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<br /> 97�.U1432 �
<br /> Bocrawcr shnll also bc in dcfault if Borrower,during thc loan appllcntion process. gavc maecrially falsc or inaccuratc
<br /> informadon or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any materW informedon)in connection with the
<br /> , los�n evidenced by the Note� includIng, but not limited to, represcntations concerning Horrower's occupancy of the . „
<br /> � �. Property es e principal residence, If this Security Instrument is on a lcaseholci, Borrower shall comply with tha
<br /> provisions of the Ieasc. If Borco�ver acquires fce tidc to the Property, the leasehold and tce tide shall not iw merged
<br /> • � unless Lender ugrees to the mergcr in wrlting.
<br /> 6.CondemnAt(an.'Ihe proceeds of any award or clnim for damages.direct or consequential,in connecdon with , •�
<br /> any condemnedon or other taking of eny part af the I�nperty,or for canveyance in pla�e of condemnaflon,are hereby '-��..
<br /> asstgned end shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness thai remains nnpaid under the "���=`�=�_�
<br /> .., ,...,
<br /> IVate and this Securlty InstrumenG L.ender shaU apply such praceeds W the reducdon of the indeUte,�iness under the Note _„�:�.,_;-�
<br /> t and this Securiry Instrument,firsc to any dellnquent amaunts applied in the order provicled in paragraph 3.and then to �.;;,.�`--' °-
<br /> ' , pnpayment of principal.Any appllcadon of the praceeds to the pdncipal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the �_-
<br /> monthl a ments,which are referced to in h 2,or chen e the amount of such a mentv. An excess raceeds ' ��,��
<br /> Y P Y P�aP B P Y Y P
<br /> . over an unount requlred to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument shell be paid to
<br /> .. theenety legally en�tled thereto. �` --- -
<br /> 7. Charqes to Borrower ond Protection of Lender's Rights in tGe Property. Borrower shall pay all ���r - _
<br /> - governn�ental or municipal chtirges,fines and imposiuons that are not included in paragraph 2.Borrower shall pay these ��'��,_
<br /> ;� obligadons on time directly to ttie enHry which is owed the paymenG If feilure to pay would adversely affect Lender's �:,����—
<br /> interest in the Property, upon Lender's request Bonower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipis evidencing these ��'"''°°�
<br /> payments. ...�� --
<br /> �•' If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform eny other .i� •
<br /> covenonts end agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or there i.4 a Iegal proceeding that may significuntly
<br />_ affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a proceeding in banlauptcy,for condemnation or to enforce laws or '��
<br /> ��� �eguladons).then Lender mtiy do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's dghts
<br /> - -____-- _ in 1he Pm,nerty;ineluding��yment of ta�cev,ha�ard insurance and other itema mendoned in paragranh 2.
<br /> _ � Any amounts dlsbursed by I,ender under this paragraph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and ba ..
<br /> : secured by this 5ecurity Insirument 'Ihese arnounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement,at 1he Note rate, �
<br /> - and at tha opdon of L.ender,shall ba immerliately due end payable. _
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy discharBe any Hen which has prlority over this Securiry Insuument unless Borrower.(a)
<br />_� agrees in wridng to the payment of the obltaadon secured by the lien in a menner acceptable to Lendes;(b)contests in
<br /> • . , ' gaod faith tho IIen by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings whIch in the Lender's opinion � '
<br />- � , • operato to prevent the enforcement of the Hen;or(c}secures f�om the holder of the lien en agreement satisfectory to
<br /> "' I.ender subordinadng the lien to ihls Securlty InatrumenG If I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subjoct to - -._
<br /> "' '" ` a llcn whtch may nttain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a nouce idenrifying the lien. -
<br /> _ ... ..,:
<br />�T��� • .- Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the ac�ons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of aodce. .� �-"�"�
<br />'��''''� S.Fees.I,ender ma coUect fees and char es authorized b the Scsre
<br /> ";;:r;_s �s;,.,,. Y 6 Y �Y•
<br />=='�tw�.��. :,, ''• 9.Crounds tor Accekra�ion ot nebt. �_
<br /> . s_.. .;w �
<br /> :p•h:l7r!`•�- (a) Default.L�ender may, except as limited by reguladons issued by the Secretary, in the case of payment �-
<br />=°��i �N•.� ..
<br />_:., ' ,,;:-,., defaulta,require immedi�te payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment if: �:
<br /> r^> : , (i)Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full eny monthly payment requirerl by thls Security Instrument �
<br />='�-.��•..�� ��" prior to or an thc due dafe of the next monthly payment,or �
<br />- .�'�'- �. (ii)Bonower def�ulis by failing,fos a perioct of thlrty duys,w perfocm any other obligarions contauie�in 6 _ __ _
<br /> _ ..�Oi tlus Security Instrumen� p�. - _- _-
<br /> ��' ''�� (b)S�k WfWo�at Credit Approval.Lcnder sfnall,if permitted by appllcable law(including Secdon 341(d)of ���
<br /> """''"•°"� the Gam-St aermain Depository Insdwdons Act of 19&2, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))end wiU►the prior approvel of
<br />- .:.'��-"•, . the Secre P Y Y �Y
<br />-_-,�;��-:y°� tary,rcquire immcd3ate a ment ln fulli of tsll sums secumd b �his Securi Inswment if: -- _
<br />_.-�..,;,.. --
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