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�_�� � � <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 � ���� <br /> 2608�The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> WARRANTY DEED - r,Cor�oration <br /> THI� IIJDE�v`�U"�E, Made this llth d�y of April, A.D. , Zg�S, between Midwestern �onstruction <br /> Company, a corporation organi�ed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the 5tate oP <br /> Nebraska, party of the first part, and W,Howard Bonsall and Hannah Bonsall, husband and wife, aa <br /> ,joint tenants �aith rignts of survivorship and not as tenants in common, of the County of Hall <br /> and State of Nebraska, par�ies of the second part, <br /> WITi�ESSETH, Tl�.at the saic� part3� of t?�e first part for and in consicieration of the sum of <br /> One Do11ar and other valuable consi�_eration DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereoP is hereby <br /> acknowledged, has sold and by thpse presents does grant, convey and confirm untc� the said parties <br /> oi the second part, the followin� d�scr�.ped premises, situated in Ha1Z County, and State of Nebraska <br /> to-wit: <br /> A11 oP Lot Ei�t (�) Block Fifty-Three (53) �asmer's Second Adaition to the City of Grand <br /> Island, Hall c�OUnt;�, Nebraska. � <br /> sub�ect to a mortgage in �avor of the Home Federal Saving s and Loan Assoc3.ation of Grand <br /> Island, in the amo�znt of 4200.00, recorded in Book �i, Page 367, Mortgage and Deed of Trus� <br /> Records in Hall County, State of Nebraska, which mortgage th� grantee assumes and agrees to <br /> PaY• <br /> TO H.�.V�' AND TO HOLD the p�emises above described, togetner with all the Tenements, �#eredita- <br /> ments and Appurten�nces thereunto b�2or�, unto the sai� W.Howard Bonsall and Hannah Bonsall <br /> And the said N�.dwestern Construction Company for itself or its successors, do hereby coven�nt <br /> �,nd a�rAe to and with thP s�id parties of the second p�rt a.nd their heirs and assigns, that at <br /> tlle time af tne execution and delivery of these presen�s it is lawfully seized of said �rernises; <br /> tnat it h�s �ood right and lawf�al �.uthori�cy to convey the same; that tney are free f'rom �ncum- <br /> brance �xcept mor��age indicated above� does hereby covenant to warrant ancl defend tne said <br /> premises against 'the lawful claims of �,11 person5 whomsoever. <br /> SN WIT��?�;�� ���tiEREOF, tne said Midwestern Gons�Gruction Company has hereunto eaused its corporate <br /> seal to pe af'f'�.xec�� tnese presents to be sianed by its President and Secretary-Treasurer� the <br /> day and yPar first above writ�en. <br /> Signed, se�.led ana delivered in presence of (COrZP} MID�tESTERN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br /> - -- - - - - - - - - FSEAL) By J.ff.Abrahamson <br /> 3.10 . , tamps President <br /> (Cancelled ) At�est: �I.F.Westcott, <br /> Secre�Gary-Treasurer. <br /> STATE OF NEBt�ASKA )$�. On this 12th d�,y of April, 19�-5, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> DOUGLAS COUNTY ) Public in and for said County, ,personally came J.F.Abrahamson, President <br /> and M.F.Westcott, Secretary of the MLDWESTERN CON�'�i�uC'1'ION COMPANY, INC. to me personally known <br /> to be the Pr€sictent and tize identicahl persoi� w!�ose name is a,fflxed to the above conveyance, and <br /> acknowled.�ed the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such of�'icer and t:�e volun- <br /> ta.ry act and c�eed of tne said Midwestern Constructlon Company, Inc. and tnat the Corporate seal <br /> o� tt3� s�ia Corporation was thereto af'�'ixed by its au�cnority. <br /> Witness my h�.n.d and No�ar��l Seal at OmaYza, in said county the day and year last �,bove Ttiiritten. <br /> (;S�'AL) Mae Coates <br /> My Com;aission expires the 3rd day of May, 19�0. Notary Public <br /> Filed for record thi s 11 day o� June, 19�+5, at 11:15 0� clo ek A.M. �,� ����� � <br /> - egis er of ee�s <br /> o-o-o_o-o-o-c-o-o_o-c-a_o-o-o_o-o-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�=�-a-o-o-o-o- <br /> WARRANTY DEED -Cor�oration <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 11'th day of April, A.D. 1g�+5, between The Plains Construetion <br /> Company, Inc. a corporation organized and existing under and by virt�_�e of the laws of the State <br /> of Nebraska, pa.rty of the Pirst part, and Rudolph J.Hehnke and Rena E.Hehnke, and �,rife, <br /> as ,joint ten�,nts with rights of survivorsr�ip and nat as tenants in common, of the County of Hall <br /> and Sta�e of Nebras�.�,, pa.rties of tY�e second part, <br /> ��TITPJESSETH. That the said party of the first p�rt for and in consic�eration of the sum of <br /> One Dol1.��r and other valuable consic�.eration DOLLARS, in h�nd pa.ia, receipt whereof is hereby <br /> acknot�aleaged, h�.s sold and by these presents does gr�r.t, convey an� confirm unto the s�Li�. parties <br /> of the seconcz part, t�e follo��ing described. premises, situated in Hall Gounty, and State of <br /> ly�braska, to-t,rit: <br /> All of Lot Tvao (2), Block Faurteen (l�-) Schimr�er� s Add.ition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Sub,j ect 'to mortg�,ge in favor of the City National Bank of Cauncil Bluf#'s, in the amount of <br /> �4350.00, recorded in Baok �4,Page 267, Mortgage and Deed of Trust Re�cords,Ha11 County, <br /> State of Nebrask�., which the grantee assumes and agrees to pay. <br /> `�0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> H <br /> > R d h J H hnk nd R na E. ehnk <br /> nts nd A u n e s id u ol . e e a e e <br /> me �, pp rte ances thereunto belon�ing, : unto th , a p , <br /> And the said The Plains Construction Company, Inc. Por itself or its successors, do hereby <br /> covenant and agree to and with the parties of tne second part �,nd their heirs a.nd assigns, <br /> that �t the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully s e3zed of said <br /> premises; that it has �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from <br /> encumbrance except indicated above, does hereby coven�nt to �kTarrant and defend the said <br /> �remises against the 1awPul claims of all persons whom�oever. <br /> IN ti�IITA?ESS �aTHEREOF, the sa,id Plains Construction Company, Inc. has hereunto caused i�s cor- <br /> porate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President and Secretary-Treasurer <br /> the d�y and year first �_bove written. � <br /> Signec�, sealed and delivered in presence of f�L�Rl,�)THE PLAINS CO�ySTRUCTTON COR�PANY, Ii�C. <br /> - - _ _ � - _ _ (��,) By J.F.Abrahamson,President <br /> ( ' . 0 . . Stamps) Attest: M.F.��estcott, Secret�ry-Treasurer <br /> STATE OF NEBRA3KA )� ��ancelled ) <br /> DOUGLAS COUNTY ) �' On this 12t�h day of April, 1g45, b�fore me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Pu?alic in �n d for said County, personally came J.F.Abrahamson, President and M.F.�lestcott, Secre- <br /> taxy-Treasurer of the Plains Construction Company, Inc. to me personally known �o be the President <br /> �,nd the iaentical person whose n�.me is �ffixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execu- <br /> tion thereof to be his voluntary act and deed aa such officer anc� the voluntary act and deed of the <br /> said Plains Construction �ompany, Znc. , and that �he C�rrporate seal of the said Corl�ora�ion was <br /> thereto aff'ixed by its authority. <br /> �itness my ha,nd and Notarial Sea1 a'� Omaha, in said eounty the day and year last above written. <br /> Mae Coates <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie <br /> My Gommission ex�ires tn.e 3rd da.y cf MaV, 1��0 � <br /> Filed for record this IltI1 day of June, 19�+5, at 11: 50 0 � clock A.M. '�. �-��=�� ���"?�- <br /> egis'ter of ee s <br />