� I
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—The Augustine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr. i
<br /> THIS INDENxURE, Made this 17th day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Forty-five
<br /> between Timothy Roche, a widower, being the person named in the warr�,nty deed recorded in Book 1�
<br /> at page 52 af the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebr�.ska, as the holder of contract No. 41164, dated
<br /> September 25, 1�79, from The Union Pacific Railway Company, of the first ��art, and Emil Thelen of �''
<br /> the second p�rt, !
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consi�eration of the sum of One Dollar and �I
<br /> other valuable consideration, to us duly paid, the receipt whereof is here'�y acknowledged, we have I
<br /> remised, released, and quit-claimed, and by these pressnts do for ourselves, our heirs, executors
<br /> an,� administrators, remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the
<br /> second p�rt, and to his heirs and assi�ns forever, aIl our right, title, interest, estate claim
<br /> and demanc�, both at law and in eauity, of, in and to all
<br /> The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW�NE4) oP Sec'�ion T�enty-nine t29) in Township
<br /> Eleven (11} North,Range Eleven (11), ?nlest of the Sixth P.M, in H�,11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> Together with a11 anc� singular the hereditaments thereunto belongin�.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises �anto the s�id Emil Thelen, his heirs and
<br /> assians; so that neither we the said �rantors, or any person in our na.me and behalf, shall or will
<br /> hereafter cl�im or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, btzt they and
<br /> every one o� them sh�,11 by these presents be excluded anc? forever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS ��IHERE�F, the said parties o�' the Pirst �art h�.ve her�unto set our hands and seals
<br /> the day and year above wri�ten.
<br /> Signed, sea.led and dellvered in prrsence o� Tir�othy Roche
<br /> STATE OF COLORADO ) ss_ On this l� d��y of May, A. 1�. �9�-5, before me, '�he undersigned, George
<br /> DENVER COUN`�Y ) nenry Evans, a Notary Public, d.izly commissioned and aualified for and
<br /> residing in said county, personally came Timothy Rocne, �aidower, to me kno?�n to pe the ic�entieal
<br /> person whose name is af'fixed to t�le foregoing instrument as grantors and ackno�frledged the same to .
<br /> be their valuntary �,ct and deed.
<br /> Witness my h�.nc� and Notarial Seal the d�.y and year l�st above writ�en.
<br /> Geor�e Henry Eva,ns
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Commission expires the 14 day of Nov. 1947.
<br /> Filed for record this 21st day of' May, �g�-5, at 11• 50 0' clock A.M. �°� �
<br /> egister of eeds
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<br /> THIS INDENTURE, made this 21" day of May, 19�5, by and between '�Tilliam Suhr, Trustee unc_er the
<br /> la,st will and testa.ment of Clara E.3mout, deceased, late of H�,11 �ounty, Nebraska, party of the
<br /> first part, and Nelson T.Brittin and Mable M.Brittin, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in
<br /> common, of Hall County, Nebraska, parties of tne second part.
<br /> WITNESSETH: That by virtue of the power vested in him in and by the last will and testaraen� of
<br /> Clara E. smout, deceased, a,nd in consideration of tr.e suni af Ten �'nous�,nd Five Hundred Sixty Dollars
<br /> ( �10, 560� to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno�,�ledged, said party of the first
<br /> part has granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents does grant, ba.rgain, sell and convey
<br /> unto the parties of the second pa.rt, as JOINT TE�tANT�, and not as tenants in e�mr�on, and to their
<br /> assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of t�e survivor of 'Ghem, forever, ti�e following described real
<br /> estate situatec� in the county of Hall and state of Nebraska, to-v�it:
<br /> 'rhe southwest quarter of �ection Thirty-ts.ro (32), in ToTanshi� Ten (10) North, Range Eleven
<br /> �'ll) �test of 6�h P.M.
<br /> together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belon�-
<br /> ing, and all of the estate, right, title, interest, cla.ims and demand, whatsoever, both in law ax�d
<br /> in equity, which said testatrix ha.d in her li�eti^�e, an�. at the time o� her decease ', and iahich the
<br /> party of the first part h�.s by virtue of the l�.st will and testament of said Clara E. �mout, deeeased,
<br /> or o�herwise, of, in and to the abflve granted premises.
<br />� It being the intentlon of all parties hereto, that in the event of the �ea'Gh of either of said
<br /> grantees, the entire fee simple title to the rPal estate descri�aed herein shall vest in �he sur-
<br /> viving grantee.
<br /> Said party o�' tr,e fi�rst part, foN himaelf, his heirs, execut�rs, a��d acls.ninistrators, does promise
<br /> covenant and a ree to and faith the arties of the second art th��t he is l�ti�fuXl tne t��ustee under
<br /> � . p p
<br /> Y
<br /> the last will and testament of the said Clar'a E. Smout, deceased, ana has power to se11 and convey
<br /> as aforesaid, arid h�_s in all respec�s, acted, in making this conveya.rlce, in pursuance to the author-
<br /> ity granted in an�. by saic� last c�rill ana test�:�e:zt, arld th�.t he has not mr,.de, suffered, or d.one,
<br /> any matter, act, or thino, sinca he was such trustee as aforesald, whe�eby �Ghe above granted
<br /> premises, or any part tnereof, arP, shall, or may be charged, im�eached, or incumbered in any
<br /> ma.nner whatsoever.
<br /> IN TESTIM4i�TY T�iEREOF, the party of the first part nas hereunto se� his ha,nd the day and year
<br /> first above writ i�en.
<br /> Witness: William Suhr
<br /> Bernice E.Ma,tthews 12.10 .R. amps ) s Trustee un er the l�,st will
<br /> ( Cancelled ) and testament of Clara E. Smout,
<br /> deceased.
<br /> STATE OF N�BRASKA ) On thzs 21 d�.y of May, 19�+5, before the undersi;ned, a Notary Public,
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) �s' within and for said county anc� state, persona,lly appea.red W3.11i�,m Suhr,
<br /> to me personally kno�,m and nersonally known to me to be tr�astee under the last will and test�.ment
<br /> of Clara E. Smout, deceased, and acknoT�rled�ed the execution of the fore�oing deed to be his volun-
<br /> tary act and deed for �he purposes therein expressed.
<br /> IN TESTIM�NY ?�?HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and afiixed my not�.rial seal at Grand Islanc�,
<br /> in said county and sta,te, the da.y and year last above written. Bernice E.Matthews
<br /> My comrnission expires 2-2-51 (SEAL} otary Public
<br /> Filed for record tnis 21st day of May, 19�5, at 3:15 0 ' clock P.M. -;'°� ���L�� �
<br /> egister of Deed
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-a-�-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-a-o-o-o-�-c�-o-o-�-a-�-o-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-o-o-a-o-�-o-o_o-
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