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�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 8080—The Au tine Co. Graad Island Nebr II <br /> 2 B� � , . <br /> DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �I <br /> Tha.t THE FEDERAL LAND B.ANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, of Omaha, Nebraska, 3.n consideration of '�, <br /> Thr�e Thousand Six xundred and No/100 Dollars (�3, 600.00) does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey �' <br /> and conf irm unto Gerh�rd F.Plack� and Florence C.Placke, husband and wife, as �oint tenants with <br /> right of survivorship and not as tenants in common, of 3t. Libory, State of Nebraska, the follow3ng <br /> described real estate situated in the Gounty of Hall, State of Nebraska, sub,�ect to any existing <br /> highways, easemen�s and any reservations in the United 3tates and State patents, to-wit: <br /> Southwest Q,uarter and the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Townshi�p 12, North <br /> of Range 9, West of the 6th Principal Meridian, ( except a strip of land �0 feet °?�1..d� over <br /> ' and across the easterly part of the 3outh Haif of the 3outheast Quar�er of Sectlon 5, contain- <br /> ing 0.205 acre, more or less, released Por highway purposes), exeepting and reserving one-half <br /> of all oil, gas and mineral rights therein, which ar� expressly reserved and retained by the <br /> grantor. <br /> together with all the tenements, h�reditaments and appurtenances to �the s�me belongin�, and all <br /> the estate, title, claim or demand whatsoever of the said THE FEDERAL LAND BANR OF �MAH.�, oP, in <br /> or to the same or any part thereof, <br /> TO HAVE AND T� H�LD the abov�� deseribed prernises unto the said Gerhard F.Pla,cke and F'7,.orence C. <br /> Placke and the survivor of them, and to the heirs and assigns forever of such survivor. <br /> And the said THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA hereby covenants with the said (�erhard F.Placke and <br /> Florence C.Placke, their heirs and as�igns, th�t it is lawfully seized of said premises and that <br /> it has good righ� and lawful authority to sell and convey �he s��e. <br /> In W3.tness Whereof, THE FEDERI�L LAND BANK �F OMAHA has ca.used these pres�nts to be executed <br /> by its Vice Presi�.ent and its corporate seal to be �zf't'ixed hereto 'Ghis 17th day of February,1943. <br /> ( CpRP) THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA <br /> Witness: . 0 . . amps ) (S�AL) Hy M.E. TiJelah dr. <br /> B�rne�ce Nelson ( Caneelled ) ic� resi ent <br /> Attest: John Carmod <br /> ecretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 17th day of February, �9�+3, before me, Berneice Nelso.n., a Notary <br /> CQUN'i'Y OF DOUGLAS } ss' Publie in and for pouglaa �ounty, Nebraska, personally apneared M. E.�delsh,Jr. <br /> to me personally known to b� th� identical persofi who executed the foregoing instrumPnt, who being <br /> by me duly s��orn, did say that h,e is Vice President o�' The F�d�ra1. Land Bank of Omaha; that the seal <br /> affixed to said instrument is the eorporate seal of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha; that said in- <br /> strument was signed and sealed in behalf o�' The Federal Land Bank oP Omaha by authority of its <br /> Board of Dir�etors; and the said M.E.'�delsh Jr. acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and <br /> valuntary act and deed of said eorporation by it voluntarily exQcuted. <br /> (SEAL) Berneice Nelson <br /> � Notary Publ�ic in and for pouglas <br /> My Commissic�n e�ires Auguat 23, �194�+. County, Nebraska. <br /> Filed for record this 25 day of May, 19�5, at 3: 30 o� clock P.M. � ���-�--� <br /> �glster o Deeds " � <br /> 0-0-�-�J-0-�-0-0-0-�-�-J-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> WARRANTY �EED -Corp��e�.�iQn� <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 24th da.y of September, A.D. , �.g41, between The Equitabl� Huilding <br /> and Loan Association of Grar�d Island, Nebras�a, a corporation organiZed and �xisting under and by <br /> vir�ue ofl the laws of the State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and Char�les 0. Seuf�rt and <br /> V.Pearl Seufert, as ,joint tenants .with the right of survivorship, of �he County of Hall, �.nd State <br /> of Nebraska, parties of tne second part, <br /> 'WITNESSETH. That the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum oP <br /> One Dollar and Other Valuabl� �onsiderations --- �OLLARS, in hand paid, r;eceipt ?ah�reof is hPreby <br />� acknowled.ged, h�,s sold and by these presen�s does �rant, convey and confirm unto the said pa,rties <br /> of t�ze seconc� part, t1�e following described premises, situated in Hall County, and �tate of Ne- <br /> braska, to-wi t: . <br /> A11 of Lot Nine (9), in Bloek Six {6), in Boggs and. Hill�� �dc�ition to the City of Grand I$1and, <br /> Nebraska, a� th� same is surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EIT�LR OF SAID <br /> GRAN'IEES, THE EN�IRE FEE SIIbIIPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTA2E DESGRI�ED H�tEI�t S��ALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVI�G GRANTE�. _ <br /> TO HAVE A'�D TO HOLD the premises above described, togeth�r with ail the Tenements, Hereditaments <br /> and Ap�u�tenances thereunto belonging unto the said Grantees or survivQr <br /> And tn.e said �he Equitable Building and Loan Associa'Gion for itself or its succes�ors, cioes <br /> hereby covenant and- �.gree to ana �ith the sa,id parties oP the second part and their heirs and <br />� assigns, that at- the time of the execution anci c�elivery of these presents it is l�.�a'fully seized. of <br /> said �remises; - that it has good right anc� lawful authority to canvey the�_s�;m�; that they are free <br /> from encumbr�.nce, does hereby eoven�,nt �o warrant and defend the said premises against the law�ul <br /> c�aims of al1 per�ns whvmsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS �'HEREOF, the said �he Equitable Bui2d�.n� and Loan Association has hereunto eaused <br /> its cvrporate seal to be af�ixed and these presen�Gs to b� si�ned by its Vice-Pr�sident the day and <br /> year first above �aritten. . <br /> �ignecl, sealed and deliv ered in- presence of (CORP) THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AP�D LOAN <br /> Florence V.Myers ( SEAL) ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBR. <br /> . By Earle G.Johnson <br /> �$ 1.1 . . a,�mps� ice- r�siden <br /> (Canc�lled _ ) Attest: C.E.Grund <br /> ecre ary <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2�th day of �eptember, 19�-1, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> HALL COUNTY ) �s' Public in and for sa,id County, persona,lly came Earl� G.Johnson, Vice- <br /> Presi�.ent of th� The Equitable B�ailding and Loan A�sociation of Grand Island, Nebraska,, to me <br /> personally known to be tr,e ViCe-��'resi�.ent ana. the identical person whose name is affi��d to the <br /> above conveya.nce, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be hia voluntary act and �e�d as such <br /> officer and t�xe voluntary act and deed of tne said The Equitable Buildi ng and Loan Association, <br /> a.ncl that the CQrporate seal of' the said The Equitable Building and Loan Association was thereto <br /> a.f�'ixed by its authority. Viee-Pr�sident aetin� in absenee of Presiden t from County. <br /> Witness my hand an d Notarial Seal at Grand Island, in said county the day and year last above <br /> written. . Florence V.�lyers <br /> tSEAI,} Notary Public <br /> hiy Commission expires the 27th day of August, �.943. , <br /> Filed for recard this 2�th day of May, 1945, at 11s00 o� clock A.M. � <br /> eg s er o ee s <br />