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<br /> of Borco�ver's covcnents nnd nIIreementv under �his Security Inswmcnt und the Nota For�his pua'�wse. Borrower
<br /> irrcvocably gronts and canveyy to tho Trustec,in wst,wilh powc:of s�le.the following descrit►ed propcny locatcd in
<br /> :. HALL Counry.Ncbrnska: •
<br /> �
<br /> WEST HALF OF L07C8 NINE (9) AND TEN (10) IN BLOCK EIaHT (8) IN PACK&R ' -
<br /> NEBRABKA, l�=`
<br /> ..}�`^-_-
<br /> �'s_r-- -
<br /> �. i�_�
<br /> . "h; _
<br /> 4 . �°_
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<br /> which has the 8ddr�ss of 1824 WEST 5TH STREET, CiRAND ISL�ND 1Sueec,Ci�y�, �'�-`�``'`�
<br /> =�'�`
<br /> � Nebraska B e a o i (ztp coae� ("Property Address"); �r_='- -
<br /> ''� 'PD(3ETHER WITH all the {m provements now or hereafter erectcd on the prop�ty, end ap easernents, � "`""�`!�
<br /> appiutenances and fi�tures now or hereafter a part of the property.All repls�cements and addidons shall also b8 covered a�•
<br /> '•�, by this Securlty Instrument All of the foregoing is refeaed to in this Securtty Instrument as the'Property.° " �F
<br /> r-� BORROWHR COVIINANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of thc estaus hereby conveyed and hav tha right to ; :3=
<br /> gmnt and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered,ea�cept for encumbrances of record. Bonower ��`
<br /> ' " � � warrants and will defend generaliy the tide to the Property against ell claims and demands,subJact to ez�y encumbrences ;'. _
<br /> of:�cortl. — �-
<br /> �,�,� TFIIS SECURITX INSTRUMHNT combines unlform cover.ents for nadonal uso and non•unifonn covenents with 4 �,c
<br /> r;�:� limited variations by jvaLsdiction to constitute a uniform security insuument covering mal propeity. M�
<br />_ �,
<br />_ Borrower enc�I.ender caveaant end agree av follows: �
<br /> . ;���
<br /> '`� ' ''''` � 1.Wyment of Pr[nclpstl,Interest und Lote Charge.Borrower shall pay when due the principal of,and interest
<br /> :w`, .
<br /> ,�
<br />_.. :. on.the debt evidenced by the Note nnd Iate charges due under the Note.
<br />°:��;�v��•��••,�� r 2.Mont6ly PAyment ot Taxes,Insurance and Ottter C�arges.Borrower shall include in each monthly payment,
<br /> ��%'•����'�' � together wIth thc principal and int�rest s�.s set forth in tha Nate and any late charges,a sam tor (a)ta�ce.g and special ��r'`�"
<br />-y.:�,_.y
<br /> .�.,,..
<br />-�JLV.;K; •
<br /> �;,,,,=�s asscssments levied or to be levted ageinst the Property,(b)Icasehold payments or gowtd renta on the Pcoperty,an c
<br /> :.�a::Pr�-+�
<br /> �_.�__ premiums for insurnnce required nnder paragreph 4. In any year in which the Lender must yay a mortgage insauence
<br /> '����."�Y. premlum to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development("Secretery"), or 1n eny yearin which suchpremfum
<br />- ''�'"'" ''' would have i�een r uired if Y.endcr sti�l held the 5ecurity Instrument,each monthl a ment shall also include either:(i) -
<br />;a,`;.. ,,..; �9 Y P Y __.
<br />_;��.:- �"� a sum for the annual morigag�insw�ance premium w be pvd by Lender to the Secretary.or(ii)a ixnonthly chasge insteatd �;�:=;
<br /> o,�'�'"'�''� of a mortgage insnrance gremlum if this Security Instrument ls held by the Saxetary.in a teasonable amaunt to be F%;;:�
<br /> • :;...:; .: ' _-.-
<br /> �-•�;���^=.. , determin�ad by tha Ser�retery. Sacept for the montlily chcuge by the Secntary,these items are cAllerl"fiscrow Items"arnd �_ --.__� . _ .. ..._ __
<br />-::�;=;:�.;_=.� [he sums paid to Lcnder ere uuted"Esc:row FunJs.° �;:
<br /> =3+e��` Lender may.at nny dme,collect and hold amounts foz Escrow Items in an aggregat�e am�unt rtot to cxceed the ` _ _
<br /> :.a r• ..
<br />=,-:��--..:�-.�` maxunum amount that muy be requtrcd for Bonower's escrow account under the Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act F-
<br /> -'�''�=`-r'`"`� �� of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et se end im lementin re uladons,24 CFR Fart 3500.u the ma be azraended ���
<br />�,,;,�;;- 4• P 8 8 Y Y
<br />- ,.-;''�"''��' from ti�ne w time("RESPA"),except that the cushion or reserve pr.rmittecl by RfiSPA for unond�ipated disburseanents "'='�
<br />�.;;.;,
<br /> . •�.._�
<br />_;z � nr disbursements bcfore the Bonower's paymenis are available in the account may not be bs�cd on runounis due tor the
<br /> mortgage insurance premium. '�����-
<br />___
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