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.. , <br /> :� . <br /> �: � <br /> � .. ' �� , . ���f,� � <br /> . 1M✓. ' -.. . . ... � .�I�iY.n... . , . �.��, <br /> .. -.. .. ... . . <br /> �1 <br /> .I�n:a .._. �. .... <br /> . <br /> .".. . -lIJ4�� . . .. ............ . . .. .. . <br /> , . . <br /> . �:. ....,__J�f� <br /> .,.._ . ..."'_'... . ' <br /> , ..__.._ ...__. �.l.,c.__. <br /> • ...:.-,4_=_.- <br /> • EXHI�IT E � � � <br /> - MOF�TCaAG� IADDEPIDUM ��.� 1()�.�:�� <br /> The followin� ero eddende to the Mortgefle. PleAee check the e�pplicable addendum. Tho addondum checked ehAll bo incorporntod j <br /> Into, and reeordad with, lho Mortgago. The term"Mortc�epe" ehail ho doem�d to Include 'Deod of Trust,' If appllcnhla. <br /> � FFIA. RECD and HUD AODENDUM ONLY <br /> THIS TAX•EXEMPT FINANCINQ RIDER la mado thls 2Bth day ol Fei�i'u�1rV . 1997 nnd �s �ncorporatod <br /> ; -.— <br /> �� Into end shall ba deemed to amend snd supplemenl ihe Mortgage, Oeed o1 Trust or Securfty Deed ('Security Inetrument") ol the sema datv <br /> _,..-v�� gNen by tha underalgned ('Borrov�ei') to secure Bort�wcrs Note('Note•) to The Overlend Metlonal Bank af Qrend Isl�nd <br /> ..,. .�w; _ <br /> ('Lender") 01 the oame date end coverfng the properly descdbed In the Sacurity Inatruroent and tocnted et:b11 Nol'th Whaele� _ <br /> S roet Orand Island Nebraska 88801 ��P��ptl ros3) •, - <br /> In addiUon to the covanants and agreements made in Ihe Secudty InsWment. Bortower end Ler,der further covenanl and agree to amend , �k�;-_:--_ <br /> • � Pe►ac�raph 8 of the Model Mortg:ge Form, entlUed'Craunds for Acceleratlon of DebY as by addinfl additlonal grounds tor ncceleiatlon as t�?°`.t`�' <br /> a IOIIOWB: � <br /> � Lendar, or such o1 fts successors or asslgna as may by sepurate Instrument essume rosponslbility tor essudng compliance by the '_.:,,_= <br /> r Borrower wlth the provlsions of thls Tex•Exempt FNancing Rider, may requiro Immediate payment In tull ot ail sums aecured by thls <br /> ��- <br /> � Securlry InsWment ff: ��� <br /> � (n) NI or part of ihe Property Is sold or othervAse transferted by B�rtower to a purchaser or other transleree: <br /> � (I) Who cannot reasanaby 6e expected to occupy the property as a principal restdence withln a reasonable Ume a(ter tha sate or �.,� <br /> transter,all as provided In Section 149 (c)end(q(2)of the Internal Aevenue Code: or ���' <br /> (q Who has had a present ownership Interest In a pdncipel resldence dudng any part ot the three�year pedod ending on the �;�:__� <br /> � � date of the sale or tranater. all as provlded In 8ecibn 143(d) and (q(2) of the Intemal Revenue Code(except that'7 00 percent" shnll be [;_;.`-: <br /> �� = -- <br /> substituted for"85 percent or more'where the latter eppears In Section 743(d)(1)) or <br /> tergotediareatresldences)tlall us provlded In Sectioe 149(e)eand(I)(2)tof the Intemal9R vonue Codas o P�ce (greator than 110 percent tor r <br /> (Iv) Who has e gross famity income In excess of the applicable percentage of appllcable medfan tamily Incomo as provldad In � <br /> Seotion 143(p and(q(2)of the Intemal Revenue Code; or = <br /> � (b) Borrower fails to occupy the property described In the Security Instrument wlthout prlor wdtten consent ot Lender or Its � <br /> •� successors or nssigns descdbed at the beginning oi tfils Tex-Exempt Financing Rlder,or <br /> t�� Bonower omits or misrepresente a fact that Ia materlal wrih respect to the provlslons of Sectton 143 of the Intemal Revenue <br /> Code In en nppllcatlon tor the loan eecured by this Secudty Instrument. <br /> � � � References ere to the Intemal Rovenue Code es emended and in eNect on the date of Issunnce of bonds,tha proceeds of whleit <br /> � wiil be used tu tinance the Securiry Instrument and ere deemed to Inciude the Imptementing rogutations. -- <br /> 1* . BY SICiNINO BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms end provisions fn thls Tex-Exempt Financing Rider. <br /> �� . <br /> :,,��� � ' <br /> __ .- ��;:' �\�In.�cd� IN� ��S�l'� (sEAI.) <br /> • eo«owe�q�edo M. Fe I—� <br /> �'d 3•w.' <br /> �-z.TA�t!� � �VGf'1l�' <br /> _-_-..�..�t;.zZ <br /> ___ "�'�!� Bo�rov,cr <br /> ---�,a�.�'� <br /> r�� <br /> �-_-="�-.rII-�.�.IQ <br /> — °_�i <br /> _���,� ❑ CONVENI'IONAL MORTQAdE LOAN ADOENDUM ONLY <br /> ""`-=�:±� 1'HIS TAX•DfEPAPT FI�ANCINO RI�ER is mada thls day ot , end le ine.orporated fnto and ____ <br /> ��-�i°=��'� she9 be dc9rned to amond and supptemt+nt the Mortgage,Oeed o(Trusl or Sewrit�r Decd ('Sscun!y lnatrument') ol lhv serne dR:e ghrsn by <br />,,,��.;,�t;,,�� the underalgnad('Borrower')to aecure BoROwers Note('Note')to <br /> S�WbS4e.=1�Y+� <br /> ---��,��;;u.:gr� (•Lender•)of the same dato and covering the property descdbed In the SECUdry Instrument and located at: <br /> ------�_�':',� <br />_;f,;i„',y'*,'�.'T�+-. [Property AtldraooJ <br /> »,.:!5�i�:t'•".• �... �..----- <br /> ^��'�"„',"' In addition to tha covenants end ngreemeats made N the Security Inslrument, BoROwer and Lender furlher covenant and egree to emend <br />-'� ."' ' Paregreph 17 of the Uniform Mortgage Form, entillod'Transfor of tha Properly as a Beneflclal Interest in Bortower'ns by adding additional _ <br /> = •� - grounds for ucceteration es lotlows: _ <br /> -_ : •�� Lender, or such of its successors or esslgns as may be separete Instrument assume responslbility tor assudng comp!lance by ihe =_- <br /> - , Bonower rrfth tho provisions of this 'fex-Exsmpt Finendng Rider, may require immedlate payment in tu�nf ell sums secured by thls <br /> • �+� Socudty InaVUment ff: � <br /> ''r <br /> Y' (a) NI or part of the Propedy Is soid or otlerwise Vansferred by Hortower to e purchaser or other transteree; _ <br /> - .�. � f :�.- <br /> , . +y } pJ Who cannat reasonabiy be expeded to ocoupy the property as e principal res!dence wfthin a reasonable dme after the ±.'_�;.�. <br /> � <br /> '��� . � salo or 4ransier,all es provided in Sectlon �43(a)and (i)(2) of the Intemal Revenuo Code; or <br /> ' "____ _ .___L �-__ ..�_ .��_..Y� �.1..d�...14... .... 1hn <br /> � �'�� � � (ii) Who has had a prosent ownership interost In a pnnapat residence during any puri o����a ������w• w����•--.� �. -._ <br /> • dato of the sale or transfer,all ns provlded In 3eGtion 143(d) nnd (1)(2) of the Intemel Reve�iue Code (except that '100 percent' <br /> . shall be substituted for "95 percent or more'whero the latter eppeare in Section 143(d)(1);or <br /> (ill) At an acqulsitton cost which Is greater then the meximum Iimits established by the Nebreska Investment Financo Authodly <br /> (the 'Authority')In connectlon with Its Progrem,pursuant to whlch Program thls Security instrument Is tinanced;or <br /> ". (N) Who has o groas tamity Income In excess o1 tho meximum Ilmits estnblishod by the Authority in connectlon with its <br /> - ,. � Pragrem; or <br /> � NiFA 2N_6 .. • <br /> ' � OiIt5720tl.7 Puge 1 ot p ., <br /> F1875.LA16 (71/9G) � <br /> � 97011 <br /> , <br /> ', . , - I . . ....,. . _ . . . _ ... _-. ' . .� .. ._ .'__. . .---_� ,-. _ , <br /> .. .. ... .._ .. .... ..... .... . .. . - - .__. <br /> .... � ._.�,.r-. . <br /> . . � - - <br /> � ,- .. . - . _ _ . . .. . . . .., .. <br />