�� � � '
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89
<br /> 28080—Tha Augustine Co., Grand Ialand, Nebr.
<br /> Public in and for said Sta�e, personally ap�eared A. C.Vlilson, a widower, who is the same person �.�
<br /> Ale��,nder C.Wi1�on, known �o me to be the per�on whose name is �ubscribed to the within instrument
<br /> and acknawled�;ed to me that he executed the same.
<br /> IN WITNESS tdHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h�,nd and aPfixed my oPiicial se�l, the day ancl. year
<br /> in this certificate first above written.
<br /> J.H.3herfe�
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public for the State
<br /> -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - of IdaY�c�,residinb at Buhl.
<br /> Filed for record this 1� day of May, 1 4 , at : � � , i
<br /> 9 5 9 5 o clo ck A.r�. ,,,, ��� �
<br /> eg' � er of.��ed�
<br /> 0-0-0-0-C-�3-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-C-�-C-�-C-"�-C-t;-0-0-0-C-G-0-0-0-�-G-0-0-C-0-0-Q-C-^-O-C-�-C-�-O-G-C-
<br /> WARRA�ITY DEED -Vesting Entire Title in Survivor
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PREaENTSt That Leona E.Bate and Samuel Bate, wife and husband, Jennie Brown
<br /> and Gharles Brown, wife and husba.nr�, of Hall County, Nebrasl�.a; James B.Watts and Rose watts, hUSr
<br /> band and wife, of Los Angeles County, Californ3a; O7.ive B.Motsick and James Motsick, wife and hus-
<br /> band, of Buf'falo County, Nebraska; Ernest C.Watts �,nd Luree Watts, husband and wife of Custer i�
<br /> County, Nebras�t�, in consider�.tion of Eight Thousand Five H�andred Dollars (��500.�J0� in h�.nd �aid,
<br /> �o herPby grant, bargain, se11, convey and confirm unto Paul A.GetzscYuna.n and Pauline D.Getzschman,
<br /> husb�nd and wife, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as �enants in eommon; the follot�in� described real
<br /> estate, situated in the county of Hall and state of Nebr�.s��a, �o-�it:
<br /> The northerly 7.� feet of the easterly 9.6 feAt of Lot N1ne (9) and ths northerly 57.� feet
<br /> of Lot Ten (10�, a11 in Block Five �5) , in Rc�llins � Addition to the city oP Grand Island.
<br /> together with alZ the tenements, heredit�,ments and a�purtenances to the s�.me belon�ing, and all
<br /> the estate, title, dower, right oY homestead, claim or de�nand ?ahatsoever of' tne said grantors, of,
<br /> in, or to the same, or an;� part thereof;
<br /> TO HAVE AND 24 HOLD the above aescribed premises, with the ap�urtenances, unto the said gr�.ntees ;
<br /> as JOINT TENA�tTS, and not as tenants in eommon, and to thsir a�,sions, or to the heirs and assigns I,
<br /> of the survivor of them, forever, �nd we, tlle gr�.ntors, named herein for ourselves and our heirs, i�
<br /> executors, a:id adminiatr:�.tors, do eovenant with �he grantees named herein and with their assigns
<br /> and with tne heirs and assi�;ns of �he survivor of them, that we are l�wfully seized of said premiges; I
<br /> that they are free from incumurance exce�ut as stated herein, ar:d that we, the said grant�rs, h�ve '
<br /> good right and lawful authorit� to sell the same, and that we will �znd our heirs, executors and ad-
<br /> ministr�;tors shall warrant and defend the same unto _the grantees named herein and unto their assigns
<br />' �,nd uni.o tneir heirs and ass.igns o�' trie survivor of' them, forever, against the lawful claims o�
<br /> all persons whomsoever, excluding the exce�,�tions named herein.
<br /> IN WITNESS �dHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 27�h day of April, 19�5.
<br /> Leona E.Bate
<br /> � amue a e
<br /> � . , �ps ) ennie rown
<br /> (Cancelled ) arles rown
<br /> a.m e s . a s
<br /> ose atta
<br /> ve . o aic
<br /> amee ots ck
<br /> nea . a �s
<br /> uree a ts
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA )8B. Or� t:�is ll d�.y oY May, z9�-5, before the undersigned, a Notary Public, in
<br /> �IALL COUNTY ) an� for said county, persona.11y came the above n�,med Leona E.Bate and
<br /> Samuel Bate, w�.fe and husband, and Jennie B�own anc� Charlea� Brawn, wife and husband, who are
<br /> personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument
<br /> I�i as grantors, and severally acknow�edged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITiUESS my hand and Notaria,7. Seal the date last afore�aid.
<br /> Wm.S�hr
<br /> (S�,) otary u c
<br /> My commission expires 2/17�51
<br /> STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. On tlii� 30th day of April, 19�5, before the undersigned, a �d�ary
<br /> LOS ANGEL�.S COUNTY ) Pu�lic in �nd for said county, personally came the above named James
<br /> B. Watts and Rose Watts, husb�.nd and wife, who are persona.11y knoT�rn to me to be the identical
<br /> persons whose names are afPixed to the above instrument a.s grantors, anc� severally aeknowledged
<br /> said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> tATIITNESS my hand a.nd Notarial Seal the date last af'oresaid.
<br /> � ( SEAL) E.M.Hal l
<br /> My commission expires Dec. 23, Zg45. o ary Pub ie
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �S. On this 5 day of Ma�s, �9�+5, before the underaigned, a Notary Public, in
<br /> BUFFALO COUNTY ) and for said eounty, person�.11y came the above named Olive B.Motsiek a.nd
<br /> James Motsick, wife and husband, who are personally known to me to be tn.e identical persons whose
<br /> namea are affixed to the above instrument as grant�rs, and severally a.cknowleaged said instrument
<br /> to be their voluntary act a.nd deed.
<br /> WITI�TESS my hand and Notarial Seal t'ne date last aforesaid.
<br /> SEAL A. 0. Skvchdv ole
<br /> � )
<br /> r P bl
<br /> Hy commission e�piree 7/5/50 �ta y u ic
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ��, On this 4tn day oY May, 19�-5, before the undersigned, a Notary Publie
<br /> CUSTER COUNTY ) in and for said county, persona�ly came the above named Ernest C.�'atts
<br /> an��. Luree ?�datts, husband and t,rife, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons
<br /> whose na,ries are �.ffixed to the above instrument as grantors, and severally acknowledged said
<br /> instruLnent to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ITNESS m hand nd Nota,rial Seal the date last aforesaid. R. S.Kuns
<br /> W y a
<br /> ( SEAL) otary Public
<br /> �
<br /> M commission ex 3.res J�n. 1�, lg 7
<br /> Y P
<br /> .
<br /> Filed �'or record this 14 day of May, 19�-5, at -3tC0 o tclock P.M.4��
<br /> ��2��atid �
<br /> e�ister of eeds
<br /> o-o-o-�-�-�-�-o_^-o-��-�-c-o-�-^-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-a-o-c-o-o-o-o-c-c-�-o-o-;-a-o.-c:-c-�-c-c-c-o-c-
<br />