„?” �7r,e rs./`x"� . - _+�: - - �w��i1�� � ` . - — . -
<br /> , � -": ' -_ ..
<br /> �� . . . . _ �'r _ a . ---
<br /> . . - • _�____
<br /> , �,. . _ - - - - - - --
<br /> ._. . ..-
<br /> - �
<br /> ,. . . .- -�����.�.;�. -
<br /> . .,•,. ,. .__ .�._: - ..� ...�____...._ .._
<br /> �.._ __ . , '.
<br /> . . „ ._. � ��.s�:� - - ..,�._ _ --T� _
<br /> , � j � . }• , • ;. , _ —
<br /> - - - � :�...�s,._�- _�_ . ` _ -�
<br /> .. _ . . � < '. . . f„L.� . ..
<br /> .. _
<br /> _ ..,... <' '
<br /> — _ . . - k« � �i= '• �
<br /> .. - ' - . ., .. � . ' • �' ` . '-'� i.� ' tL � . �.—
<br /> . • � � � . _ .. . . ,�� c.. . . :. ,. �i- �� • .. . �. _ -=-
<br /> . . . .. - . � -.��08�25(j -, - - --�.���-
<br /> _. _�_ , . - . __�_�..�;--,� - -
<br /> s -_- -._. _ ....�,___
<br /> � ::�.��...._
<br /> - '— - - --- - Ii i�nder Y+eguusd matp�e auunaoe a a aonditiaa at mat�in j tbe laau�saciu+od by ttas Security Inurumait.-- - � '� --
<br /> ' ' ' Borra�rsr sball pa►y tbt prsntiums:equired w n�intaia tlie iawranee in el�ect unti!sucb time ss the teqnirement tor tiio
<br /> . .
<br /> �_:_�
<br /> ' ��;` insnranaeterminuesinaoco�ance�ritbHor�n�rer'saadL�der's�rnttena,�taantaton irabkiaw. _
<br /> _ -,�._ - - — - - - - - g�ap�rt -
<br /> _ �� ,. ._ _ _ -i. I�s�etio�. I.ender or�fs sEeat may mifie r�aaaBie��►n and i�p�oeta�s of ttte :Lca�e� -.- . - '� - -
<br /> "{,::
<br /> y �,�.
<br /> � " s-a`4,-.: � �, { .
<br /> _ ,i�-x;�_ _sb�tl�e$orruveraotioeatthetumeofapriorto�niasncetianspecitSria6reasonabbcauseforthoit�spo�.�tion __ � �.�`: _ -
<br /> -;��, ' .,,�':= 9 Co�ia�ntia�. Tlx proceods of any i�vud or cLim for damaaes.di�t or ooasaquentia1.in ooaiioet'an�ritii . ` .
<br /> . - �> any oandemnarioa or odxr tal�iag of any put of tbo Propeny,or for conveyana in lieu of«�nndeawtion,ue 6er�eby
<br /> . .��_ ;� ' �. deaw , _ '' '
<br /> aisiEnodandshallbepaidtol.ender. L "'�" _
<br /> -a:_�:_,,_ . `..;�;.`•... . . -
<br /> '• .�;-..i�..�,ti - ' la tlie evmt of a total taking�the Prope�ey.tt►e praads shAU be applieA eo ehe suu�s sccurod by this Security . _ _
<br /> .'` °��;�,.-:.,:+x;- Instrument,�rLetLer or oot tba�du��itt�attg aucess p�id ro Batrowrer.Ia t1u evmt oia partial taking of the Property, �;� .. . . .
<br /> ..�_f�:�.. f.r .
<br /> =- �:�,��,.. ualas Bo�rowa and LeQder otFiawise agra in wrUitta.tke sums socarod bY t�s Soewi�S►Instrument ahall 6e reduced by �{� . . . .
<br /> S ` . d ' ", tLe aa�ount of the pmvoods mnitipt'sod by tUe foltavrnag fsacKio�:(s�tbe total amamt af the sums secured immediateiy . .
<br /> �_- '�;;;. y,, : `� ���dividod by(b)tFt�t fair�aar�CeE vak�cof t�Pc�ap�ty iraraediatdg 6efoc't cbe talcing.Any 6�nce shali 6e �' : .
<br /> � �..' '
<br /> � �� � tf�e pmpa�y u abandoned 6y Borrm�er,or�.aRer noticc by Latder to Bormwer thsE;fr�amdamror o�as ta " -
<br /> y � . .
<br /> `-: mafceanawaMorsettleaclaimfordamages,Bar�owerfa7storapoc�dtQI.enderwitbin30dagsa�sthedatsthenoaceis �cT
<br /> '' given.�4nder"santhorizedtocoUectaad�spigsbeprocmds.atitsoptiore.eittr4rtorataratia��-"�air•ofEbePcopert�►or '��;���.� y �:
<br /> ' � +. WtLesumssecured6ythisSecutityla�i��rltttLtro[noEttundt[c , ; :� �;;�`� ` ^ r''�r� ,,-.,
<br /> �`� '� :r.� „ � tJntasl.enderartd�s�o�verot�c�i.sesgain�sitin8 anYaPoPlicationofpcoceu�.4td,��,�nqq!''i�sl�f�et esttrid�. '.:.;;:���`� ��`'����� � `'`�:
<br />_ .¢trati � t . . `7- f:�,� - �yn�.�'+�,� . .�����.-.
<br /> �{�":t�4,�t` , :•j�tpone ibe due date af�e mir�i:tltt9 PsYr�aiu referrad ta in puagtaphs 1 uW 2.qi'���,.y��tls!.�is�r,r�,,:i�t t�Y�ts. �`1� � r`�� �
<br /> � . �y C4?e e[l�� 1: � � � i 'ti 10 Honowet',1Tv�R,�F�'��ri0t��1�i�f•i'•,��'i�!�����.�'`S771d1t Oi ;:�(�:t''tir•�h4'F'.� l
<br /> �"� ''y;,`�Q��1�}'� 1l'
<br /> � � .����odiGcadoa of amortuati'ri+i'bi the surns secured`by this SecuritY Instrumta���.;�'�ffm���9��g,�uip�essor iu �c.���<<. � _-
<br /> ' ' �7;,; A :. �; :k;.'�intc�st of Bonowa shall aot opaate to r�ease tl�e liability of the original Bo��uy�;Ws��',�s���m inureat. ��•�'�}��•� �> _
<br /> .- _.�_.. ..:_. c� .s, . Le+,der shal!Rot be cequirod to commence proceed'mgs again�t sng sueeessor.a�s:.` �i,v�::,�;e ta aaaod cime for . `=-����•`.-�--,,.;
<br /> -r.� � , .�–
<br /> , ':'-'''�?' ;�s:;.;�•'�;'�' Pal�mt aratbervr�i5e modify amorcization of thesums secured by ihis Securitq i�rsl�i.i�i:.�'ti�on ofany danand made 3t�;,�,y,� <%;`:�%—
<br /> y `�''' .,{r?t',�4,��s.-�
<br /> : . ; , by tbe original8orroseror Boaoxra s successois in intenest.Any forbearanreb���ttr•_ea�ising any riSht or remed �<;:.:. �.-z
<br /> _•:' ," shallnatbraaaiveroforpra�ludetLeexerciseofanyrightorremedy. - - - ���=`�;;��s��{� }��
<br /> ``,ii� ,i1, . _ .:;. c . F ,�I�,e�'�
<br /> . �M Assi�s Bsi�JoLt a�d Serea! . .� ��.�:,;`;,,��;. 4
<br /> ��,ti , � � U. 5#�oacas L3�bAit�'' ,. •';L'i���snts aad agrcemrnts of . ����';s:;},L,�.i'i��c L��_:
<br /> ' � ,Co�' rae�tiza R"� j
<br /> i�9 , • • +�� �`�_ �hisSec'ue���in�trumentsballbiadaac�i�'atthesucc�sorsandass�sofi.enduaiit�t3v�r•�a�sabjecttotheprovisions-•. ��`� � .t�,Iss��;:'_
<br /> � th � .
<br /> 1 .;��� ; t� ;' � :�'�is�garagi�,��7'$ocrowar'scovenancs��ma�tsshallbe,joiat'q^'.nifseveral.Any.BoYc�'r��oco-signsthisSocur�r � � '���t"�t�sx_
<br /> � ;�� ���'.� :Yps�rument iiut daes not execute the I�Tiat��fa)is co�8 this Security Insuument only to i�oitga8e,grant and canve� �• `.' r��.g�°+�
<br /> . ��`� -
<br /> �tMa`t Bommva's intaest in the Propaty iau�the ter�;of this Security lnstrumeatc�js)is not pctsonally o�Iigiixtl.ta pay , i . ; t
<br /> au �` _�'.
<br /> ' � � �tbe sums sa�ured by this Secudty Instr�c?tr�t:and fic➢agrces that Lender and aay�i,aJ�a Bairawer may agne�excmd: f =;�� �::„y
<br /> � � ` � modi!'y.forbcar or zuake aay.accvmrs��Q�TM�s with regard to the tennc oP this S�a.�irri�-:�s�3 or the Note witbout f �', . '�' `% �'`�
<br /> _ ;! u ..«s:�.
<br /> - ---- ;i� �� tdatBorrowersconsent. ` :�•.:, ':._,'.. .;,•,:,,,.;�.� _---.F:;,?;�t�� ',
<br /> -- �fl`' � 12. Laa�CMt�. lf the loau.�red by this Security Instrument is subs�Gs a.;�?���ith sets m�aimum laan • ` �-
<br /> _ � - r s o t h a t t&e�a t e r e s s o r o t h e r toan d s�C��.1��or to be collected in �':<J: ,.� . _
<br /> ---_ .-. char a and that Taw is fiaaZl int �ted __ _ --�'_�
<br /> -(:�7;�.7_._ __r •_
<br /> . e � r ...;-F ��.:.
<br /> >> , ��•s connection with the lo�n e�.:eed the permitted limits.then:(a)any such Ioan c�i�.siT.�,'t b�reduced by the amount ��;�,:,���• •: _L.:..
<br /> �i� ��,.�_'�f: � . ��
<br /> �`.,_�f`�.. ' �.�;s`z � necessary to reduce the charge to the pec�iued limit;and(b)any sums already ecile�te��+rar�t�.orrower which exceeded , , ., ;�;;,F���:f�.
<br /> '.i:,;?�•: ' z�r�`: permiueA-tsr:�s wiQ be refunded to 16o�u�r..LeR¢er may cl�aoce t�make ihis rePuna s�.�aii�iag the principai awod i . :� ;�,�E�_�
<br /> '�? ..;���� ' � '�°y y g �-a�ea};i�i3ymawer.Jfar�s�duces nnci al.thesodi�ctionai116etreatedasa , � • f`��"
<br /> ,, . � under ihe liate or b makin a dircct p ' p .
<br /> ,�,. nial a erna7thautany re�E��?��€:��r : un�a-�;se:�tot�••" , ,�,�<;,-
<br />'.�` �'• r.:.���� ' � Pa PfeP S� P �' .. j
<br /> , }?;!�. :,,..... •. � ' 13 I.eg�sladoe:�ec�ee�L��:i�1�-'...-1"f��nactment or eapiraticux,of aRpticable laws has the effut of � �'i•�s�;s;,.
<br /> ;;-.",`.'.,r ,� z .. :�'��.,:_.
<br /> j •. < <�,«,,,.:.. � �;� � renderinganyprorisio�aftfix�nlateacjti�,;!��,u�.���i�.�cmentunenforceabteaco'GitS3i:�IP11S�CiRlh.lender.ar:irs�ption, , �,,
<br /> . ' ��'�;.�, • .�i,�.F inay require immediat.pajanr.�n�in`�"u.�;k�±�t`'s::l tiums secured by this Se�.vnty In�spr*:ent and may imoke aay remcdies ' �%r3:i:�;;, =
<br /> � � � i.t:-.,;,:, itted b ara ti I9.1i'Lertderer.,�ii�ses this o tion,Lertder�hall take the�$n ypecified in the second paragraph of � x{i;��%-%�T;
<br /> ; , ?;,. P� Y C SraP , , P ; �; ,,�:�,
<br /> � . ',��,r�r� a a h17. �. ; �j t�,r..
<br /> �.�:,..
<br /> �:�;,��� P�' 8� P . ; "t �r,�
<br /> � •±��,;r.��5`� 14. Notkes. �n noucr tc��orrbwer rovided for in thi�Sccuriry lnstruiu��shall be i�en b defi�xrin �t or b e�• " `"''"''''�
<br /> ,, :;:?�i. '..,�� :. r e;. �� P r S ' Y 8 y x:.'.:i.',/;':,. ts'i ����,',��,f s'
<br /> �'�-��f :�'"°.• °`�� mailing it by flnt class'raaiT.urttess a licabte law re uires use of another trr�'�-.?he natice�hall be dire.-ted to the ` ,;.<";';,�`>f if�jt±=;,<�� F<<
<br /> -"`''�. .���s?� � Pra Addreas ot an other ad Rorroacr Qesiq tr�b•na�ice to Lek��Itrs notice tn Lender shall Fie vrn b f;�.�;,�`;;`l%1;;��'<.SHV,:r,,f�':
<br /> � P�S } �` ��� $� S Y F� Y f;: ..:�. �r;t r��.�s. �
<br /> '' ^�'yf�Y�` fITStCI8SS1Il�i.alf;'a�aLender'tiaddress�l�`1s.reinoranyothrraddr�..���enderQes,�i�zie�bynoti�tnHnrrower.Anynotice :•.�. <<�;��'�`;���."5t�''��;�f�'��,r��:`;r.�:f'��.
<br /> .`,-(�t+, - ' ' ,,-!yn�r;•, �. . �:-�;;,y�'�:�s;.�,;;�:
<br /> ,�.?.;• --- ,-_4�;5��:,.. pravidedfr'tr�thisSecuritylnslrumenc:st;�,!lbedeemcdtohave6�i��i�•entc�f�arroaer�rLeaderarhengive�taspro�ide� - ' •rt,��••:;�;�y)�,�
<br /> - < <....�,r�,, inthisparagiaph. �.', .,� ,.: ,,:r,;�r,�;.,x,,..
<br /> : fi y,��
<br /> �' .;•. 13. Cotereiag l�w;Serer�6�ety. Thi�Scrucit�In�trumer�c��:nEE bC g�+-•vrned b�•Pcvier:�l law an�i�ie;l�.vc•of the t;a,+;
<br /> • • ' '';y.��,;'' . :�'jurisdiction in which the Pruperty is tacste�. !n the��u�ha[any p<<.r.isian�a;�4fau�e uf thr�Sccumy/nttni��nt or the , ' • ,
<br /> - 's• �•� Nate canflicts with applicable lavr,scrct��nfnct shais ni�t sffect c+tli�s�ru�i+iau�of�hiti S�ursiy ln.rtrumem ar thr�iate 1• •. �;!;�
<br /> .�;•, :: ,
<br /> _ ''i�:;• ; which can be g��•en effect without t6�iw»fli�::ting pravicion.7o thi4�rhe�+r.ni,nms af thi4�n-urits Inst�ument and the i
<br /> . . . . . . � "'`'{`r1. .• r:�: :. - ` � � .
<br /> � �•�:� Natearedectaredtobeseverable. �
<br /> , ' �`' �` ''�'''�� 16 8orrower's_Copy Borrc�w►(:.�shal!be gi�en unc r�+rifi+mtrd crpy of chel�ute and of�hiti Sucunty lnctrumeat. �
<br /> , • �`'"'��'' 17. Traesfer af tfie Piroperty or a Heaeficial Iaterrs1 tn�torruNer. if aJl«r any{an of the Property nr any �'
<br /> � ;•. • , •
<br /> ,, i, intere�t in i�i�wld or transferred(ar if e bcncficial�nterc�t m Hunuw•cr is.ol0 rsr transfrrrcd und Hurrna•e�i�not a n�tural ' _
<br /> � � ` :� � , � personl withaut lxnder ti paur written c��n`ent.Lcnder aiay.at�t��+pitnn.rcyuue�mmcvliate pa}��nent tn full af all�um� i ,
<br /> ' � s�ecured by this Securny 7ntitrument. Huwe�rr.Ih���s�+ti��n tihall nnt N:exeu��rd hy l.�r�dir if e�errite i�proh�b�t4vl by
<br /> � � ! � " � foderalla�a�ofihcdateafthi�Scrudtytmtrumcnt. t�� .
<br />`_;,:, ., �
<br /> '�- ° If Lender e�rrct�es�h��apti�m.l.ender+huU g»e Hurruw•cr nuf icr of ucceterauon "I hr r�t��tcr.hall pru��dc a{+�ite�d •
<br /> � �` . �fnatfessth:�n30daysfromthedatethenatire�sdelncrcd��rmaitcvlNUhm.�h�chlk•naHrrmu.t�syrii.um�.�tiuredhy
<br /> • � . thi�Security lnstrumrnt.lf&r�rnwer fuitti tu pay th���um�pnnr ta thr cnpv:+fi�m�+f�h����tt+x1.1 cn�irr m�}�n��.ke:iny ,
<br /> ' , remed�es permttted by this 5ecuney Insirument w�thuut furthcr��i�Nre��r dcrnand on H��tr��N'er. �
<br /> . _. �' _. �- ts.Sorrower's Right tuReb�ci�e. IflMm�v►er mee�.certxin cund�uum.Hfitfl�lYM�M:1U}IJ�I'IIIC itLI11 I1i t�a�•e
<br /> ' � ��'��';��'�. enforcrment of this Secutity Instreime+st Jiscantmued et any lu�:c pnrr to the eariter n!:(al S J:�y�t�+r�ucM E�thcr�tuui r� '
<br /> �:�" appl�cabtc lew may s�ecify fur reim4it�.�nenti t+eforr�!e��f thr Pro�rrrt}punuans t���ny p�wer af.ralr«�ntaincvi u�th�. ti�,
<br /> �yt Securit�Instrumrnf:ur(bF entr�•�£,:�;udgmem er.forcmg thi.5ecunty Inmtrumrnt.'Ih�nr�nnJiti�+n�arr ttwl I3�+ttuNer: '
<br /> ' � ' (9)Qays I.ender aIl tiuretc atricR the�:'w¢Wd t+c due under this 5ecurit} Imtrument and tEce I�ute had nn�c�Ylrr.tlit+n � , ,
<br /> . •; oecurnd:(b)cure+u.�y drfuult ut a+s�i�ther cn�enants nr agr�ements;lr►pa}�alE e�pen.�inrucred m cnfnrcln�thir• �
<br /> ' ... . 5ecunty tastnuaea4�A+:Iuding.S�sti no1 fimii@d in,teasoneblr attomeys tee�:;u�d tay r�1c�sw:h:�u.aa:�i.en�er may . ��``
<br /> 1
<br /> t .
<br /> ._.'—."� �-�.^''—"'__"'�:.__".�._ . _ . .. . . . . .._"� • ."_'.' '._:...v__..__...
<br /> . . :.::'.;�..
<br /> . rrawnably require to as.wre tba.f�ke�Gen of this�euirify inarnment.l.eader°s'nghis ia�tf�r Propreiny snd Burrowrr''s i.,.
<br /> oblig,ation to pay t6e sums.sd�ustr�6y this Sea�tils tastrumeat s4�aii ronnnur uacha�agecL L'pon ceuuiairment by !`:�
<br /> � gntrawer.this Senuil��asiivmenc aad th�o6liga�.secc�ucd hereby sl�ali cemai�f f uUy effe�.-hvr as cf ao aa:�aratron h� i;%-
<br /> ; ,.� .
<br />'•' ' ' � - accurradHaa�ever,tbi�t�gh�icicconst�tesl�llQata�piymthew�seagacceleraha�c.uadrtpara�pbs.t�ur1'7.
<br /> � . .k . . _ - _ - - --
<br /> ,-
<br /> , .. _ .
<br /> � r , . � - ' :
<br /> .;.,, , � •'
<br /> pt.; ,, .,.
<br /> ;�y,. ,..,,
<br /> ;, � , , :
<br /> . ;,
<br /> .r �s4.. . • _
<br />