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<br /> - a - ,- 1: .!�'!�e4.�C'4,;�UVD MONTNLY PAYMENT CNANGFS ,,;;::;.;
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<br /> ;'� : p� Ir,i,d�c•.�� - - � , .- ,� .: r
<br /> �;�'� "�. ` 8�s�ithQr Chas�e�te.mylatuatnteKnlftit�t��:�f�:��"Index°isthewakiya4�5'i�l3a4Gd�'?�Stata �`�FY.�.;�:1{"-
<br /> . ����f_.� .�.r��savritia adjuRed ta�'��dai�h maturiri of 1 year.as irs`ti3e���Wz. , . . 1+� _
<br /> -rr�1�.. .. , ..-. . �°Federai Resare 8oud.The iarost re�estt�c',tiSw�e .��v•_,. ��.
<br /> � ;,�r�;� svailabkasofthedate43dsysb�tG'?rei�dsChan�tDateisaltodtlta"�� .,,m�e�-".. '":':` `°�:a. �
<br /> =f �� - If the Iada�isu4y�t��ya��te.the Nae Hotder xn'D chodsi�'a dc�vv ui�i sfuch js bued u n mfarmation.'Ihe Note `
<br /> Do ��F� '�� f •-
<br /> �., < <.;i. _ . � �.�.n
<br /> i �•�.'�` HoiQerxAl=iveareou�tie�astt�iss6oia. • '�',-,` ,1 ra�.�:
<br /> ��, ,"� . •� t �-�( ��.if�f�i'��
<br /> �:,��;�;. � (cl tt�k�i�roft!C�rMars�::; ..TltlLl ANO 0l�IE�4�iAL.F 4�� ° �,y�'
<br /> �,,;` ;,�;�'ti;:J�r.:! � ' -aefae a�cb Cba�:�7qu���liefi(ri:�Hotder wnli pkulaco my aea*.�aterae nte by addia� Pnceatase ��„2��c.�s�,�,e.k :�
<br /> ��a c� ,•<. �'YI��,�
<br /> '}`.. ,,"t '._u;", , . po1�(- �-5 ;�'`4F. 3d; t[ndea and rounAirl;to the ne:lrest i/StA ot I9�.sulr��a��e limits s�'�in Sectioa�N)6elmv. ��:r'€'}�"�ssi=s�`-��
<br /> � k.. �"�i?"�
<br /> •; G 4}� �>f Thisrounde4aiaapd��Ahae�(i�g��{.�strafountilthenexeChanL�Data .`:,.. : < :-'�ir: .,;.:.•,,� ., � "�,.%���ca ,s�a'�6�'�
<br /> . . ��f 2' The Note H�II�o^�3'�"��e?�nine tbe asavant ot the monthtY PaYmmt thss rpc��r�"'�nes�,'7:�'r�kt i�F��i 4p11 the principal l arn . . �"`�`S, E c r' sZ�
<br /> _ ,r_.-. .{�-� LS.�S' ' . - - - . �"' �n.� - t� -
<br /> ,,-, :�: i '•�i,,i�r: rate.�resWt of this calculauon ^'�� �_�'+•
<br /> . .'�,�,.,�''��Y���`�i;ti ':'.:� eapoao0tooxeoa�os:�ati��:�=subs�antialtY�l�PaYmmabythematurcty±ki�e�p>� y�x,, es!�t ,.: _ _ ,,..
<br /> !.Jl{' (�'
<br /> ,rSy.��rltr.c�J iYm�1G2�:C1{lWa1fl0l�C�7GF1�!�Gi�t�?']AEll1� � '�S' t' �'1!•i , z �
<br /> �j�u�i�tiL�it',•S� . , � , .. - .. � �f �7G . •� ` �_it
<br /> � �..jr�� p�,,� Y!V,.,,.�r ,'. -.`�� ;�° -."� - t
<br /> _ ' _ 'C1?�S 7u ^du�� '� ]��M�911/�'�+� I�GJ ' . _. -
<br /> > -:y; ,�r�:�,f`'�.f,�{ti�,'t� ,. .'1'he intenst ri���� 'se�nred to pay at the first Chuige Date wi11 aot be gater than r➢'i ac t�,a thaa j° �,��.— , .,?� �
<br /> �z ( ,:����r ,•�f a;;Ez�•;'-;,,. � _.�.25�„_,__��.�F,�;ti:�s my intuat rate wiQ never be incrtased ar decreased on any single ChanBe D�te by mare than �� ..
<br /> 4•:.., ;j . ��
<br /> .i .:j.. .��,',rF� ��«4r:��:;;; � �..rfr�,�re�ofln+^�tlhavebanpayinjfortheyrocedingtwelvemanths.Themrt►imumintcrestr,�teot�thisloonu�iffnevabe i:,:c' .
<br /> ,'�'•'•-€�if�`ty�t,� , i �isU� «..2�'� '?�ii�tniix�r'r,�a7�imum intaat rue wi11 never be gater than 10_25 qi. � i •i r,',,'
<br /> } �
<br /> '��1t'.i+ .
<br /> �`: , ����'� `� ' � << .�� �:.F�fe�ineCd�treotC�es':;;` �� : , ' . �T�t' _
<br />,, ` • ;,�,�,-� :1 �,+� new intec�t�aia vn'll bectjdie cftxtive on ruh Chaage Date.I w[U pay the amount of my new monthty-paymmt.beainning on the first � . ��f�` ,
<br /> �. . , .,
<br /> � • ` :1�.� _' ` moatAly paynxat��;ter ttie Chante Date until the amount of my monthly psymrni chu�ges again. .. . � . _
<br />� ' : �:Y:..:,. ��%►,t�,: , • r. , -
<br /> � ; ��„`f • (� NWkeettA��es � � ..
<br /> �'.��•,:,e; � t .
<br /> ' . ,% ;�;:<�;'�:.' The Nae Hoider vn'p m�il ur deliver to me a notice betoce ac.h C1h�nge Daee.The naice wiU advise me of: r ,, -
<br />- �u;�; . -
<br /> : .:;�ti;�:�: . . (i) the eew intaest rate an my twn as of tAe Change D�t� i ' •_ . �
<br /> �<< ""f � (ii) ttieamount of my monlhlY p�ymeat following the t�ge UatG E• �
<br /> .:��f�.i�t.5�� . : . . . .:a
<br /> '�`: . {iii) art�g a�ditioaal tnatters which the Note HolAer is tequ"st�d tq QiAC�ase:•and S �,
<br /> �{�f�'` ;�� �•� ' (lv} tha�dressoflhea.aedadonyaucautdcomact���uyµeiPS�asabouttheadjustmentnotice. `; ' ' .�
<br />' - °���it:'� '. •,j _ � .
<br /> . . _� s �.�c i� ,' . _ ' • ' ., 'y -
<br /> � <iia•'b'f.•.i ' 3 .
<br /> � � 'i•I� t�;�t�31;�:. � �. CHARGES 41EN3 • ;;. . , �
<br /> 'y�' .. �'t,�`�L.'�•�k!`,'. . L'cii�dcr.GGlCovet11td4oltheSecuritytnstrumenlisamendedtotea3auitol'13as: ' ' . �. :':
<br />-t�+fi';� � "�1�TP,}t}Arir . 1 ,, . ., : <.
<br /> rf.._. .. t.,�. ',,.. � .�, ��� . , � .'`'`�.
<br />":5;,�.;s,� :' t.f , ;:. �:;�:,:,;,: -: ., , 4.Cl�a;l�ea+.�awer shall ray all taaet,�s.�smmts.and othsr charges.fici�,r�d impositians attributa6l^.co the Properly which tnay : • ; ,
<br />;�ti,�,�;;:,. • � '"��` �-: �ttdnaprlodtyorerscrsSecuriiy�-�s�cnt.an3Q��.olApayrtttnt�qlgoundrents.:lany.inthemAnnerprovidc�underpa�a{raph2hereof , . .r�;� •
<br />',�.;.I�•; y;�'`�.�}ti�;�i'i'.:+;'t�'�ti� �a.if not paid in such mannn,isp�Ham�aac:f n�sh,�ipaF�snent,wltra dhr�dirertly to the paya there�QC(dorrower shall promnAy futAish Lander � .;;,,,�.'.
<br /> :;��;}�, '�� ,l;r.�i,��:It,ti:,�:r�±;f�.. - tsduew +�s' �ct:�rls6in�heeYa�.c[�r��rershatlmake a ent�RV.1 boaowcrshall rom Eumishto �',� �.
<br /> ' .i+, ,, .�„;: � •rlt aati�ms ot amoua �t�ec �f,�iap' P Ym Y. 0 �'•. �'�:s,'ib'��::
<br /> � 'I ' � r ee.
<br />'P: 1; t:-.,L'f::SV`�t 1.� ..�� ..'� i:•:.I�•'i•.i�• . .,1.,. .. . . . ;. }�a,.a:..
<br /> �-'Z�;•: t` �•�;�r.,,st;�:,^,,,�j ii`;a �carr�pts evidesculg,�:Er�'�►���Sa-ra�:`�aR,y:�,discharge any Nrn whicb ffas priodty aver this Securiry l�r.*ument; . {,..,-�.
<br /> "} ' u± fo the ` e�ol the , • :.r"�"f" •, ;,:•,
<br /> ,.'i'�i�'f ,�fy1:�:'����il�y��ti������t���.� ��r:� ..�'ry1'D,i4�^!,'�!�gAffb9lqF'���i�i`�'�>C'��ril1'CaS..`S�„�,�75�a�C::y,"1:.ST{`��d,645 50�O11$d5 Bt1ItOWQf:(a)shat)agree ia ws"u' .Q �l�f«�: , . . . :� '� . �• ..
<br /> �.t� r�,,J�1, v •,i/ s ' • 'l. �
<br /> 1`.,. ', i 7+ f-, R. 'r' ;' .''�I "i.�:;ti'i•j.
<br /> � i��:; � �1�, f�� • ?, •.,yb�.:dasecur�b?�atrcFi�F.ien`tr:i�r.�erar�p;a�iri•&;rdCr.:s'3sha11ingaa��anS+conte�tsuchlienby.orde�.��again+tenlar�aentot
<br /> �j '',�li:','tJf�),�r��:t��. ,, ,. ,. f;�- � �� • ,�,.
<br /> ,,tii:' :x''r it`;;*�S�:,-.`•,{ t ' `-;; '. i:`;i�,:��bi6n�sils.i ` vrt�isasu;ropinion�CEtn�erog���r� re�eat�heea:farcementa�,r,heHcnorfor��.ca��fthePru;kst4 ara.►y _ , r,}r��.i,., .
<br /> �iz^���twys ,? r �;r
<br /> � �+�;9(,�i?�ic1F'; ' ;. � '•'��3,N*4ot;ur(c�s+:,t.t 5�:i:!�eitcr,��t1-e Qtolder o(�uch liere;�n.���ent in a fvrm satis(aaa�-g ixi Ltnder suUa 1�adQ�ait;�.�s'r,u t4us tif„��,:.':;�
<br /> ,r:;�f '>. �'1.,�.b .... ,f, .y. � ��tr���',
<br /> �(}��, 7�� . �.���•Ui'�tuMw��Fn.�.;:i��,.. 'ti�� _ , ?;," r
<br /> -r`' ����'{;'" ' � ' , ;�;fFd.ender'cVdi�thtdx.�as,a:s5�:�:aF'y P�rt ot t6r 6�r�p:i-e�',�!�hlrci to a tien wfiich maY a:�ca�a�QKOeicy oiix':�ta�Se:��ii)�t1i.:tirrattecef. �' l�s "�, �
<br /> •{ ,s�.�� . . ��j� .1� ., . . . � ' �
<br /> :;s;�t -'1: . . ,�,� ��, i _ • .� ' F 11.�,
<br /> '!ii�• ��' - ���:s.'�all give��o�:���x•�ti;x�r�,�rr.tifyi�sudhtt.e�:Buerace��ha1!satisfy sw:h li�or taAc�nc rr�ose of�t�:►ecianti sas,f%.Y:[t�3bUt0 . . ..•°,�r;i:;�� .
<br /> � � .��:� . . • ._. . ' �'t'_.,
<br /> _ ., ; _ _ ' t?ia�. ..4:�ii��ada ot � oF�ie�.,r. -- . . . _ . _.. - -- , - ��'-i;-:; -
<br /> .. � ,l.' ;�r`'��i.r - '•,� � .. � � ' _ ' � - � , ' � '��;`S:�'�'•'•,
<br /> .�. ;�t��, .:(.. E: ��Q�� . . �." � .. :� . . .. . _ ' . . .��i y.r._,' .
<br /> t t, , .
<br /> �y� ' `•�+:�.: UnlformCoveaaait4oEtheSecu��Cascruaeeniisa,mecededtorqda+follows; ,��`''4�:'�'
<br /> _ .. .:' :`�,�t., , '. • ~'''''' •
<br /> ' ;_�,`.:-.'. ,=y:�':, 11. Nolke.fa�cept forany rtotic�e iequi�ed umder.��bte faw to ba givee in anather manner.lai aoy natice ta Borroucer pro�ideQ toe m 6Ais !;��,
<br /> �' ,;�}.:i` ~''��• 5�cwity It►sttummt sttaU be giveo G}deFivering it oi t1y rtailing it by fitst cfass mti)to BotroN•er u ehe Propere}Address or at s�cch c�tRer eddress :::':
<br /> a�,.- . � • , ,�••.,:•,.
<br /> - °,:.,f=_:+t;:.�_:•�.:����-� - a4 BoFtowt�may QesPpnare by eee�e ro l.eadet as Qtm.ided serc�o-.aad b)any notict ta�tader shal!9e 81�en bY_�usc�lass maiY co�.ender'4 - -
<br /> ��--- .;''i{" ,{ - address stated herein or co sucd uthet aQQress as LertQer fiay designate by nntire to banaau as Pravided herein.Anv notice pravided For in this . _i%.,:.� ._.._ ._--- .-
<br /> - .;:..1;.�•, ,. f ._ . - - .
<br /> � ��. • Securitytastrumeneshallbedeemedcohavebtengi�euro6orrowerartertderwhengiami»ttterrtarmadecignateARerein. ,
<br /> , � .
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