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<br /> �.� . , • . .
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<br /> 9?- ���.435 , � ..-,.-,
<br /> Any emounte dlsbursAd by Lender under ihls Peragraph shAll becomo an additlonal debt o1 Borrower and bo seaured by
<br /> lhls Socurity Insirumont. Thaso omounta shall benr Interost Irom th�dnto of disbursemont nt lhe Noto rnto, and at the opllon ot
<br /> Londor, shell po Immodlaloly duo nnd p�yebla.
<br /> �ortower shell promptly dlochnrpo ony Ilon whlch has p�lority ovor Ihls Socurity Inatrument unlors� Dorrower: (a) agreQS in „ -
<br /> writin� to tno paymont o1 tho oblipatlon aocurod by iho li3n In e manner nccoptablo to Londor.(b)contoats in good tulth�he Ilnn _
<br /> by, or dotonds c►flulnnt entorcement o1 tho Iion In, logal proceodings whlch In tho Londor's opin�un operato lo provent the
<br /> nntorcement ot the Ilen; or (c) socures lrom tho holder o1 Iha Ilen nn agreernont sutisinctory to Lender subordinating the Ilen to
<br /> - � thlo Sc�curlty In3trumant. If Londer dotorminos thnl Any part o1 Iho Proporty Is eubJect to a Ilen whlch mny attaln prlodty ovar this
<br /> •� Security Insirument, Londer may glvo Borrower a notice Identliying tho Ilen. 8ortowor shall satlsly tho I�an or tnko one or mora o( �
<br /> the nctions set IoAh ebove within 70 days o1 tho fllvin4 ot notico.
<br /> 8. F669. Lendsr may collact toes and charges authodied by tho Secroteiy .
<br /> � 9. Qrounda tor Acceleration of D�bt.
<br /> (a) Default. Londer may, excopt as Ilmlted by roQulnAone Issued by tho Socrotary m tho case o1 paymenl delaults, -
<br /> requlre Immedlate payment In full oi all sums sacured by thls Securtry Instniment IL• • ��+'
<br /> � ,t_.^.r
<br /> (I) Bonower dotaults by faliing to pay In lull eny rnonthly peyment requlred by this Security Instrumont pdor to or on __�._
<br /> the due date o1 tho nexl monthly payment, �r -,}.r���
<br /> ,•,r:._.��
<br /> (iq Borrower delaults by talling,for a pedod ot ih(ity days, to pertortn eny other obligapons comelned in this Security - _ __
<br /> . ' Instrument. „^j�:��-
<br /> ' (b) Sale Wlthout Credit Approval.Lender shell, i1 permitted by epplicablo Isw (Including sectlon 341(d) of the __
<br /> Gam•St �ermaln Depository Institutlons Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701J-3(d)) and wlth ihe prlor approval of tho Secratnry,
<br /> b requlre tmmedlate payment In full of all the sums secured by thl�Sacurity Instrument II: �
<br /> � (I) All or part of the PropeRy, or a beneficlal Inlerest In e trust owning all or pert of the Property, is sold or „ � `'�
<br /> otherwise trensierred (other than by devise or descent),end t—
<br /> � —.-�
<br /> (Iq The Property Is not occupled by the purcheser or grentee as his or her prtnclpal rosldence, or tho purchaser or --
<br /> �� grantee does so occupy tho Property, but his or her cred(t has not been approved In eccardance wilh the �• �.��:_�^
<br /> d �'��
<br /> requirements of the Secretary, ,
<br /> ,r..:,, .
<br /> (C) NO WalVe�. If circumstances occur lhat would permit Lender to requlre immediate payment in full. but Lender „
<br /> �'. does not requlre such payments, Lender daes not wake its rlghts with respect to subsequent eventa. .��„�;
<br /> „ � . , (d) RegulBtlOnB ot HUD Secretary. In many Grcumstances regulations Issued by the Secretary wlll Ilmtt ;,: r
<br /> � � Lendero righta. in the case ot payment defaults,to requlre lmmedlate payment In tull and fornclose I� not pald. Thls .+� � ;:
<br /> Securlty In�uument does not authorize acceleration o►Ioreclosure If not permittod by regulatlona ot the Secretary. ;,, ��"
<br /> • ¢ (e) MoTtgage i�oi insureci. dorrower agrees inat ii[nis Saw�iiy ii�sfiurrszi srd t�� rla:� sss :�OI �CSpIm�RB�tO =
<br /> � be eliglble tor Insurence under the Natlonal Housing Aet within 90 d8ys from the date hereot, Lender r.
<br /> may, at its option requlre Immedlate payment In tu� oi ell sums secured by thls Secudty Inatrument. A w�itten atatement
<br /> ^ � of any authorized egPnt oi the Secretary dated subsequent to 90 da�8 from the date hereof, declining _
<br /> •� to insure ihls Secudty Instrument and the Note, shaN be deemed conclusive proof of such Inellgibliity. Notwkhstending _
<br /> the foregoing, this opUon mey not be exerGsed by Lender when the unavaliabllity a1 Insurance Is solay due to Lenders
<br /> .� tailuro to remlt a mortgage Insurance premlum to the Secretary. '�
<br /> - „ i.
<br /> � ' 10. Reinstetement. Bortower hao s rlght to be reinstated if Lender hae requlred Immedlate payment In full because of
<br /> _y, '
<br /> , , � Borrower's fallure to pay en amount due under tho Note or thts Security Instrument. Thls dght applles even after torecloaure _ ^
<br /> proceedinps are Institutad. To relnstate the Security InstNment, Borrower shell tender In a lump sum all amounts raqulred to
<br /> bdng Borrower's acaount current including, to the extent they ere obligations of Borrower under this 3ecurity Instrument, ��'-
<br /> � forectosure costs and reasoneble and customary ettomey's fees end axpenses property assoclated with the foreclosure _
<br />` """' ' .�i� � ' proceeding. Upon relnstatement by Borrower,this Securiry InsWment end the obligatlons thet R secures shail remafn in eHect as =-
<br /> �a �.. -
<br /> • • . it Lender had not requlred Immedlate payment In tull. However, Lender Is not requlred to pertnit relnstntement B: (I) Lender hes f
<br /> • '.'�� accepted relnstetement ufter the commencoment ot toreclosuro proceedings wlthln two yeare Immedlatety preceding the
<br /> �• • commencement ot a current foreclosure proceeding, (II) reinstatement will preclude toreciosure on difterent grounds In the tuture, w�
<br />�•" � or(fil)relnstatement wlll advaraely aflect the prlodtv ot tha�en created by thls Securtty Instrume�t.
<br /> _,. , _ �°--
<br /> „ .:... e.__�- —
<br /> --- -
<br /> w:----- -- -
<br /> `� ''� � 11. Borrower Not Reteased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver.Extenslon ot tne time o1 payment or =-
<br /> � s�� � modiflcatlon ot amortizntlon of the suma secured by thls Sewdty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In Interest of �,�--
<br />_r;,�.:Ta Y'�w����. ■-
<br />_ °`"",''" " Borrower shall not operate to release the Ilabiliry of the odgi�el Borrower or Bortower's succeasor In interest. Lender shall not be =_
<br />�"�' •,+,. ;. requlred to commenae proceedings against any successor in Interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlse modity —
<br />'`` ` • � � amortization of the aums secured by thls Securiry Instrument by reason oi any demand made by the odginal Bortower or -:�.-_� _ ,_
<br /> Borrower's succossora In Interest. Any forbearanco by Lender ln exercistng eny dght or remedy sheil not be a walver of or �'�'"""'"�==
<br /> ' , '� prec lu de t he exer c i se o f a n y r i g h t o r r e m e d y. � ''�'����:�
<br />-- , •'�e,-.r..3��f-�e,s;c",..
<br /> �� 12. Successors and Assigns Sound; Jolnt a�d Several Liabllity; Ca-signere. The covenants ana -� �Y<�
<br /> • � egreements of this Security instrument shall bind and benefit Ihe successors and assigns o1 Lender und 8orrower, subJect to the ;::,���;~�t��:: •p f.�`
<br /> � provislons of Paragreph 9(b). Borrower's covenents und agreements shail be Jolnt and sever�i. My Borrower who co-signs this :�:,�a, �n� _
<br /> T Securiiy Instrument but does not execute iho Note:(a) Is co•signing thls Security Instrument only to mortgage. grent and convey � �'"`'^�x���"
<br /> . thet Bortower's Interest In the Property under the terms of thls Security Instrument; (b) Is not personally obligated to pay the .:�'-=;i,f:
<br /> sums socured by thls Securtty Instrument: and (c) agreus Ihat Lender and any other Bortower may agree to extend. modify, - ••
<br />- • forbear or make any accommodatlons with regard to the term o(this Security Instrument or the Moto wlthout that Borrower's •• �
<br /> consent.
<br /> � � � � - -' 1.3. NOtiCee. Any notice to 8orrower provided Tor In Ihis Secunry instrument snaii ne givon oy tiriivminy ii 4i `vr i�ianiiy ii f .
<br />` . by flrst class mall unless applicable law requlres use of annther method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or t • , ,
<br />� eny other eddross Bon�ower doslgnates by notice lo Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mall to Lender's
<br /> addrass stated horeln or nny address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tor In this Security
<br />� Instniment shall be doomad to havo boen glven to Borrower ar Lender when ylven as provided in this paragreph. .
<br /> . � �4. C30V8IIllllg LBw; S6V81'8bflfty. Thls Security Instrument shall be govemod by Federal law end thA law oi tho �
<br /> Jurisdictlon in whlch the Property Is located. In the event thet any provislon or clnuse ot Ihi� Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> .. F5013.LM0 (9NG) Paqc ?of 5 �i
<br /> ..1 '
<br /> 97Pit ' .•
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