Loan and Savin�s Association rlas hereunto caused its <br /> corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be si;z�ed by its President the day and year <br /> first above written. <br /> si�ne�t, seale�. and delivered in presence of (CORP) - <br /> HCsri et J. Bouska (SEAL) .tI1�120N ,LQAP1 ATeD SAVIIVGS ASSOCIATION <br /> By E. C.Boehmer, Presic�e�.t <br /> ( 1.10 . . tamps ) H. T.P�i ckett, Secretary <br /> ( Cancelle� ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7th day of June, 1945, beforP me, the undersi�ned, a Notar� <br /> LANCASTER COLTNTY ) SS' Pttblic in and fo,^ s�id County, perscnally c�e E. C. Boeh�z�, Presi�ent <br /> of the Union �o�.n and Savings Associ�.tion, to me personally knozfn to be the Presic�.ent ann. the <br /> ic�.entical �eraon whose na,me is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execution <br /> thereof to be his voluntary act �,nd deed as such o�'ficer, and the voluntary act and deed of trle <br /> said Union Loan a.nd Savings Associa.tion, and th�,,t the Corporate sea.l of trie s�id Union Loan and <br /> Savinms Associatiorl t�r�.s thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> `?�itness my hand anr't Notarial Seal at Lincoln, in sa,id county, the d�.J and ye�.r l�.st above <br /> written. <br /> Ha.rriet J. Bouska <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> T�y ,^�ommi�sion ex��i.ree the 2�th day of January, 1950 <br /> ` Filed for record tnis i3 day of June, Zg�+5, at 11:00 0 � clock A. t�1. -�. ����� � <br /> • Register of Deeds <br />