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I <br /> � <br />� DEED RECORD NO. 89 <br /> 26080—The Augusrine Co., 6rand Island, Nebr. <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS I?�'DENTURE, Ma�e this 17t'ri ��:��r of A�ril, in the ye�x one thcusanr� nine izunc?red an� Forty-five <br /> between Ida Houtsinger �;nc� George �.Houtsinger, h�r husbanc?, of ��iic��o, Cook County, Illincis, <br /> �a.rties o�' thE first pa..r�, <n� Tham�,s J.McClurliin �.nc� S��uel G. MeClurkin, of Hall County, Nebr�s?;�, <br /> �a�rties of the s eeonc' part, <br /> '��ITNES�ETH, th�4t trle s�ic� ���rties of the flret ��rt, in consic!.er�:.tian of t�1F sum of OrZe c�oll�r <br /> a.nd ot�.ler valu�ble con�i��er.•�tion, �� us p �ic±_, t�ie rPce��t �rhereo�' is ��er=by ackno�;�le��P�., have <br /> remised, rel��.sPC�, �.nc� cuit-c1�,iMec:, �,nd by �hese presents do f�r oL?rsPlves, our heir�, execut�ors �nc�_ <br /> �dministr�tor�, remise, rple�.se ��:c' forev�r quit-claim �,nd convey un�o �he s<_ic� p�xti�s of �h� <br /> s�;cand ��_rt, ,�.nc� to their heirs anc� asri�ns #'orever, �.11 our ri�ht, �itle, interest, estute cl�,im <br /> anc� de�a.nd, both �t l�.ti,r ��nd in enuity, of, in �nc� �� ��.II <br /> The North H�zlf (N� ) o�' �LhA No?�theast Quarter (Iv'E�) of Section Thirty-one (31) �.nc? the <br /> E�,st Half (E4) of the NorthTnTest Qu�.rter (A1��4 ) of 5ection Thirty-�tao t32) , all in Townshi� <br /> Eleven (11.) Nor�1��, R�,n�;e T�,Telve (12) ,West of �he Sixth P.M. , cont�,ininv 160 Acres, a little <br /> more or less. <br /> To�ether ti�itn �13 anci sin :ul�,r �he Yier�dita,ments there�anto �elon�;in�;. _ <br /> TO HAVE Ai�?D TO HOLD th.e �.1�ove describec� �rPmises uni,o t?�e s;^iu Th�mas J.McClurkin ancl S�r::uel G. <br /> �cClurk3.n tarieir heirs ��zc? �ssi�;i:s; so t?l�^:.t neither t�ie s�i�? �r�ntars, or any person in their n��me <br /> �.rl� beh�.lf, sh�ll or will here�fter cl�im or dem�.n� �,nJ riaht or title to the st^i�� ��re:riises c�r any <br /> p�,rt t'iereof, but they �.rl�. every one a�' t��er� s�n.11 by these presen�s be exclude�. �.nd forever barred. <br /> InT W?TN�'SS WHEREOF, t�e s�.ic� �»�rties oi t�e fir 7t n�,rt h^.ve he-r�unto s-et their :nands �,nc� seals <br /> the d�y ?ncti y,-��ar �:bove taritten. <br /> Si�;ned, aealec� an� c?elivered in presence of . 0 . . �m�s ) Gecrge B. Hou�sin�e .r <br /> B.J. Cun�in�ham (C��ncelle�. ) Ida xaLZtsin�;er <br /> A r � � <br /> � t� -r" b , r . n�, th una i�n � <br /> S T A T� O F I L L I N O I S � G� O r. t n z s 2 6 t h c_ y o u_ A p r i 1, . D. 1 9�-�, e f'r� e , e e r s �, e , <br /> COOI� CO?JrdTY ) '-"'Ruth E.M�,xwell, � Noi,�ry Public, ��uly commis�ionecx �.nc� ayu�.lif ie�. for an�. <br /> residin�; in s���? county, person<�.11y came Ida Houtsin�er ��nc Gear�;e B.Houtsin�er, her nus'�and, to <br /> me known to i�e �he ic'.entical nersons tti�:�ose n�mes �re af�'ix?�. to the fore�oin�; instrvr�en'� �s ,vr<�.ntors <br /> �nc� ack:�o?�tlecs�ed t'r�P same to be their voluntary act .anc� deec�. <br /> Witness r^.y �r.nd. anc� Not�,-ri�l Seal the c�;_y �' ye�r l�.st above ?��ritten. ' <br /> r�uth E.M�xwell <br /> (SE.AL) - Notaxy Pu'plic <br /> My Cornmission expir�s tl�e 26 c--�y c�' A�ril, 19�i-� <br /> Fi1ec? i or rPcord this ��li ray of MaY, 19��j, �.t 11: �5 0 � clock A.T�2.� �j ,��� �� <br /> \/� <br />' - e;ister of Deed�� <br /> o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-o-�-�-o-c-o-o-o-�-l-a-�-c�-�:�-�_:; �;-�-<,�_o_�_��-�-�-�-�-J-::>_:,_�_�-��:.-�-�-o-�-c�- <br /> �d��.��TTY DEED ' <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS°.: • <br /> THAT Gr�.ntor�, J��xnes Webb and Ev�, Webb, husband ��n� �rife, of the city of Gr�.nc�. Island, County k <br /> of H�11 �a.n� St�te �f__Nebr�s��, in con�ic�er�tion of One Hundr�� Fifty anc; no�100 DOLLAR�, to �?�e� � <br /> in hanc� naia by K�,r.s��-�1eb�a�sk� N�,tural Gas Comp�.ny, Inc. �, K�ns�,� coz�or�tion, receipt ��sherzof is <br /> here�=, ackno?��1e�.�e�, c�o hereby �rc,nt, b�.reain, sell, convey �.nd confirm unto the saic Kansas-Ne- <br /> br�.s'�� Natural G�.s Company, Inc. , t��e fc�llo�rin� �.escribed rPal est�,te sii,u��ed in tre County of <br /> Hall �nc� State of Nebraska, to-�ait: <br /> A tr�ct of lancl in �:�e Qu<<:rt�;r �f t��e Sou�*he�.st �uarter (SE4 SE�) of Section 20, <br /> ToT��nship 11 North,Ran�e 9, �r�e�t be�innin� at the noint ��r'rzich ;s �'�e intersection af tne South <br /> line of t'ae ri�ht-of-?�r�y of the Chica�o,Burlin�ton, Q�aincy R^.ilro�d (Belt Line) �nc� the east <br /> ed�;e of the nurlic ro�.tc� ?�hich ���st ed�;e i� 33 feet east of thQ �rest line o�' said <br /> �,u�.rter of t?�P C�uart�r (SE�SE�;) , �hence from th�t ;.�aint r�?nnin�; e�,st �,lon� t�e <br /> ;-, F. r �- <br /> _� • � P h �i t tr �� �� <br /> r�,-�lro�d ri�.�t-of aay for � ���trnce of JO feet, treneti sout �a.r�lle7. � h e �re 13. e <br />; .� , <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � c�' � ?�Fr s � � ?,r��h tr=e uth n -� s�id <br /> of sE,.id SE� o�' SFt� a zst�nce o_ 25 feet, t..._ �.ce .ae.�� p�..r�,llel so li e a_ <br /> r�ilroa� ri�ht-of-=-�*�.y, �. �.ist�nce of 50 feet to t�le Q��st ed.�e of s�i� road., tr�ence north �.lon� <br /> the e�st e�.�e o�' s��.i�_ roac? ^r�cl in a line ���rallel ��ri�h the ti�.*est line of s��iu SE� of SE� 25 <br />, feet to the l�ce of be��innln��. <br /> P � � <br /> , <br /> All situ�ted in s�.ic? County of H�11 �nd St�te of Nebraska. � <br /> To�ether ��aith all trle tenements, hereaita.ments �.r�c1 an��urten�r�ces to t�le s�,me belon�in�, �n� <br /> all tne esfi�.te, titl�, c'o?��er, ri�;:1t oz hor�FSte�.d, or c�emCn�. ��Th�tsoever of ��:.ic? Gr�ntors of, <br /> in or to tr�� sa�e, or a.ny x�a��t ther�of; <br /> TO HAVE AI'D TO HOLD t��e above describec? ��r�mi:�Ps, z�rith t'r:e a��purten�,.nces, un�o the s�i� � <br /> Ka_nsa_�-Nebr�s'�a N<�.tur��l G��s Cor_?��ny, Inc. ��ncG. to its successors ar�d assiF_ns, forev�r, r�nc? ��,re <br /> the sain Grnntor�, for ourselves �.n� oar heirs, executors �.z.�� administrz�,tors, do cover.<:::r�t ��ith <br /> t���e s�.ic� K�.nsas-Neb��ska N�.�Gural Gas Com;v�ny, Inc. a:� with its succes�ors anc� as,i���s t:�t t�:�e <br /> �,re la��fuliy seizea of saiz premi�es; th<��.� they are free fror� er.cum'be--ar:ce; t��at s�.e h�.<.ve �o�d <br /> ri;;ht �nc�� 1�;:.wful �.uthority to s ell ' tr�.e s��.me and th�.t ?�re T-��.11 ��n�. our heirs, executors an�. ad- <br /> } � �T r d ' P s m s c� � sa�-N br s'.�a N�t r � �n <br /> ministrators s��__ll ��, rant and efenr� t.�._ �. e unto the �i � Ks.�n � e a r.. u a.l G s Com�_. y, <br /> Inc. �,nd its successors �nd assi;ns forev�r a�ainst t�e lawful claims of a11 ersons whomsoever. <br /> In Witness Whereof, we h�ve hereunto set our hanas this �+tli day of Me y, 19�5. <br /> In the Presence of: <br /> A.J.Luebs 55; I. . tamps ) James ��Tebb <br /> A,J.Luebs ( C�.ncelled ) Ev�. i�iebb <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK,�, rr On this �-t�i c�?yo uf r2ay, 1945, bei'�re rne, a No��ry Pu�_lic, in and f�r <br /> .�.�. <br /> COTJNTY OF HALL sain Countf, per^on4.11y came th� �,bove named Ja.mes Webb �nd Ev�. :��ebb, <br />, � � c� '- 7- ' � � cv 1'1 �m o c� <br /> � e. d �' P ��� rs . � �n t � b trl 1,.� ntic�..l �er,��ns �a._ose n ...,�� �r <br /> h t z s b�_n �n �.i f., c r o a r e e o�.,_l l k n o,, o m e o e e e � , e <br /> , I� Y I <br /> �.f:i�cAd to tne �.�ove instrumPn� �as Gr^,nt�rs, � :�: ��l�y a.ckno�-�-1ec�:-���. sa.i� inst^urn�nt to be their <br /> v�l!arit�.ry �,ct �nd aee�?. <br /> ��Titness �ST h�nd �;.nc� not�.ria_.1 seal the c��a.rP last �.for. esa,icry. <br /> A.J.Luebs <br /> ( SF�,) Not�,ry Au'plic <br /> My comrnis�ion expires on tale 6th c�E�,;� of July, 19�-5 <br /> I� Filec� for rPCOrd t�is 10 c��y oi May, 19�-5, �t 10:00 0 ' �lock A.i�2.� . <br /> _ ����� � <br /> ��� <br /> ��.ster of Deeds <br /> �-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-'�-0-0-�-�-O-v-C-0-0-0-�-3-0-�-�-�=-0-n-0-J-0-0-0-�-^-!:�-0-�-'�-�-J-:;_0-�-0-0- <br /> l <br />