<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> KI�OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSt That, in pursuance of an order of E.G.Kroger, a Jtadge of the
<br /> District Court of Hall County, Nebrask�., made on the llth day of April, 1945, I was licansed by
<br /> said Judge to se11 at pu�lic auetion in the manner provided by la�, the real estate hereina�tPr
<br /> de�eribed; that thereupon I �av� _ notice of the time and place of said sale as required by Iaw,
<br /> and at the time and pl�,ce therein specified, after said sale had besn held o�en one hour, I sold
<br /> said real estate a'G pu�lic auction to Richard S.Ho�re, h.e being the highest bidder therefor, that
<br /> said sale tdas t�iereupon re�orted to s�id Jud�e of the District Court and was by hirn in a11 �hings
<br /> conPirmed and I t�as ordered to make a deed of' said nremises to said purchaser.
<br /> NO�T, THEF.EFORE, I, Frecl L.Harrison, Guardian of Reed L.Harrison, an incompetent, in cons�.dera-
<br /> - tion of the premises and the sum of �1550.00, so b�d and paid by Riehard S.Howe and by virtue oP
<br /> the powers intrusted in me by �.aid order and proeeedln�s, do by these presents grant, s�ll, and
<br /> convey unto the sald Riehard S.Hov�e and unto his heirs a,nd as�igns, th� real estate described as
<br /> follows, to-wit:
<br /> An undivided one-fifth int er�st in and to Lo't Four (�-) and the westerl� tu�enty-nine f eet of
<br /> Lot Three t3), in Block One Hundred Eight (30�) in Aailroad Additiori to the city o� Grand
<br /> Island, in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to h�,ve and to hold the same unto h3.m, the said
<br /> Ricnard S.Howe, and '�o his heirs �,nd as�i�na forever.
<br /> IN WITNESS T�HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15 day of May, 19�5.
<br /> Witness: Fred L.�iarri�on
<br /> Wm.suhr .20 . . Stamps ar ian of eed L'. arrison,
<br /> (Cancelled ) incompetent.
<br /> STATE OF �'EBRASRA } �n this 15 day of May, 19�5, before the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) S�' within and for s�.id county and sta'�e, personally �,px�eared Fred L.
<br /> Harrison, as guardian of the property of R�ed L.Ha,rrison, an lncompe�ent, to me p�rsonally known
<br /> to be the identical erson wh x ut d t r oin instrument as rantor and a2so known to
<br /> o e ec e he fo e ,
<br /> �
<br /> �e to be the guardian of the ro ert of Reed L.�arrison, :�ncompetent, and he, as said guardian,
<br /> P P Y
<br /> cknowled ed. the executic�n of th fore o n nstrument tQ be his voluntar act and deed.
<br /> a g e g i g i Y
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> � Wm.suhr
<br /> _ (SEAL) otary Pu c
<br /> My commission expires Feb. 17, 1951 �
<br /> Filed Por record this 23 d�y of Ma�, 19�5, at 9:00 0 � clock A.M.� �./(��G�-L�
<br /> eg s er of ee s
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-4-�-0-J-�-�-Q-�-0-0-0-�-�-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-
<br /> �t��ANTY �EED -Corporation
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this llth day of April, A.D. 19�-5, between Midwestern Construction Company
<br /> a corr�orrztion organized and exiating under �nd by virtue of the la�s of the Btate of Nebraska,
<br /> party of the first part, and Edwin L. Dav3s and Errna F.Davis, husband and wife, as ,�oint tenants
<br /> with rights of sur4ivorship and no� as tenants in common, of the County of Hall, and State of
<br /> Nebraska,� parti es of the s econd par�,
<br /> WITNE85ETH. That the said part- oP the Pirst part for and in considera.tion Qf tne sum of
<br /> One Dollar and other valuable consideration --DOLLARS, in hand paia, reeeipt whereof is hereby
<br /> acknowledged, has sald anc� bSr these presents does gra.nt, conaey and eonfirm unto the said parties
<br /> of the second part, the following described premises, situ�.ted in H�111 County, and State o�'
<br /> Nebraska, to-wit: Aii of
<br /> Lo'G Nine {9� Block Twenty (20) Abrahamson� s Third 3ub-Division to Schimmer's Ad�.ition,
<br /> City of arand Island Ha.11 �ount Nebr.
<br /> , Y,
<br /> Sub�ject to Mortgage in favor of The Ci�y National Bank of Council Bluffs, in the amount of
<br /> �3950.00, recorc�ed in Book , Pag� , Mortg�.ge and Deed flf Trust Record�, Hall County,
<br /> State of Nebraska, which mor�gage the �;rantee assumes and agrees to pay.
<br /> T� HAVE AND T(� HOLD the premises above deseribed, together with all th� Tenements, Hereditarnents
<br /> and A�purtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Edwin L.Davis and Erma F.Davis,
<br /> An� the said MidkTestern Construction Company for itself or its successora, do hereby cavenant
<br /> and agree to �,��d with the said par�ies of t�,e �econd �art and their heirs and assigns, that at
<br /> the time of the executiori anrl delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized o� said nremises;
<br /> th�.t it has good right ancl lawful authority to convey the.::same; that they are free from encumbr�,nce
<br /> except mortgage indicated above, does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the s�icz premises
<br /> against the l�wful cla.ims of a11 persons wnomsoever.
<br /> IN ?�ITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mic�western Construction Company h�s hereunto caused its corporate
<br /> se�l to b�e affixed and these presents to be sign�d by its President and Secretary-Treasure� the
<br /> day arld ye�.r Yi��t above written.
<br /> �igned, sealed and delivered in presence of �CORP) MIDWESTERN CONSTRUCTI�N CONTPANY
<br /> _ _ _ � �: _ _ _ (g�,� By J. F.Abrahamson President
<br /> .10 . . amps ) � Attest: M.F.Westcott,Secretary,-Treasurer
<br /> (Ca.ncelled )
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On hi� l t day of April, 1g�+5, Before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> DOUGLAS COUNTY ) g�• Public in and for said County, personally came J.F.Abrahamson,�'resident
<br /> and M.F.Westco�t, S�cretary of �he l�dwestern Construetion Company, Inc. to me personally known
<br /> to be tne President and the iaentical person wnose name is aPfixed to the above conveyance, �,nd
<br /> acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntarg aet and deed as such officer and the volun-
<br /> tary act and deed of the said Midwestern Construction Company, Inc. and that the Corporate seal
<br /> o�' the said Corpor ation was 'Ghereto aPfixed by its authority.
<br /> � Witness my hand and No�arial Seal at Omaha, in said county the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) Ma� Coates
<br /> - My Com�nission expires tk�ie 3rd day of May, 1g5o. Notary Publie
<br /> Filed for recorcl this 23 d�y of May, 1��-5, a� �-: 50 o� clock P.M. �j
<br /> - `'�, �c%�c�l�
<br /> egF�ister of �5ee�s"
<br /> 0-0-Q-Q-O-�-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-�-Q-�-0-0-0-�-�-0-��-�-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-;:-�?-�-0-0-0-�-�-0-
<br />