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� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 26080—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> EXECUTOR I?FED <br /> This deed, made this 3rd day of' May, 19�-5, by and b�t•a�en arand Taland Trust Gompany, oP arand <br /> z�land, in t?�e count� of Ha11, S�a�e af N�bra�ka, execut�r oF the last will and testament flf A�ary <br /> Roaeh, deaeased, late of Gr�,nd Island, in the count� of _Hall, State of Nebr�ak�., party of the first <br /> , p�r�, and Luke La,mb of Grand Is2�.nd, in the cvunty of H�,11, State of Nebra�ka, party of the second <br /> P�'t; <br /> . Witne�seth, th�.t the said party of the fir�t part, the duly appointed, qu�,lifl�d �.nd �,cting <br /> executor of said l�.ry Roach, d�aea�ed, under her la,�t will and t�st�m�nt w�ileh i� of reeord in the <br /> oPfice of the probate cour'� of Hall Caunty, Nebraska, by virtue �of the pow�r and authority, �rant�cl <br /> and conferred upon them, under th� said will, and in con�ideration oP the su� of On� Dollar and <br /> other valuable considerations-- DQll�rs, to thsm paid bJ the party of the s�cond part, the receipt <br /> whereof le hereby conf�ased and acknowledged, doee hy thPSe presents �rant, b8x�ain, �ell, remise, , <br /> release, alien, convey and eonflrm unta the said party of the s�cond part, and to his heirs and <br /> a�sign� forever, all the following de�cribed tr�et, pi�ce �nd pa,rcel of land, situate, lying �.nd <br /> being in the county of Hall and 3tate of Nebraska, to-witt <br /> I B : S � a �� Additic�n to th� Cit af arand Island Ha11 <br /> Lot Ei ht (�� in Iock ix een (16) in W llich Y , <br /> � <br /> County, Nebr�.ska. <br /> together with �.11 and �inoular the tenement�, hereditaments and. appurtenaneea thereunto belonging, <br /> or in anyc�ise �.ppertainin�; and �,Isa �.11 th� estate, right, tltle, intere�t, property, po�seasion, <br /> cl�.im and demand whatsoever, ��vhieh the said test�,tor had her lifetime, and a'� th� �ime of hPr d�- <br /> cea�e, and which the aaid. party of the first par�G ha�, by virtue oP the said las�C wi11 and teata- <br /> ment, br fltherwls�, of, in, or to th� abov� granted premi�es, and �very par� and parcel th�reof, <br /> with th� appurtenanees. To have and to hold said premiseg the traet of land afor�said, with t�i� <br /> h�reditar?ents and appurt�nance� t��ereof, unto the said party o�' the second. part, hi� heirs and <br /> assigns, forever. <br /> And the �aid party a�' the first p,..rt, for themgelf, '�heir h�ir�, executor� and adminl�trators, <br /> does covenant, promise and under��,ke to �n�. with tl�e sai�. party of the second part, his heir� �,nd <br /> �,�s��ns, that they �re lawPully �he executor of tne last w�ll and te�tam�nt of aaid M�xy Ro�ch <br /> and has pc�wer to eonve� as aforesaid, and has in all respects �,eted, in making this conveyanc�e, <br /> in pursuancc oP the authori'ty grant�d in and by the aaid la�� will and teatament; a,nd that they <br /> have no� m�.de, done or suPfered any �,c�, �natter or thing whatsoever, �inc� they were executor �,� <br /> aforesaid, whereby the above �ranted premises, or any p�rt th�reof, are, ahall ar may be imp�aehed, <br /> charged or incumbered, in an� manner whatsoever. <br /> Signed thi� 3rd day of May, 19�5. <br /> Grand Isl�nd Trust Comp�„ny <br /> In th� pre�enc� of Fa�ecutor of the La�� Wi11 and <br /> Lulu Dahl ���.� amps Testamen� o� Mary RoacY�,Deceas�d <br />�lled ) (GORP) By O.A.B�1'�zer <br /> ' (SEAL) resi �n <br /> � Hy L.R.Gedd�a <br /> ecre ary <br /> STATE OF ATEBRASKA � On thi� 3rd day of May,: 1945, b�t'ore me, the undersigned, � Notar� <br /> HALL COUNTY ��� P�blic in and for said County, p�rsonally came O.A.Beltzer, President <br /> of the arand Isl�nd Tru�t Company to me per�onally known tQ be '�he Preaiaent and the iden�ical <br /> peraon whose n�.me is af�ixed to the �.bove conveyance, ancl aeknowled�ed the execution thereof <br /> to be his voluntary aet and de�d a� �ueh officer anc� ths voluntary act �.r�a a��a af the �aid <br /> arand I�land Trust Company, Executor oP the L�.�'� Will and Testament of M�,ry Rvach, D�c��.€ed, <br /> and that the Corpor�.te aeal of 'Ghe �aid (�rand Island Trust Company wa� thereto aP#'ixed by its <br /> �,uth�ri�Cy. <br /> Witne�s my Y��x�,d and Notarial Se�.l �,t Grand Island, N�br�.�k�., in said county the dp�y and ye�.r <br /> last abo�re writ t�n. <br /> ' ( ��p,�) Lulu Dahl <br /> My ecrmmi�sion expires the 2�th d�,y af Au�ust, 19�5. Not�..ry Public <br /> Filed for record this 11 day of` Niay, 1945, at 3:�0 o�clock P,M. �G����� <br /> e� s �r of eed <br /> 080-0-u-C-C-C-C-f�-0-0-0-'�-�-0-C-0-0-0-C-�-O-�-�-0-0-C-C-C-G-C-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-�-0-C-0-�-0-C-C- �r <br /> �ARRANTY DEED <br /> THIS IN?�FNTURE, made this -- �.�,y of May, 19�-5, between A. C.Wil�on, a widc�wer, who is the ��e <br /> person as Al�xander G.Wilson, of Huh1, County. e�f Twia F�11s, State of Id€�,ho, the party of the <br /> I'� first part, herein�.�ter e�,ll�d the �r�nt4r, and Christina Wil�on 3choc�ley, Marrell D.Z�lilson, <br />' V3.r�ini� W�.lson Cat�� - Beulah Wilson King, of Buhl, County of Tw1n F'all�, Sta,te oP Id�ho, the <br /> I p�.rt�.e� of the second part, hereinafter caTled the �rantee. <br /> WITRTE�SETH, that the grantor, f'or and in consi�.eration of the sum oP �10.�0 DOLLARS, in la�a�ul <br /> mone� of the tJnitec� Stat�� of Americ�. to the grantor in hand pald by the grantee, the r�ceipt <br /> whereof i� hereby aeknowled�;ed, has gr�.nted, b�.rg�.ined, arid sold, arid by the8e present� doe� grant, <br /> ba,rgain, sell, convey and confirm unto the gr�,nt�e, and to the grantee� 8 heirs and assigns forever, <br /> a13 0� the follvwin, de�cribed real estate, situated in Hall County, S�ate of Nebra�ka. <br /> Eas� one-��lf (�) o�' �r�� Northeast Quart�r (NE�) oP 8ec�ion Twenty (20) and South c�ne-haif <br /> (3-�) of the Nvrthwest Quarter (NW�) of S�etion Twenty-one (21) all 3.n Township E1ev�n (11) <br /> North, Rang� Twelve (12), West Sixth Principle Meridian. <br /> T(�GETHER �+iith all and �in�ular �he tenem�nts, hsr�ditaments and appurtenanc�� 'Ghereunto be- <br /> lon�ing or ln anyr,�i�e apr�ertainirig, t�-ie revision and revislons, r�mainder anc� rema.inder�, rent�, <br /> issuea and praPi�s thereof, and ail estate, right, title and inter�s'C in and to the �aia praper�y, <br /> as well in la�r a� in equity, of the grantor. <br /> TO HAVE A'rD TO HOLD, �.11 and sin�ular the above mentioned a.nd described premises, to�ether <br /> with the appurten�,nces, unto the �rantee, and to tne gra.ntee's �eirs �,nd �,e�i�ns forever. And <br /> tYie �rantor, and the �rantor'e heir�, the said premises in the quiet and peac��.b1e poese�sion of <br /> ��he grant�e, �nd the �r�,ntee� s heir� a.nd assigns, a;a.�.n�t the grantor, and the �rantor�a heirs, <br /> and a�;ainst all and every person ana person� whomsoever la�fully cl&imin�; the sar�e, sh�.11 and <br /> will WARRANT and by thes� present� forever DEFEND. <br /> IN �ITNESS �iEREOF, the �rantor has �ubscrib�d this de�d the day and year f3r�� above <br /> writt�n. <br /> J.H.�3herYey A. C.Wilson <br /> (���.� • • a.mPs) <br /> (Cancelled } <br /> STATE OF IDAHO � S� On this -- day of May, 19�-5, before me, the und�raigned, a Not�ry <br /> CQUNTY OF TWIN FALLS . <br />